Abe’s declared intention to move resolutely towards a peace Treaty with Russia

Abe’s declared intention to move resolutely towards a peace Treaty with Russia The Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe confirmed his intention to visit Russia and meet with President Vladimir Putin in late April. On Monday, April 3, reports TASS with reference to the Agency Kyodo. He stressed that to solve the territorial issue with Moscow will be difficult. “However, I intend to firmly and consistently move towards the conclusion of a peace Treaty with Russia, not forgetting the aspirations of the former inhabitants of the Northern Islands,” — said the head of government. March 30, the Russian foreign Ministry confirmed that Abe’s visit to Russia scheduled for late this month. According to preliminary data, the Japanese Prime Minister coming in for a meeting with Putin on April 27-28. 20 March in Tokyo talks of the foreign Ministers of Japan and Russia — Sergey Lavrov and Fumio Kishida. The parties

The CEC of Armenia: the Parliament of the country are four parties

The CEC of Armenia: the Parliament of the country are four parties YEREVAN, 3 April — RIA Novosti. Four political forces held in the Armenian Parliament on the results of processing information 1501 footage from 2009, the ruling Republican party leader from 49,32% (529,2 thousands) of votes, according to data from the website of the Central election Commission of the Republic. The opposition bloc “EFC” (Exodus) overcame the seven percent barrier only after treatment 64% of the ballots and is now gaining 7,39% (79 thousand and 250) of the votes. The block of “prosperous Armenia”, led by the richest businessmen of Armenia Gagik Tsarukyan, gaining of 27.67% (296,8 thousand) votes. The party of “Dashnaktsutyun” of 6.74% (72 thousand 298) votes. The other blocks and parties are not required to gain representation in the Parliament % of votes. Only participate in elections nine parties and blocs. To enter Parliament, parties must

WP: China wants to offer US a policy of non-interference and investment

WP: China wants to offer US a policy of non-interference and investment WASHINGTON, April 3. /Offset. TASS Anatoly Bochinin/. Beijing wants to suggest that the administration of U.S. President Donald trump’s policy of non-interference in the Affairs of China in the region in exchange for cooperation and investment. This was reported by the newspaper The Washington Post. The publication confirms previously published by the newspaper the New York Times information that the key role in organizing the upcoming meeting between Chinese President XI Jinping and played a trump Jared Kushner. It was in his office in Trump Tower skyscraper on 9 and 10 December last year it had contacts with the American side, the Chinese Ambassador to the US Cui Tanquam and a member of the state Council of China Yang Jiechi. “During the meeting, Yang Jiechi outlined the proposal. China wants to trump adopted the concept of the “new

Call in some areas of the far North will conduct once a year

Photo: RIA Novosti Conscription of citizens for military service in some areas of the far North of Russia will be held once a year — from may 1 to July 15, said on Saturday the first Deputy chief of the main organizational-mobilization Directorate of the General staff of the Russian Armed forces, Lieutenant-General Yevgeny Burdinsky. Draft campaign in the municipalities of a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation will be held in accordance with an updated List of separate regions of the far North and certain areas equated to the far North. “We clarified the list of districts where the recruitment drive is held once a year. For example, in Yakutia. There are 14 municipalities — once a year — in the period from 1 may to 15 July. In the Kamchatka region — four municipalities. In the TRANS-Baikal region — three areas. And in Khabarovsk territory —

The Ministry of foreign Affairs in April fool’s Day suggested that “services of the Russian hackers”

The Russian foreign Ministry posted a humorous “answer to the Russian diplomatic missions” in his account in Facebook. On the record, a parody sounding calls to the Russian Embassy abroad the answering machine, asked to press the corresponding button on the phone to “order a call of the Russian diplomat your political rivals,” “the advantage of Russian hackers”. “On intervention in elections, press three and wait for the beginning of the election campaign”, — stated in the “new Voicemail diplomatic missions”. “Please note, in order to improve the quality of services, all conversations are recorded”, — it is swept aside on the “answering machine”. The record made in the Russian and English languages.

