Drivers enter the circle

Drivers enter the circle In Russia may change the rules of journey of intersections. In Russia may soon make adjustments to the traffic Rules (SDA), approximating them to European standards. To study changes in the legislation, as it became known “Kommersant”, instructed the first Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov. So, the drivers moving through the roundabout will have a big advantage before entering the circle. In addition, cities may appear the so-called zone soothed by the movement, where pedestrians can cross the road anywhere, and cars must travel at a speed of 10-20 km/h. Following the meeting in the government on issues of road safety, the first Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov has instructed the interior Ministry and the Ministry of transport within a month to work out proposals related to the change of traffic rules, told “Kommersant”, the representative of mister Shuvalov. The first one concerns the rules of

The EU reacted with understanding to the missile attack on the United States on Syria

The EU reacted with understanding to the missile attack on the United States on Syria Moscow. April 10. INTERFAX.RU head of the EU diplomacy Federica Mogherini during his visit to Algeria reiterated the firm position of the European Union that the Syrian crisis cannot be military solution. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографийМы as the European Union in the unity of the 28 member States of the EU considered the clear intention of our American friends, but now the time has come to give an even greater impetus for political and diplomatic efforts in Geneva.Federica Magazinevideo representative for foreign Affairs According to her, it is clear that the conflict in Syria should be resolved “through inter-Syrian talks under UN auspices in Geneva.” Mogherini believes that it is necessary “the political decision to put an end to the Syrian conflict” and “a credible political transition”. “I say it once loudly and clearly announced at the beginning

Medvedev: administration trump proved dependence on the opinions of the establishment

Photo: RIA Novosti Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev said that the attack on airbase in Syria, the administration of U.S. President Donald trump proved his lack of independence. “By its military action, the Bush administration has proven their lack of independence, its extreme dependence on the opinions of the Washington establishment, which sharply criticized in his inaugural speech the new President,” Medvedev wrote on the Facebook page. The Prime Minister also recalled that Washington violated its own procedure, obliging to inform Congress before such military actions. In the night of Friday, trump has been ordered to launch a missile attack on the airfield shirt in the Syrian province of HOMS. According to trump, this was a response to a chemical attack in Idlib province, in which the American leader has accused the government of Syria. According to the Syrian command, killed ten military personnel. When the strike destroyed a

Tillerson: Russia could not prevent the chemical attack in Syria

Tillerson: Russia could not prevent the chemical attack in Syria The blame for the fact that in Syria once chemical weapons were used, lies with Russia, expressed the opinion of the Secretary of state Rex Tillerson. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий Russia was unable to prevent a chemical attack in Syria that killed 89 people last week, said the U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson. As said Tillerson in the broadcast American TV channel si-bi-es, Russia at the time, took on the responsibility to control the process of destruction of stocks of chemical weapons in Syria and guarantee the complete prohibition of production. Therefore, in the opinion of the Secretary of state, the blame for that again in Syria was used chemical weapons, lies with Russia. According to Tillerson, not so important, “was Russia a partner, or her specialists were incompetent, or the Syrian government outsmarted them” — in any case, the Russian side

The Russian aircraft will conduct observation flights over the United States and Canada

The Russian aircraft will conduct observation flights over the United States and Canada The Russian inspectors on the aircraft observations Tu-154M LK-1 will fly over the United States and Canada in the framework of the international Treaty on open skies (DON). About it reports “Interfax” with reference to the head of the Russian national Centre for reducing nuclear danger Sergey Ryzhkov. Observation flight over the United States, Russian pilots will perform from 10 to 15 April from the airfield Wright-Patterson (Ohio). The maximum range will amount to 4900 km. Then, from 18 to 22 April, inspectors from the airfield the open sky Iqaluit will perform an observation flight over Canada. The maximum range of the second flight will be 6150 km. This is the ninth and tenth observation flights Russia over the territories of the States parties to DON in 2017. Over the territory of Russia the observation flight will

The Secretary of state and U.S. Ambassador to the UN made with different views on the future of Assad

