Trump is thinking about a military response to a chemical attack in Syria

Trump is thinking about a military response to a chemical attack in Syria According to the source CNN the President discussed with the head of the Pentagon. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий Moscow. April 6. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. President Donald trump said some members of Congress that it is considering a military response to a chemical attack in Syria, reports on Thursday television channel CNN, citing its own sources. The source said that the President has not yet made a firm decision, but said that he had discussed possible action with the Pentagon chief a Mattis.CNN According to the source channel, trump relied on the opinion of the head of the Pentagon. A chemical attack in Idlib Earlier this week, the media reported that the city of Khan shaykhun in Idlib province was applied ammunition with toxic substances in the killing, according to various estimates, about 100 people. Today in the Ministry of health

Medvedev instructed to create a rapid response team to protect the metro

Photo: RIA Novosti. Vladimir Astapkovich By order of the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in Russia, to protect metro against any illegal interference in Russia will create a rapid response team. The corresponding decree published on the official website of the government. “To protect metro against acts of unlawful interference form (form) and (or) to involve according to plans of the metro facilities of the division of transport security, including rapid response teams, specially equipped, mobile, round the clock performing tasks on response preparation or committing of acts of unlawful interference in the area of traffic safety of the underground”, – stated in the document. Rapid response team will work around the clock. According to the document, within three months will also be assessed the vulnerability of metro facilities. Monday, April 3, in St. Petersburg metro, an explosion occurred on the stretch between metro stations “Sennaya Ploschad” and “Tekhnologichesky Institut-2”. It

This is the bottom of Zakharov about the material the Washington Post about the attack in St. Petersburg

Photo: TC “Star” The official representative Maria Zakharova called terrible judgments, reported in the Washington Post about the West’s reaction to the attack in St. Petersburg metro. She stated this at the briefing. We will remind, in the pages of the American edition, an article appeared which stated that in Europe, almost indifferent attitude to the incident in the subway of St. Petersburg. “Not without a terrible judgment: “the Russians are not to wait for the same reaction as the terrorist attack in London.” Washington Post. Let us analyze not only the attack, but the nationality of the victims. This is the bottom any longer”, – said Zakharov. Earlier official representative the Ministry of foreign Affairs in his Facebook criticized another publication, the Washington Times, that the publication of the attack stood a photo from the protests that took place in Moscow on March 26.

Moskalkova will verify the information media about the kidnapping of representatives of sexual minorities in Chechnya

Moskalkova will verify the information media about the kidnapping of representatives of sexual minorities in Chechnya The Commissioner for human rights in the Russian Federation has sent a request to the Minister of internal Affairs of the Chechen Republic. MOSCOW, April 6. /TASS/. The Commissioner for human rights in the Russian Federation Tatiana Moskalkova will check media reports about the abduction in Chechnya of representatives of sexual minorities. “Novaya Gazeta” on 1 April and published on its website an article titled “honor Killing” about the arrests and possible assassinations of the Republic’s residents because of their sexual orientation or suspicion in it. All of this will be most harshly tested, (it will) not associated with people of their nationality, religion and other tendencies. We are talking about kidnapping is a very serious statement about a large-scale crime.Tatiana Miscellaneously on human rights in Russia Moskalkova said that already sent a request

The Ambassador of India announced the start of issuing Russian visas for 5 years

The Ambassador of India announced the start of issuing Russian visas for 5 years The head of the diplomatic mission also said the continued work on transition to a visa-free regime. The Indian Embassy in Moscow, the Russians will be issuing multiple entry visas with a validity of up to five years, said on Thursday India’s Ambassador to Russia, Pankaj Saran. The citizens who apply will be able to obtain visas valid up to five years for multiple entry into India for tourism and business.Pankaj Carnosol of India in Russia Speaking about the possibility of transition of Russia and India on a visa-free regime, Saran said that while the ability to do so, however, the parties continue to work. “We’re still working on it, still did not come to this, but I want to say that the simplification of the visa regime, which has happened in the last 2-3 years,

Putin called unacceptable baseless accusations after the attack in Idlib

Putin called unacceptable baseless accusations after the attack in Idlib MOSCOW, 6 APR — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday held telephone talks with Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, during the discussion of the incident with chemical weapons in the Syrian Idlib, the Russian leader stressed the inadmissibility of groundless accusations of someone else until the outcome of the investigation, the press service of the Kremlin. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий “An exchange of views in connection with the incident on April 4 in Syria’s Idlib province incident with chemical weapons. Vladimir Putin, in particular, emphasized the inadmissibility of the nomination baseless charges against someone would be to conduct a thorough and impartial international investigation. The parties agreed to continue contacts”, — stated in the message. The national coalition opposition and revolutionary forces of Syria said on Tuesday that about 80 of the victims of the attacks using chemical weapons in

Peskov told about the preparation of Putin’s visit to China

Photo: RIA Novosti Moscow and Beijing to the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to China serves many major projects, including in the energy sphere, said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “Package (agreements) and so major, but nevertheless a lot of projects are now in work, I wouldn’t have to specify, the agenda is vast… Including energy sphere”, — said Peskov. He also noted that it does not exclude the possibility of a meeting between Putin and Vice-Premier of the state Council of China Zhang gaoli, who is going to visit Russia. “If such a meeting takes place, we will inform you… affiliate level of relations between Russia and China causes a rather intense nature of the contacts including at the highest level”, — said Peskov.

The Kremlin: the unwillingness of Kyiv to perform the Minsk agreement resulted in a fiasco

Photo: RIA Novosti Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that the Kremlin sees the situation with the implementation of the Minsk agreements as a fiasco. It is reported by RIA Novosti. According to Peskov, the process of implementation of the agreements and the stabilization of the situation in the East of Ukraine interfere with the actions of the Armed forces of Ukraine on the frontline. “The situation is compounded by the fact that due to the tension prevailing parties still cannot withdraw heavy weapons as it was prescribed previously achieved agreements, the cease-fire, there is no silence mode”, – said Peskov. A Kremlin spokesman said that “crowns the list fiasco in the implementation plan of the Minsk agreements, the reluctance of Kiev to implement the political part of these agreements.” He also said that in economic terms the situation is aggravated by the continuing blockade of

Deputies expect from the acting head of Mari El the revival of the agriculture and solution to setproblem

The acting head of the Republic of Mari El Alexander Evstifeev © Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the Russian President/TASS YOSHKAR-OLA, 6 APR. /TASS/. The acting head of the Republic of Mari El Alexander Evstifeev in the first place will solve the problems associated with the revival of agriculture and social policy. This opinion in an interview with TASS was expressed by local and Federal deputies from the Republic.