Trump called Putin after the explosion in St. Petersburg, they discussed the fight against terrorism

The US President Donald trump © Drew Angerer/Getty Images MOSCOW, April 4. /TASS/. The US President Donald trump called President of Russia Vladimir Putin to Express condolences for the terrorist attack in St. Petersburg. About this informed the press-Secretary of Russian leader Dmitry Peskov. According to him, the two heads of state expressed their common view that terrorism must be fought jointly.

Poland accused the Russian dispatchers in provoking the crash of Tu-154

Poland accused the Russian dispatchers in provoking the crash of Tu-154 WARSAW, 3 April — RIA Novosti. The General Prosecutor’s office of Poland has put forward accusations against the Russian managers and the “third person” intentionally provoking the crash of Tu-154 plane of former President Lech Kaczynski in Smolensk. “Already collected and produced in the course of the investigation evidence that allowed prosecutors to formulate new charges against the air traffic controllers, as well as third persons who were in the control tower mission, intentionally provoking the disaster, which resulted in the death of a large number of people”, — said the Deputy Prosecutor-General Marek Piosenek at a press conference in Warsaw. He noted that Poland will turn to Russia with a request for legal assistance for questioning of Russian air traffic controllers The head of the prosecutorial team to investigate the causes of the disaster Marek Kuchinski added that

The FBI will create a special Department in Russia, told the FT

The FBI will create a special Department in Russia, told the FT MOSCOW, 3 APR — RIA Novosti. FBI plans to create a special unit that will coordinate the investigation of “Russian interference” in the elections, the Financial Times reports. According to the source, the work of the division will also aim to provide the Director of the FBI James Komi Republic additional opportunities to access the details of the investigation. “It (the unit — ed.) is designed to increase resources,” said one of the FBI agents. As writes the edition, the Bureau generally prefers to investigate one of its 56 offices. However, according to current and former officials, to investigate “the Russian intervention” in the presidential elections the Central leader. Financial Times notes that the division will be based in the headquarters of FBI in Washington and will begin work next month It is expected to monitor the operation

Minsk has accused the head of the Rosselkhoznadzor in damage to the interests of Belarus

Minsk has accused the head of the Rosselkhoznadzor in damage to the interests of Belarus The Prosecutor General of Belarus reported on the continuation of the Ministry of interior of the Republic of the preliminary investigation against Sergey Dankvert. Moscow. April 3. INTERFAX.RU the Prosecutor General of Belarus Aliaksandr kaniuk stated that the head of the Rosselkhoznadzor Sergey Dankvert has personally caused damage to the interests of Belarus. “The damage caused and personally Dankvert,” said Koniuk reporters on Monday in Minsk. He added that, according to the Belarusian side, the officials of the Rosselkhoznadzor’s actions damaged the interests of Belarus. In addition, the attorney General announced the continuation of the Ministry of interior of the Republic of the preliminary investigation in the “case Dankvert”. Earlier the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko demanded from the investigating authorities to initiate proceedings to Dankvert, by analogy with the case against the head of

The analyst commented Samoilova ban on entry to Ukraine

Photo: RIA Novosti Political analyst Stanislav Bychok said the ban on entry to Ukraine of Russian participants of Yulia Samoilova, reports FAN. “Given the anti-Russian line of the Western media and political mainstream, other countries simply would close on it eyes But in this situation, the Samoilova-admission to participation in “Eurovision” can wipe out all image advantages, which Kiev would like to receive by hosting this competition,” he said.

The head of the faction EP called care Yevtushenko an irreplaceable loss for Russia

Photo: RIA Novosti The head of the faction “United Russia” in the state Duma Vladimir Vasiliev expressed condolences to the family of Yevgeny Yevtushenko, noting that his death is an irreplaceable loss for Russia, told journalists in a press-service of the faction. Previously, the wife of Yevtushenko Maria Novikova told RIA Novosti that the poet died on Saturday in USA on 85-m to year of life from cardiac arrest. “In connection with the death of Yevgeny Yevtushenko offer you my deepest condolences from the faction “United Russia” family, friends and all who loved Eugene Alexandrovich. The departure of the great poet, — an irreparable loss for Russia and the entire world poetry. We grieve together with you”, is quoted in the release to the Deputy.

Vucic gaining more than 55% of the vote in the presidential election in Serbia

Vucic gaining more than 55% of the vote in the presidential election in Serbia The former Ombudsman, Sasa Jankovic is in second with a score of 16.26% BELGRADE, April 3. /Offset. TASS Pavel Bushuev/. The Prime Minister of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic won the presidential elections in Serbia in the first round with a score of 55,09% after treatment more than 90% of the ballots. This was announced by the Republican election Commission. “After treatment 90,86% of the ballots leader Aleksandar Vucic with a score of 55.09%”, — stated in the message. According to the electoral Commission, the former Ombudsman, Sasa Jankovic is in second with a score of 16.26% In third place is the politician-parodist Luka Maksimovic with a score of 9.04%, followed by ex-foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic (5,33%) and the leader of the Serbian radical party Vojislav Seselj (4,47%). Voter turnout was about 54,63%. As reported TASS the head

Vasilyev said the timing of the transfer have their students on a budget

Vasilyev said the timing of the transfer have their students on a budget MOSCOW, 3 APR — RIA Novosti. Students who have given birth to children, will be able to transfer to the budget in the next academic year, said in an interview with RIA Novosti head of the Ministry of education and science Olga Vasilyeva. Previously, the Agency published a project in which these students will be included in the list of priority groups of students for transfer to free education. I think that by next year it’ll be already otegenovna Vasiljeviene education of the Russian Federation She explained that after the public discussion the project of the Ministry of education will send it to the Ministry of justice. If the rate will be, it will become effective 10 days after publication of the document. The Minister noted that this is done to ensure that young mothers could finish

A straight line traced by the summer

A straight line traced by the summer It can launch a presidential campaign. According to “Kommersant”, the straight line is the President is likely to take place in June. Communication of Vladimir Putin with citizens can be dedicated to one of the celebrations of Russia Day on June 12 or the Day of protection of children on 1 June. Experts believe that migration is associated not only with the recent protests, which “is unprofitable to draw a straight line”, but that the communication of the President with the people in the presidential administration (AP) want to “frame the agenda” of the presidential campaign. As told “Kommersant” two sources close to the AP, the straight line is the President is likely to take place in June and can be dedicated to one of the celebrations of Russia Day on June 12 or the Day of protection of children on 1 June.

NATO spokesman ruled out a war with Russia over Abkhazia and South Ossetia

Photo: RIA Novosti The NATO representative on South Caucasus William Lahue has ruled out the possibility of war with Russia over Abkhazia and South Ossetia after Georgia’s accession to the Alliance. Such a statement he made in an interview with “Kommersant Vlast”, published on Saturday, April 1. According to Lahey, the presence of Russian military forces in Georgia will not stop the country’s accession to NATO. The Alliance recognizes the territorial integrity of the Republic, but does not intend to go into conflict with Russia. “When Georgia will receive an invitation to NATO, it will have to decide on the status of these territories. Because nobody will use the fifth paragraph in these areas,” — said the representative of NATO. Lahey stressed that the Alliance is “definitely not” to war with Russia in Abkhazia. He also recalled that the task of NATO is to protect peaceful relations. The fifth article