Australia will toughen checks of air passengers from the Middle East

Australia will toughen checks of air passengers from the Middle East Moscow. April 1. INTERFAX.RU — Australia will strengthen security checks on flights from the Middle East, reports the Independent newspaper. New security measures will be similar to those accepted in the US and the UK, but will not include a ban on electronic devices in the cabin, the newspaper reports. The Federal government has taken precautionary measures and has instructed airlines to introduce new protocols with the following negligere Esterminator transport Australia Check for the presence of explosive devices will be conducted for randomly selected passengers and their Luggage. Security measures can also include checking electronic devices of passengers. Increased security measures will affect passengers travelling to Australia from Doha, Abu Dhabi and Dubai. The airline, which will come into force the new security protocols — Qantas Australian and middle Eastern, Etihad, Emirates and Qatar Airways, the newspaper said

The Supreme court of Venezuela was returned to Parliament the former authority

The Supreme court of Venezuela was returned to Parliament the former authority Earlier this week, the Parliament took on the Supreme court; the opposition called the decision a coup. Moscow. April 1. INTERFAX.RU the Supreme court of Venezuela, previously assumed the functions of the Supreme legislative body of the country, announced the return to Parliament of the former powers, Western media reported. This week in the Supreme court of Venezuela announced that take on the role of Parliament. This led to criticism of the opposition, having the majority of seats in Parliament. Moreover, the opposition called such actions “a coup”. The court in turn explained that he took such a step, as came to the conclusion that the Parliament acts in violation of law. However, the court’s decision led to the growth of international pressure on the Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. Controlled opposition in Parliament accuses the President of dictatorial

Regardie announced the realignment of forces in the summer of 2018

Photo: TASS The first Deputy head of the National guard of the Russian Federation Sergey Melikov said that Regardie regroup to ensure the safety of the regions where will pass the world championship on football in 2018. About it reports TASS. Melikov said that the subjects “will strengthen” due to the rearrangement of personnel on an ongoing basis “whether it be a business trip for the period of implementation of tasks”. “The number of units, we will increase somewhere by optimizing the organizational structure, and somewhere it will reduce. This will affect the units, which are not so popular as before in connection with the transition to us police agencies,” – said the Deputy head of the national guard. He added that Regardie already is preparing to host this summer’s confederations Cup matches which will be held in four regions of Russia. Melikov called it a “dress rehearsal” before the

“The Republic is not master” Kadyrov told the details of the meeting with Medvedev

Photo: TASS The head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov has discussed with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev that construction of the second phase of the airport of Grozny. About this Kadyrov said on his page on Instagram. Kadyrov said Medvedev, that the airport “is actually close to exhaustion,” since “it was introduced on a temporary basis”. “Every day in terrible arrive businessmen, foreign delegations, dramatically increasing the flow of passengers, the geography of flights. But there are limits. He achieved”, – said the head of Chechnya. Also, according to him, they met the Prime Minister talked about “assistance in provision of equipment to national hospital and Perinatal center.” “On their own Republic is not master, and to work with a full load of major hospitals can not be due to the lack of necessary equipment”, – said the politician. In addition, Kadyrov and Medvedev “paid special attention” to problems of landslide phenomena.

Peskov commented on the “investigation” FBK about the property Medvedev

Peskov commented on the “investigation” FBK about the property Medvedev MOSCOW, 1 Jul — RIA Novosti. Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov called populist contained in the publications FBK Alexei Navalny allegations of corruption in Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, explaining that the declarations of civil servants are audited annually, and the income information transparent to the authorities responsible for the fight against corruption. “All of us, as bureaucrats, as the people who work for the government, every year, submit returns of income and expenditure in the special bodies that check and double-check these declarations. Therefore, all our, shall we say, the income is actually very transparent to those authorities who require this information and which are responsible for the fight against corruption in our country”, — said Peskov in interview to TV channel ABC at the request of the journalist to comment on the publication of the

