Peskov: Russia’s Relations with the United States is worse than during the cold war

Peskov: Russia’s Relations with the United States is worse than during the cold war Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said in the program Good Morning America that Russian-American relations are currently worse than during the cold war. He explained that under the unfriendly actions of Washington, he, in particular, refers to the expulsion of Russian diplomats and the measures against the property of the Russian Federation in the USA, adopted under the previous US administration. He called the confiscation of Russian property in the United States, subject to the conditions of diplomatic immunity, “capture”, unprecedented in international diplomatic practice for “many decades” and running counter to international law. At the end of December 2016 was the most massive since the cold war, a one-time exclusion from the U.S. to Russian diplomats in response to the alleged Moscow’s intervention in the presidential election campaign persona non grata

The Kremlin responded with Sokurov on request Sentsov

Photo: RIA Novosti Response of the Director Alexander Sokurov on the Ukrainian Director Oleg Sentsov, Russian President Vladimir Putin gave still on December 2 at a meeting of the Council on cinematography. This was reported by press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, reports “Interfax”. In the statement of the President, he said, contained the essence of the answer. At the time of awarding the prize “Nika” March 28, Sokurov said that waiting for a response from the President concerning its request to release Sentsov. In December he addressed with this request to the President. Vladimir Putin then said that Sentsov convicted not for their beliefs or work, and for terrorist activities. “We must proceed from the fact that we live in a legal state, and questions of this kind should be dealt with by the judicial system,” the President said.

Ugra proposes to develop the traditional sports of indigenous peoples of the North

Photo: Kommersant The initiative to establish a permanent Advisory Board on traditional sports of indigenous peoples of the North was made by the head of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous district (Yugra) Natalia Komarova of the North. At the meeting of governors — members of the nonprofit organization and the forum in Arkhangelsk, Komarov said that in June, Ugra will host a meeting of regional coordinators of the Northern forum. “This period coincides with the holding of international competitions in rowing oblakah — traditional Siberian boats. These competitions are devoted to the ancient Ugra worship the water spirit. We can go further in the development of national sports and to conclude a Memorandum between the world society etnosporta and the organization of the Northern forum”, — said Komarova. She noted that the national sports are the Foundation of the culture and identity of indigenous peoples. “We must do everything for the development

The defense Ministry is not going to abandon conscription

Photo: RIA Novosti In the foreseeable future, the defense Ministry will not abandon the call to military service, reported Thursday in the Public chamber the head of the appeal of the Russian General staff, Colonel Alexei Knyazev. “I would like to note that, despite the increase in the number of contract servicemen in the armed forces, in the foreseeable future we are not going to abandon conscription,” — said Knyazev held in OP forum “I Serve Russia”. He also drew attention to the fact that the war office pays close attention to the state of health of recruits. “Compared with 2012, the number of conscripts and fit for the passage of health increased by 8%. This trend indicates an increase in the number of young people leading a healthy lifestyle”, — said the representative of the Ministry of defense. In addition, he informed the audience that last year on alternative

The Senator reported on the preparation of a bill to limit the time of operation of hypermarkets

The Senator reported on the preparation of a bill to limit the time of operation of hypermarkets According to Sergei Lisovsky, the document suggests, in fact, the elimination of 24-hour shops. MOSCOW, March 31. /TASS/. The first Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on agrarian and food policy and nature management Sergey Lisovsky announced the development of a Parliament of a draft law limiting the time of operation of hypermarkets in Russia. We have already prepared amendments (to the law “On trade” — approx. TASS): this constraint works on weekends. Saturday — 4 PM, Sunday — does not work at all, and on weekdays until 9 PM, no 24 hour hipermarketler Lisovskiy Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on agrarian and food policy and environmental management Lisowski said that the bill will be introduce during the autumn session of Parliament. According to him, the document aims to support

Dmitry Medvedev submitted the Declaration on incomes for the year 2016

Dmitry Medvedev submitted the Declaration on incomes for the year 2016 Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev in accordance with the law filed an income tax return for the year 2016, reported the press-Secretary of Prime Minister Natalya Timakova. According to the law, senior civil servants must annually before April 1 to submit declarations of their income, and the income of wives/husbands and minor children. These data shall be published after being checked, about two weeks after the expiration of the filing period. In 2015, the Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev was declared one of the most modest incomes to the government (approximately 8,77 million roubles). He lost the only head of Ministry of transport Maxim Sokolov (about 6.2 million rubles), the Minister of natural resources Sergey Donskoy (about 6.2 million rubles) and the head of the Ministry Nikolai Nikiforov (5.8 million rubles). Data on the income of Prime

Venezuela’s Parliament stripped legal rights

Venezuela’s Parliament stripped legal rights The Supreme court of Venezuela has assumed legislative rights, depriving them of a local Parliament — the National Assembly, the majority of which belongs to the opposition. Critics have called the action of the Supreme court coup and started talking about the establishment of a dictatorship in the country. Yesterday, the Supreme court of Venezuela has deprived the National Assembly legislative rights. Legislative law went to the Supreme court that support President Nicolas Maduro. Judges of the Supreme court of Venezuela are appointed by the National Assembly for 12 years, so most of the current judges were appointed by the previous composition of the Parliament, then dominated by Pro-government deputies. Many have called this action a coup d’etat, including the President of the National Assembly of Venezuela, Julio Borges. It is a dictatorship, and a revolution. The world must help us and raise the alarm.

Crimeans received an extra weekend

Photo: In Crimea, four weekdays declared a holiday. The corresponding order was signed by the head of the region Sergey Aksenov. On it informs Agency “Interfax”. Non-working holidays on the Peninsula in 2017 will be April 17 in connection with the celebration of the resurrection of Christ, June 5, in connection with the day of the Holy Trinity, June 26 in connection with the Eid al-Fitr and on September 4 in connection with the celebration of Eid al-Adha. All four days have on Mondays.

Rogozin was indignant “cockroaches” in Washington on the Russian Ambassador

Photo: RIA Novosti The reaction of the US authorities on the work of Russian Ambassador to Washington was inadequate, said Deputy Chairman of Russian government Dmitry Rogozin on Thursday, March 30. His words leads TASS. “It’s a crazy, crazy situation, when ambassadors are forbidden to do what is the normal object of their activities”, — said Deputy Prime Minister. He emphasized that Moscow has never impeded the work of diplomats from the United States. “Never in our head does not appear to be the cockroaches, which prevented the American Ambassador to speak at these (public — approx. “Of the”) events,” — said Rogozin. Earlier Thursday, President Vladimir Putin during the International Arctic forum in Arkhangelsk, called the accusations of the involvement of the Russian Ambassador in Washington to spying nonsense. He stressed that the maintenance of contacts with representatives of political and business elite of the country — the

Peskov called the attitude of Americans toward Russia, the result of a long propaganda in the United States

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © EPA/SERGEI KARPUKHIN / POOL NEW YORK, April 1. /Offset. TASS Alexey Kachalin/. The low level of trust of Americans to Russia believe the Kremlin is a natural consequence of the intense anti-Russian propaganda, which for more than a year conducted in the United States. About it the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov said in an interview with the host of the show Good Morning America, a transcript of which was posted Friday in the afternoon at the TV station ABC. Peskov answered the question, is it a problem that, according to the latest opinion polls, only 9% of Americans speak well about Russia. “It’s not a problem, but it causes us regret. We have an understanding (of the causes) of such indicators. After more than a year, the American audience (the media) is highly anti-Russian propaganda”, – said the press