Venezuela considers interference in the internal Affairs of action of MERCOSUR

Venezuela considers interference in the internal Affairs of action of MERCOSUR MEXICO city, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti. Venezuelan authorities considered interference in the internal Affairs of action southern common market (MERCOSUR), made a statement regarding the situation in the country, said Saturday the Venezuelan foreign Ministry. Earlier, the foreign Ministers of the founding countries of MERCOSUR at a special meeting demanded Venezuela to take measures to ensure real separation of powers in the country and said the possibility of activation of the so-called Ushuaia Protocol, involving the suspension of membership for violation of democratic norms. “This new act of intervention in the Affairs of Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela expresses its categorical rejection of the meeting of Ministers of foreign Affairs (MERCOSUR) in Buenos Aires exceeded their powers and competence, as well as insisting on unlawful violation of the status of a member state of MERCOSUR for Venezuela. They

On Triumfalnaya square for an attempt to conduct a “walk of opposition” arrested 30 people

On Triumfalnaya square for an attempt to conduct a “walk of opposition” arrested 30 people MOSCOW, April 2. /TASS/. Police arrested nearly 30 people for attempting to stage a “walk of opposition” in the area of triumph square in Central Moscow. “For violations of the public order police on Tverskaya street near the triumphal square was arrested 29 people,” — said TASS in the press service of the Main Department of MIA in Moscow. Currently, the detainees are taken to the territorial police units. In respect of them will be drawn up protocols on administrative offences. Seven people, said a source in law enforcement bodies, were detained near Manezhnaya square. Source: AP 2017

The interior Ministry said an increase in the number of those granted Russian citizenship to foreigners

Photo: RIA Novosti Head of chief Directorate for migration, Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia Olga Kirillova said that over the past five years, notes the increase in the number of foreigners seeking Russian citizenship, reports TASS. “Over the past five years, the trend of growth of acquisition of citizenship of Russia. In 2016 all 363,5 thousand people received Russian citizenship. The bulk of the amount is 245 thousand foreign nationals who acquired it by the simplified procedure”, – she said. She also said that in 2016 Russia is home to more than 620 thousand. Earlier, the Cabinet has simplified obtaining Russian citizenship for Russian speakers.

Medvedev noted the high level of integration in the Union state of Russia and Belarus

© Alexander Astafyev/press service of the Russian government/TASS MOSCOW, April 2. /TASS/. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev congratulated the head of the Belarusian government Andrei Kobyakov with the Day of unity of peoples of Russia and Belarus. Congratulatory telegram of the head of the Cabinet of Ministers published on the website of the Russian government. “Our countries have a special, time tested and brotherly and partnership relations. To preserve and enhance this heritage is our common responsibility. In the Union state of Russia and Belarus reached a high level of integration. Implemented large-scale economic, infrastructural, industrial and humanitarian projects”, – the telegram says. The Prime Minister noted the importance of joint efforts to build a positive agenda of Russian-Belarusian cooperation and the development of effective solutions faced by the countries of tasks, including in the framework of the Eurasian economic Union. According to him, this will ensure further development of mutually

Russian defense Ministry: coalition in Iraq hides the crimes of the militants

The official representative of Russian defense Ministry major General Igor Konashenkov © Press service of the defense Ministry of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, April 2. /TASS/. The coalition headed by the USA in Iraq hides the war crimes of the terrorists and brings about the death and suffering of civilians. This was stated by the official representative of Russian defense Ministry major General Igor Konashenkov, commenting on the statements by the spokesperson of the coalition, Joseph Skrocki, who promised to “study the issue of declassification of the video” how the militants hiding civilians in a building in Mosul, which then are fired to provoke retaliation. “Note D. Scrocca such a fact – not that other, as a grave war crime. Therefore, immediately two questions arise. First, what motives drive us command that hides the veil of secrecy the war crimes of terrorists from the international community? And secondly, why the

Elections in Armenia: new Parliament in a parliamentary Republic

Elections in Armenia: new Parliament in a parliamentary Republic YEREVAN, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti. Elections to the National Assembly — the unicameral Parliament of Armenia will take place on Sunday. They will be the first after the inclusion in the Constitution of the country changes involving the transition to a parliamentary form of government. A referendum on the amendments was held on 6 December 2015 and will end the process of transition to a new form of government a year after the expiration of office of the incumbent head of state Serzh Sargsyan. He will be the last President to be elected by popular vote — 2018 nominal head of state already performs a representative function, will choose the Parliament, which pass all power in the Republic. For the first time in the history of Armenia parliamentary elections will be held exclusively according to the proportional electoral system. In

Tillerson reassured NATO allies

Tillerson reassured NATO allies Moscow. April 1. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson reassured NATO allies of the United States ‘ commitment to the principles of the Alliance, wrote in Politico Saturday. “The United States want to be sure that NATO is able to provide for our common defense, he said. — We understand that a threat against one of us is a threat to everyone, and we will give the appropriate response”. The head of the state Department came to a meeting of foreign Ministers of countries-members of NATO despite the fact that for some time his visit was questionable. Tillerson was ready to cancel the trip to take in the US, Chinese leader XI Jinping, whose arrival coincided with the meeting in Brussels. As a result, the representatives of the 27 member States moved the event to the Secretary of state was able to come. According

Zbigniew Brzezinski: the EEU will last 10-20 years

Zbigniew Brzezinski: the EEU will last 10-20 years The Eurasian economic Union will not survive 10 years, because its leaders will change their world, and Russia in the end accepts the fact that she is a European state. This forecast was given by the famous Sovietologist Zbigniew Brzezinski in an exclusive interview “Газете.Ru”. The Patriarch of American politics, geo-strategy and the “great agent provocateur”, the former national security adviser in the administration of U.S. President Jimmy Carter, Zbigniew Brzezinski predicted the end of the Eurasian economic Union. “I doubt that the Eurasian economic Union will last 10-20 years, especially if in the course of its existence the team of leaders will change their world,” — said in an interview “Газете.Ru” the analyst. According to him, the Eurasian Union at all “would be unnecessary if progress in the normalization of Russia’s relations with the Western part of Europe and Russia’s recognition

Lavrov: the resolution of the Karabakh conflict is among the priorities of Russia

Photo: RIA Novosti The solution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is one of the absolute priorities of Russian foreign policy, said Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. “We cannot be indifferent to what is happening in our neighbourhood. Interested in how to restore peace and tranquility, the borders were opened, returned refugees, resumed trade and economic relations. That is why the solution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is among our top foreign policy priorities”, — said the head of the Russian foreign policy Department in interview to Agency “Azeri Press”. He also noted that “the Karabakh issue is always the center of attention of international mediators engaged in both collective and independent efforts to solve this problem.”

The coalition acknowledged the death of 396 civilians of Syria and Iraq with air strikes

The coalition acknowledged the death of 396 civilians of Syria and Iraq with air strikes In total, from August 2014 to February 2017 of the international forces led by the United States caused on the territory of these two countries, more than 18 thousand airstrikes. WASHINGTON, 1 Jul — RIA Novosti. The international coalition led by the USA acknowledged the death of not less than 396 civilians as a result of its airstrikes in Syria and Iraq since the beginning of the antiterrorist operation. This was announced by the Central command of the armed forces of the United States. In particular, the coalition has recognized five credible reports of the deaths of civilians in the two countries in February. It is noted that in total, from August 2014 to February 2017 the coalition forces complied with 18.6 thousand airstrikes. Previously the headquarters of the coalition reported that from the blows