Peskov: Putin has already voiced its position on the matter.

Peskov: Putin has already voiced its position on the matter. ARKHANGELSK, March 30. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has already voiced its position on the case of Director Oleg Sentsov, who was convicted of the attempted terrorist attack in the Crimea. This drew the attention of the press Secretary head of state Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the film Director Alexander Sokurov at the presentation of film awards “Nika” on waiting for a response from the President regarding the fate of this prisoner. “The essence of the answer (Sokurov on Sentsov) contained in the relevant statement of the President”, — said Peskov. Putin at a joint meeting of the Council for culture and arts and the Russian language Council 2 December 2016 in St. Petersburg, when asked about the fate of Sokurov Sentsov, said that “we live in a legal state, and questions of this kind should be dealt with by

Peskov has specified the timing of “straight line” Putin

Peskov has specified the timing of “straight line” Putin The President of Russia Vladimir Putin will hold a “straight line” in 2017 late April, but before August. This was stated press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov in a briefing Thursday. Previous “straight line”, during which the head of state answered questions of Russians, was held on 14 April 2016. “Direct line” of Vladimir Putin’s annual TV program, in which the President answers the questions of Russia’s population. In 2008-2011, when Putin was Prime Minister, the program was called “a Conversation with Vladimir Putin. The sequel”.

Zakharov: flirting Poroshenko with radicals led to the current situation in Ukraine

Photo: RIA Novosti The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko for a long time flirted with the radicals, which led to the current situation in the country. This was stated by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova in the broadcast of “60 minutes” on TV channel “Russia-1”. “Unfortunately, flirting and some attempt to go on about the radicals, that showed the President of Ukraine, led to today’s results,” Zakharova was quoted by RIA Novosti. In her opinion, currently, it is unclear who has more influence in the country. “The question is open: does the influence of the President of Ukraine to what is happening in his country? Who dictates who will? The law, the government, representatives of the state, or the radicals and nationalists, illegal armed groups, who now represents the government in Ukraine?” — said Zakharov. As said the official representative the Ministry of foreign Affairs, Russian

Putin commented on the recent anti-corruption rallies

Putin commented on the recent anti-corruption rallies Moscow. March 30. INTERFAX.RU — Russian President Vladimir Putin against the use of protests by political forces “for self-promotion” on the eve of election campaigns. “I personally advocate that the fight against corruption was always in the focus of public attention, and always positively perceived attention from the people to these problems,” — said Putin, speaking at the Arctic forum. “The only thing I think is wrong: if someone, some political forces are trying to use for their own selfish interests this tool is not to improve the situation in the country, and for self-promotion in the political arena on the eve of some political events, including election campaigns in the country”, — said the President of the Russian Federation. Putin also noted that recently in Russia the problem of corruption has become smaller and people in the country see it. The detention

Putin expressed readiness to meet with trump in Finland

Putin expressed readiness to meet with trump in Finland Russian President Vladimir Putin said he was ready to meet with the President of the United States Donald trump on the sidelines of the Arctic summit in Finland, reports TASS. “Finland, in my opinion, a very appropriate country, Helsinki is a very suitable platform for the organization of such events”, — said Putin to a question. The President stressed that such events should be well prepared “on both sides”. “If that happens, we will be happy to participate and I’ll be glad to participate in this event. If not, well, then, in the ordinary meetings of this kind at the summit (in Germany in July of this year), I think that such a meeting (U.S. President) may be held,” — said the Russian leader. Earlier, Prime Minister of Finland, Juha Sipilä said about the readiness to organize a meeting of presidents

Putin spoke about the attitude of Russia to the USA

Putin spoke about the attitude of Russia to the USA ARKHANGELSK, March 30 — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia refers to the United States as a superpower, which wants to establish partnerships, and all “the rest is lies and fabrications”. “We perceive and treat the United States as a superpower with which we want to establish very good partnerships. All the rest is lies and fictions against Russia and provocations. All of it is used for the domestic American agenda,” said Putin during the International Arctic forum. “That’s what? This anti-Russian card is played in the interests of certain political forces within the United States. To raise, to consolidate their own positions within the United States,” — said the Russian leader. Putin noted that public opinion polls show that the US has a lot of friends of Russia.

In the U.S. Senate presented a first oral report on the investigation in Russia

Photo: Reuters A special Senate intelligence Committee in the U.S. Congress continues to investigate reason attributed to Russia’s interference in the electoral political processes in the United States. The Chairman of the Committee Republican Senator Richard Barre has confirmed this to reporters, which was the first oral report on the investigation in Russia. On the question of whether there are already some results, he said that “to draw conclusions now would be madness”. “News investigation charged seven professional staff of the Committee, already-vetted” to work with secret information, he said. “They received thousands of pages of documentation and reviewed a considerable part of them,” said the Senator. According to him, prior to the completion of the examination of documents “stay a week”. Another thing is that, as warned, Barre, and requested additional documentation. According to the Chairman of the Committee, to testify already invited 20 people. For five of them

Putin and Medvedev showed a piece of the Soviet plane TB-3 that crashed in the Arctic

Photo: The press service of the President of Russia The President of Russia Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev visited the Museum exhibition of the National Park “Russian Arctic” in the Land of Franz Joseph. During the tour, the Prime Minister and the President spoke about the habits of living in the archipelago, polar bears and walruses, and also showed a number of exhibits, ranging from the wreckage of coast-dwellers to artifacts from the secret German weather station during the great Patriotic war. Putin and Medvedev got acquainted with the piece of skin Soviet plane TB-3 that crashed on the Land of Franz Joseph. The Prime Minister offered to restore the aircraft as no one from 818 released copies of TB-3 to the present day have not survived.

Siluanov commented on the decision of the London court of the debt of Ukraine

Photo: RIA Novosti Russia intends to take any further action to recover the amount of money which Ukraine owes for undertaken obligations. Such statement as transfers RIA Novosti, made in interview to TV channel “Russia 24” Finance Minister Anton Siluanov, commenting on the decision of the High court of London in the case of Ukraine’s debt to Russia on Eurobonds for $ 3 billion. According to the Minister, the amount of obligations of Ukraine is more than three billion dollars. The interest that has accrued since unpaid, will also be taken into account in the final amount to be claimed from the Ukrainian side. Siluanov expressed confidence that the appeal of Ukraine on the debt of $ 3 billion to be considered as objective, as the Russian claim in a London court. “As far as we know, the Ukrainian side intends to appeal to the court of Appeal in London.

The media “revealed the secret” photos of the trump surrounded by men

The media “revealed the secret” photos of the trump surrounded by men MOSCOW, March 30 — RIA Novosti. The Western media trying to explain why the official photos of trump, which publishes the White house, the President is often surrounded by white men, writes The Independent. Journalists drew attention to the images of Vice President of the United States Michael Pence on Twitter, which he made during a discussion of health care reform — all they lacked were women. It seemed to reporters especially strange since during the discussion raised the issues of maternity care for pregnant women and newborn children, according to the article. Appreciated joining @POTUS for meeting with the Freedom Caucus again today. This is it. #PassTheBill — Pence Vice President (@VP) March 23, 2017 As The Independent reminds that the official frames where trump last winter signed the decree, and no ladies, although in the