The Metropolitan of St. Petersburg expressed his condolences in connection with the explosions in the subway

Photo: Reuters Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga Varsonofy expressed condolences to the families of the victims of the bombings in the St. Petersburg metro, told RIA Novosti in the communications sector of the Archdiocese. “The news about what happened in the subway bombings, which killed, injured and hurt innocent people, replied with a deep sadness in my heart. Pray for the repose of the souls of the innocent victims, the healing of the victims, comfort their families and friends”, — is spoken in the message of Metropolitan Varsonofy. The communications sector also reported that the head of the Department for charity and social service of the St. Petersburg diocese, Archpriest Nikolai Brynden is in operational communication with the emergency Department for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region and Committee for social policy of St. Petersburg. Immediately upon receiving information about the addresses of the hospitals where currently the wounded

In the state Duma called the explosion in the St. Petersburg metro agony of the terrorists

Photo: The explosion in the St. Petersburg metro is connected to terrorism, said Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee for security and combating corruption Anatoly Election. His point of view he voiced in an interview with “” on Monday, April 3. “The agony of the terrorists on the effective operation of Russia in the fight against terrorism. We know that the terrorists have only one goal — to destabilize the activities of the authorities”, — he said. He stressed that security measures in the Moscow metro will be strengthened, in particular, canine services. “It’s an occasion for all of us to think about what terrorism is. This is an evil that must speak the language understood by the terrorists themselves. They need to be destroyed, as the President said, where they are,” he said. Earlier on Monday in the subway of St. Petersburg, two explosions. Reported explosions on the

The UK foreign office urged to investigate reports of chemical attack in Idlib

The UK foreign office urged to investigate reports of chemical attack in Idlib The Syrian Observatory for human rights reported that, in Idlib province in an airstrike killed 58 people, including 11 children. LONDON, April 4. /Offset. TASS Ilya Dmitriev/. The British foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has called for an investigation into the reported use of chemical weapons in the Syrian province of Idlib. “Horrifying reports about the attack with the use of chemical weapons in the Syrian Idlib. This incident needs to be investigated and its perpetrators held accountable”, — wrote the head of the Foreign Office on his page on the microblogging network Twitter. Horrific reports of chemical weapons attack in #Idlib #Syria. Incident must be investigated & perpetrators held to account — Boris Johnson (@BorisJohnson) 4 APR 2017 Earlier, the Syrian Observatory for human rights reported that, in Idlib province in an airstrike killed 58 people, including

Medvedev called “nonsense and some papers” allegedly collected enough dirt on him

Medvedev called “nonsense and some papers” allegedly collected enough dirt on him Premier believes that this is the desire to pull people to the streets. TAMBOV, April 4. /TASS/. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev believes that the protests and attacks on government suit those who seek to achieve their political goals. “Who benefits? This is beneficial to those who order this kind (incriminating) stories, materials. It is, as a rule, people who have very specific political goals”, — Medvedev said in response to a request for comment appeared in respect of his charges on the Internet. Medvedev called “nonsense and some papers” allegedly collected enough dirt on him, the Prime Minister believes that this is the desire to pull people to the streets. The initiator of the protests, the Prime Minister called “judge of character”, which substitutes young people to achieve selfish goals. Medvedev said it continues to work on his

Duma Committee recommended the adoption of amendments to electoral legislation

Duma Committee recommended the adoption of amendments to electoral legislation The state Duma Committee on state construction and legislation recommended for adoption in the first reading a package of amendments to electoral legislation. They include, in particular, the rejection of absentee ballots and the postponement of the presidential elections on March 18. As reported by “Kommersant”, the package of amendments has been introduced by senators Andrei Klishas and Anatoly Shirokov. It is assumed that the application can be submitted to the electoral Commission at the place of stay or through the portal of public services. In this case for abuse of entitlement imposed fines for repeated voting of the same persons, and for organizing such a vote is proposed to establish a fine of 30 thousand rubles. The changes also simplify the work of the observers. Now each party is obliged not later than three days before the vote to

Putin ordered the establishment of volunteer Day

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the elaboration of the question concerning the establishment in Russia of volunteer Day, the correspondent of “Газеты.Ru”. “Approximately 7% of the population have become involved in volunteer activity, and around 15% – one way or another in some public events are attended by a lot. So, of course, to pay attention to these people, to support them, including mentally, noting the volunteer Day, will not be superfluous” – he said. Putin also noted that the establishment of volunteer Day will not require any additional expenses from the budget.

Peskov called “complete nonsense” the rumors about preparations for a “secret communication channel” Putin and trump

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, April 4. /TASS/. Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov called “complete nonsense” media reports of the Seychelles held a meeting which allegedly discussed the creation of a secret channel of communication between the presidents of Russia and USA Vladimir Putin and Donald trump. “This is complete nonsense”, – said Peskov told reporters, commenting on the publication.

The change of leadership in the Udmurt Republic: is accused of bribery appointed Solovyov Brechalov

Alexander Brechalov © Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, April 4. /TASS/. Emergency changes have taken place in the leadership of the Udmurt Republic: Russian President Vladimir Putin dismissed in connection with loss of trust the former head of the Republic Alexander Solovyov, instead acting appointed Secretary of the Public chamber Alexander Brechalov.

Enemy “zabronzovevshy bureaucracy”: the new head of the Udmurt Republic

Alexander Brechalov © Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the Russian President/TASS Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov has explained the appointment of Alexander Brechalov his “wealth of experience”. “Putin noted that, having worked in the Public chamber, the popular front and the Union of entrepreneurs “OPORA Russia”, Brechalov made a significant contribution to the development of these organizations”, — said Peskov. Active work in these organizations did Alexander Brechalov one of the most prominent figures of the public sector. The work the onf and the OP has intensified in recent years, largely thanks to Brechalov that allowed the “Expert” magazine to name the presidential institutions of direct democracy “the main enemy zabronzovevshy bureaucracy”. As Alexander Brechalov managed to achieve this kind of recognition in the review of the TASS. The public man of business Alexander Brechalov was born in 1973, has two higher educations (legal and military). Until the mid-2000s,

Putin appointed Alexander Brechalov head of the Udmurt Republic until September

Putin appointed Alexander Brechalov head of the Udmurt Republic until September Vladimir Putin was appointed Secretary of the Public chamber Alexander Brechalov acting head of the Udmurt Republic, reported press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. Vladimir Putin was appointed Secretary of the Public chamber Alexander Brechalov acting head of the Udmurt Republic, reported press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. Earlier that Brechalov will be appointed the new head of Udmurt Republic, told RBC sources. Today, by presidential decree, Alexander Soloviev, first holding the position of head of the Udmurt Republic, was dismissed in connection with loss of trust, according to the Kremlin website. “In connection with the decision taken earlier impeachment from office in connection with loss of trust of the former head of the Republic Alexander Solovyov, the President proposed to Alexander Brechalov to take the position of acting head of the Udmurt Republic”, — stated in