Merkel urged refugees to respect the laws and values of Germany

Merkel urged refugees to respect the laws and values of Germany BERLIN, 1 Jul — RIA Novosti, angelina Timofeeva. German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged refugees to respect the laws and values of Germany, “be curious” in relation to the life of the Germans. The head of government said in an interview with the Syrian journalist Hamdi al-Kassar (Hamdi Al Kassar), laid out in a traditional video podcast of the Chancellor. “We expect that people who come to us will follow our laws that they will show some curiosity about our lives,” said Merkel, adding that the refugees who arrived in Germany “in search of security”, must respect “the values that the country lives”. You can tell if something is not clear, but you need to respect and adhere to etaloanele Erkelenzer Germany According to Merkel and the Germans should “be open.” We know very little about Syria, we know very

Trump is left with the solemn ceremony of announcement of the decrees, forgetting to sign them

Trump is left with the solemn ceremony of announcement of the decrees, forgetting to sign them MOSCOW, 1 Jul — RIA Novosti. The President of the United States Donald trump left the signing ceremony of the Executive decrees relating to trade issues, forgetting to sign the documents, the newspaper said Hill. On widespread in the media video shows how trump went to the Oval office for the announcement of the decrees, however, left the room before signing the documents. Noticing this, Vice-President Mike Pence tried to catch the head of state, however, trump did not return. After that, Penny returned to the Desk, took the documents and left the room. As the newspaper notes, as a rule, the U.S. President signs laws in the presence of the press in the oval office. Trump has gone away, presumably after one of the reporters asked the President a question about his former

CEC reported on the growing interest of immigrants to the election of the President of the Russian Federation

Photo: RIA Novosti The CEC began to receive complaints from compatriots abroad, who are ready to take an active part in the future presidential campaign in 2018. The Russian citizens want to campaign, distribute leaflets to communicate with Russian politicians and journalists, and most importantly — to vote. About this RT said CEC member Vasily Likhachev. The treatment received from the United States, Germany, Israel, Finland, the Baltic countries. Likhachev noted that this activity citizens “can not but rejoice”. The Russian presidential election in March 2018, but from mid-February 2017, the CEC began to receive complaints of Russians living abroad — from non-profit organizations, communities, and expert groups. In their letters they Express a desire to participate actively in the upcoming election campaign. About it he told RT CEC member Vasily Likhachev, who oversees the field of international election observation. Letters, as explained by the Likhachev, come from Germany, USA,

The former candidate in US presidents Rubio said about cyber attacks from Russia

Photo: TASS Former presidential candidate, US Senator Marco Rubio during a hearing in the Senate said that in 2016 the cyber attack from Russian hackers attacked the computers of employees of his campaign. According to him, the hacker attack was carried out in July 2016. “Former members of my campaign staff for the presidential elections who had access to inside information, my campaign was attacked from IP addresses that are in an unknown location in Russia. These attempts were a failure,” Rubio was quoted by CNN. He also said that a similar cyber attack, which also did not succeed, was committed on his ex-employees in recent days. Earlier, the U.S. Senate declared that Russia tried to interfere in the democratic process of the country, and also hinted at the possibility of license revocation, RT. March 30, U.S. President Donald trump extended to the States of emergency in the field of

Lukashenko is confident that Moscow and Minsk will continue the integration of

Lukashenko is confident that Moscow and Minsk will continue the integration of MINSK, 1 Jul — RIA Novosti. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko congratulated President of Russia Vladimir Putin on the Day of unity of the peoples of the two countries and expressed confidence that Minsk and Moscow will continue integrating on the basis of equality. “Chairman of the Supreme state Council of the Union state, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has sent greetings to President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin on the Day of unity of peoples of Belarus and Russia”, — said on Saturday the press service of the Belarusian leader. This holiday symbolizes the strong historical ties and common interests of our peoples. The Union state is the solid Foundation of a rich spiritual and cultural heritage, enormous economic potential, sotrudnichestva Lucasentertainment Belarus Lukashenko expressed confidence that by joint efforts the two sides will continue the