TFR called the amount received by the head of Udmurtia bribes

TFR called the amount received by the head of Udmurtia bribes The head of Udmurtia Alexander Solovyov was detained and transferred to Moscow on suspicion in receiving multi-million bribes from firms that built bridges over the rivers Kama and Bui. According to investigators, their total amount exceeds 140 million rubles. The head of Udmurtia Alexander Solovyov is suspected of receiving bribes for 140 million rubles This follows from the message published on the official website of the Investigative Committee (TFR) in Russia. In relation to the head of region investigators opened a criminal case in connection with the Commission of the two “particularly serious crimes” under part 6 St. 290 criminal code (taking a bribe by a person holding a state post of the Russian Federation, in especially large size). According to investigators, for two years from 2014 to 2016, Solovyov received from representatives of organizations that carried out the

Putin was informed about the detention of the head of the Udmurt Republic

Putin was informed about the detention of the head of the Udmurt Republic MOSCOW, 4 APR — RIA Novosti. Vladimir Putin reported about the detention of the head of Udmurtia Alexander Solovyov, told RIA Novosti press-Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. Earlier in mass media appeared information that the head of Udmurtia detained. Later, a spokesman for Solovyov said that it is not in the workplace, and the planned conference will be hosted by the Prime Minister. “Of course, reported,” — said Peskov, answering the question, informed Putin. Alexander Soloviev was born on 18 June 1950. He graduated from the Izhevsk agricultural Institute, worked as a foundryman, a mechanic and a foreman. From 2007 to 2013, he occupied the post of Chairman of the state Council of the Udmurt Republic. Led the region in 2014. Udmurtia is part of the Volga Federal district.

Tajikistan will respond to the limitation of flights to Russia the airline “Somon air”

Tajikistan will respond to the limitation of flights to Russia the airline “Somon air” DUSHANBE, 4 APR — RIA Novosti. The aviation authorities of Tajikistan banned the seven flights of Russian airlines flying to Tajikistan, told RIA Novosti a source in the leadership of the Ministry of transport of Tajikistan. “As the mirror measures we ban four flights of Ural airlines to Dushanbe and three flights of airline “UTair” in Khujand”, — said the Agency interlocutor, noting that this measure will be taken once before the aviation authorities of the Russian Federation banned the seven flights operated by the airline “Somon air” on the route “Dushanbe-Moscow, and Khujand-Moscow”. “The Russian aviation authorities resorted to this measure after Tajikistan agreed on seven flights of airline “Yamal” from the “Zhukovsky” Dushanbe four flight and route “Zhukovsky-Khujand” three flights”, — he said. The Ministry of transport of the Republic reminded that in the

Ivanov crossed after a journalist’s question about meetings

Photo: TASS The special representative of the President of Russia for ecology Sergei Ivanov crossed himself, answering a question of the journalist “Bi-bi-si” about the rallies, the correspondent of “Газеты.Ru”. The journalist asked Ivanova to do if you remained head of the presidential administration and people with him came out to protest against the government. In response, Ivanov crossed himself and said: “I would first wonder what the essence of the claims. If they are of a legal nature is one thing. If they are unfounded (character), then it is different. Perhaps, it all depends on the context.” Earlier, Sergei Ivanov did not answer the question of “Газеты.Ru” on whether he considers that the government have made a mistake, since most of the young people took part in an inconsistent rally on last week.

Balbec spoke about the desire of Ukrainian politicians to visit Crimea

Photo: RIA Novosti Crimea receives numerous signals from Ukrainian politicians and businessmen about the desire to visit the Peninsula, said the Deputy of the state Duma Ruslan Balbec. In late March, in Crimea on a three-day visit, the delegation from countries in Europe, Asia and Latin America. At the same time the Peninsula under a separate programme called for and the first delegation of Ukrainian politicians. Their names were not called in for security purposes, and the study visit was not public. Balbec said that the Ukrainian guests were shown a special Crimean hospitality. “They got the opportunity to see the real situation. Dispelling the many negative myths about the Russian Crimea. We invite all Ukrainian politicians and businessmen, not intoxicated with nationalism, to visit the Peninsula. In the Crimea have already received signals from the Ukrainian establishment, the desire to come to the Crimean land,” — said RIA Novosti

Trump donated part of their salaries to the National Park service

Trump donated part of their salaries to the National Park service The President of the United States Donald trump donated a part of the quarterly salary of the head of state of the National Park service (NPS). As reported on Monday, April 3, TASS, this was stated by White house spokesman Sean Spicer. According to him, the donation was 78 333 USD. “Trump is proud to have transferred the earnings for the first quarter of the NTC,” he said, handing the cheque to the Minister of internal Affairs Ryan Zinke. March 13, Spicer reported that trump will be donating the presidential salary to charity and asked the journalists to help him to choose the recipient. The salary of the President of the United States is 400 thousand dollars a year, in addition, the White house has the right to dispose of the account that you got 50 thousand dollars for

Fox News announced the results of its investigation into the allegations of Russian interference in the elections

Fox News announced the results of its investigation into the allegations of Russian interference in the elections Moscow. April 4. INTERFAX.RU — Conducted by the American television channel Fox News investigation into the accusations against Russia that its activity prevented the victory of the presidential election, Hillary Clinton, did not reveal any evidence giving rise to such claims, reported Fox News. “Many official representatives of States (oscillating — if) and the election observers said that there is nothing that would confirm the claims of the members of the Senate intelligence Committee, claiming that the spread (prepared by Russia — if) false information has influenced the election results”, — stated in the message of Fox News on the investigation. Earlier in an interview with CNN, Senator mark Warner stated that Russia “interfered in the elections” by hacker attacks, as well as disseminating “false information paid Internet trolls” in the States of

The UN security Council on the initiative of the United States will discuss at the end of April nuclear activities of the DPRK

The UN security Council on the initiative of the United States will discuss at the end of April nuclear activities of the DPRK Moscow. April 4. INTERFAX.RU — the UN Security Council on the initiative of the USA plans to hold an April 28 meeting on the DPRK at the level of Ministers of foreign Affairs, told the American Ambassador to the world organization for Nikki Haley. She told reporters that the Security Council meeting on non-proliferation of nuclear weapons 28 April will focus on the nuclear activities of the DPRK. According to the U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Chairman on the meeting of the security Council will be U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson. N. Haley expressed the hope that “as many foreign Ministers will participate” in the meeting. On 1 April the chair of the UN Security Council has moved from the UK to the United States.

Peskov called slander to accuse Russia of meddling in US domestic politics

Photo: RIA Novosti Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that all reports of Russian interference in the internal Affairs of States are slander. About this Peskov said in an interview with the host of the show Good Morning America on ABC. “We insist that all the charges that Russia could intervene in the internal Affairs of States are slander. That there is absolutely no evidence,” — said Peskov. Previously Peskov said that the low level of trust of Americans to Russia is the result of intense anti-Russian propaganda, which is conducted in the United States.