The Secretary of state and U.S. Ambassador to the UN made with different views on the future of Assad The Washington Post writes that the statements by Rex Tillerson and Nikki Haley show “the level at which questions remain about the nature of U.S. policy toward Syria” after missile strikes the United States. WASHINGTON, April 9. /Offset. TASS Anton Cranks/. U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson and the U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley spoke during a Sunday interview to the American TV channels with the various views on the future of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. So, Haley, in an interview with CNN said that the United States does not see a peaceful political settlement of the Syrian conflict, while Assad remains in power. “We do not see a peaceful Syria with Assad,” Haley said, describing the goal of US policy in the Arab Republic of “defeat ISIS

Senator day was buried at Novodevichy cemetery in St. Petersburg

Photo: RIA Novosti Senator Vadim Tyulpanov, who died April 4 of congestive heart failure, was buried Friday at Novodevichy cemetery in St. Petersburg, the press service of the Legislative Assembly of the city. Tulips was Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg from 2003 to 2011, and then became a Senator. In the morning, in the Mariinsky Palace took place civil funeral. To say goodbye to starting from the nozzle came the Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko, Deputy Chairman of the state Duma Sergei Neverov, Minister of transport of the Russian Federation Maxim Sokolov, Governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko, the head of the Nenets Autonomous district Igor Koshin, and many others. “It is a great sorrow to all who knew and loved Vadim Albertovich. He left in the Prime of life, full of new ideas, strength and energy. We have long worked together and acted as

The first exit polls showed the necessity of the second round in South Ossetia

The first exit polls showed the necessity of the second round in South Ossetia Moscow. April 9. INTERFAX.RU — In the presidential elections in South Ossetia leader, incumbent President Leonid Tibilov, however, apparently need a second round of voting, according to a survey of voters at the exits of the sites conducted by the NGO “Academy of sociological analysis” (ASA). According to the exit polls, conducted at 23 stations of the Republic, 45,8% of the respondents voted for Tibilov, 36.9 per cent for the speaker of Parliament Anatoly Bibilov, KGB Alana Gagloeva was 16.8%. Against all spoke of 0.5%. The organization projected second round. That Republic was called the State of Alania in the referendum voted 81.5% of the respondents. We surveyed a total of 2981 people, 2360 refused to answer, according to ACE. The staffs of candidates in presidents has not yet commented on these exit polls.

In the presidential elections in South Ossetia ended with the vote

In the presidential elections in South Ossetia ended with the vote TSKHINVALI, April 9. /TASS/. The vote ended in the presidential elections of South Ossetia and the referendum on the renaming of the Republic in the State of Alania at 20:00 local time (coincides with Moscow — approx. TASS). The counting of votes, which will be conducted manually. The first results of the elections and referendum will be announced closer to midnight. The citizens of South Ossetia could vote for one of the three candidates: incumbent President Leonid Tibilov, speaker of Parliament Anatoly Bibilov and KGB Alana Gagloeva and the referendum on the issue of renaming of the Republic, in 77 stations. Of these, 72 were opened in the territory of the Republic, five more — abroad: embassies in Moscow and Sukhum (Abkhazia), twice in the capital of North Ossetia in Vladikavkaz, one in the Prigorodny district of North Ossetia,

Mélenchon for the first time ahead of Fillon in the first round of elections in France

Mélenchon for the first time ahead of Fillon in the first round of elections in France MOSCOW, 9 APR — RIA Novosti. The leader of the “Rebellious France,” Jean-Luc Mélenchon for the first time ahead of ex-Prime Minister françois Fillon and ranks third in the first round of presidential elections in France, Reuters reported, citing a poll for the newspaper Figaro. According to these data, the first line of the rating divided by the former Minister of the economy Emmanuel macron and the leader of the party “national front” marine Le Pen. For each of them voters are ready to give 24% of the votes. The second line is an Mélenchon with 18% of votes, followed by Fillon with 17%. The former Minister of education Benoit Amon voted 9% of respondents. The survey was conducted from 5 to 7 April. The event was attended by 1515 the French at least