In Ecuador, riots broke out after the announcement of the presidential election

In Ecuador, riots broke out after the announcement of the presidential election RIO DE JANEIRO, April 3. /Offset. TASS Darya Yuryeva/. The President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, said about the unrest that began in several regions of the country after the announcement of the presidential election. The corresponding statement he made on his page on the microblogging network Twitter. “What a pity! The outbreak of violence in Quito, Esmeraldas, Ibarra and Victoria. They want to achieve through violence what was not achieved in the voting,” he wrote. Currently, about the building of the National electoral Council in Quito rallies as opposition supporters and people who voted for the candidate of the ruling Alliance. Previously in Ecuador ended with the vote in the second round of the presidential election. According to preliminary data obtained after processing 94,32% of the ballots, the candidate of the ruling left bloc “Alliance Country” Lenin Moreno

Trump was going to convince China of the need to increase pressure on DPRK

Trump was going to convince China of the need to increase pressure on DPRK Moscow. April 3. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. President Donald trump said that in the forthcoming this week talks with President XI Jinping of China he intends to seek a tougher approach to Beijing’s missile and nuclear issue of the DPRK. “China has a serious impact on North Korea. And China may decide to help us with North Korea or not to provide it. If China agrees, it will be very good for him, if not — well nobody will,” he said in an interview with the Financial Times. In response to the question, how the US can motivate the pressure of China on North Korea, the President said: “the Incentive is to trade all of this for trade.” “If China wants to solve the North Korean problem, we will solve it. That’s all I wanted to say,”

Correa on the loss of the right in Ecuador: the Revolution succeeded, Lenin — President

Correa on the loss of the right in Ecuador: the Revolution succeeded, Lenin — President MEXICO city, 3 Dec — RIA Novosti. The President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, immediately after the announcement of the first preliminary official results of the election of a new head of state declared the loser right-wing forces. According to preliminary data of the national electoral Council, after counting 91,88% of the votes, the candidate from the ruling bloc Lenin Moreno gaining of 51.04% for his rival, the candidate of the right-wing forces Guillermo Lasso given 48,96%. “Great news for the great Motherland: revolution regained victory in Ecuador, right-wing forces are defeated, despite their millions and the media, more than two percent difference, Lenin — the President,” Correa wrote in his microblog on Twitter. According to Correa, this means a moral defeat for the right. “This will not go unpunished”, — promised the head of state,

Words Tillerson about the Russian aggression has caused bewilderment in the Russian foreign Ministry

Photo: Reuters The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia has expressed bewilderment in connection with the statement of US state Secretary Rex Tillerson about “Russian aggression”. The statement was published on the Agency’s website. “Perplexed relevant statements of the Secretary of state R. Tillerson. We regret to state that this kind of rating was announced the day after the meeting of the Council Russia-NATO at the level of permanent representatives, where, in recognition of the Secretary General of the Alliance.Stoltenberg, “in an open and constructive atmosphere” was held a meaningful discussion on a wide range of issues,” — said in the message. The Russian foreign Ministry also added that the statement Tillerson can be explained by looking at NATO, “a strong unifying motive”. For this purpose the leadership of the Alliance is spreading “slander of “Russian aggression” and “infinite spells” on the need to confront Moscow. The Ministry stressed that

Zakharova: the us diplomat made the Russian stand from the exhibition in Vienna

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Mikhail Japaridze/TASS MOSCOW, April 3. /TASS/. The American diplomat who took part in the thematic evening “the Countries of the great silk road” in Vienna, made the Russian stand, dedicated to the tourism potential of the Russian Federation. About it told the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova on his page in social network Facebook. “Unbelievable, but true. Hang on, guys, this, even I have not seen – ironically she wrote. – March 29, the Russian Embassy in Austria took part in the thematic evening “the Countries of the great silk road”, which was organized in one of Vienna hotels. In conjunction with the office of Aeroflot and the tourist office Visit Russia, our diplomats have prepared a stand dedicated to the tourism potential of Russia.” As reported by Zakharova, installation of banners, containing the symbolism of the