Klintsevich has not ruled out a new U.S. strikes on Syria

Photo: RIA Novosti The US can strike blows to Syria. This opinion was expressed by TASS first Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council’s security and defense Franz Klintsevich, commenting on the recent statements by us politicians about the situation in Syria. “Apparently, the US establishment has finally convinced themselves that their country is the Supreme arbiter in the world. This is a very dangerous delusion that can lead US on new adventures. For example, I do not exclude the possibility of new attacks on Syria,” – said the Senator. He added that this logic is placed and the proposal of a group of U.S. senators to create a “hybrid Tribunal” in Syria. “It comes into clear contradiction with international law, and its implementation will mean a gross interference in the internal Affairs of a sovereign country,” – said the MP. However, he lamented that “little things” do not care about

Neil Gorsuch sworn in as chief judge of the United States

Neil Gorsuch sworn in as chief judge of the United States Moscow. April 10. INTERFAX.RU Neil Gorsuch received on Monday sworn in as chief judge of the US and will soon initiate the implementation of the duties in this post, informs television channel Fox News. Under U.S. law, Gorsuch had to bring two oath before this position. So, the first ceremony was held behind closed doors in the Supreme court and the second in the Rose garden at the White house. “I promise you that I will do everything in my power in order to fully serve the Constitution and the laws of our great nation,” said Gorsuch. “I’ll never forget the fact that if someone this much (—if), from him much is expected”, — he added. Last week the us Senate after a long discussion, unanimously approved the nomination of 49-year-old Gorsuch to the Supreme court. He became the

The government supported amendments to the law on rallies

The government supported amendments to the law on rallies Government Commission on legislative activities endorsed the amendments to the law on rallies, made by Irene White. In the draft opinion of the White house, which read “Vedomosti” said that the amendments are supported, comments. On Wednesday the state Duma has passed in the first reading a bill elected from Moscow by Irina Belykh (“United Russia”), which equates to a meeting of parliamentarians with voters to rally. On Friday, the interlocutors “Vedomosti” reported that the deadline for the filing of notices of meetings of deputies with voters may be reduced, and local authorities will be responsible if you do not provide venues for meetings, said several sources close to the leadership of the state Duma. Following the discussions of the amendments in the Duma, the management decided to establish a working group to work on amendments for the first time she

Foreign Minister of Britain said about the discussion of new sanctions against Russia

Foreign Minister of Britain said about the discussion of new sanctions against Russia The British foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said that the foreign Ministers of the countries “the Big seven” will discuss new sanctions against Russian and Syrian military leaders, reports Reuters. “We will discuss the possibility of imposing sanctions, [which will] definitely some of the Syrian military figures and, moreover, some Russian soldiers who were involved in the coordination of the Syrian military effort,” said Johnson. He also urged Russia to “make a choice” between cooperation with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and the G7 countries. In his opinion, the cooperation of President Vladimir Putin, Syrian leader is hurting Russia’s reputation. In his Twitter the head of the British foreign Minister wrote that Russia’s support of Assad as a priority topic of the talks between him and Tillerson before the meeting of the G7 countries. Russia’s backing for #Assad main

Putin congratulated the President of Tajikistan with the 25th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and Tajikistan. Congratulatory telegram posted Saturday on the Kremlin website. “In recent years Russian-Tajik relations develop fruitfully on the basis of the traditions of friendship that unites our peoples. Signed more than 150 bilateral agreements to regulate cooperation in political, economic, military, scientific-technical, cultural and other spheres. Efficient interaction within the CIS, CSTO, SCO, UN, OSCE and other multilateral structures,” – said, in particular, in the telegram. The Russian President expressed confidence that the strategic partnership between Russia and Tajikistan will fully continue to strengthen and coordinate efforts in countering international terrorism, extremism, TRANS-border crime and other regional security threats will continue. “This meets our common interests, is in line with ensuring peace and stability in Central Asia”, – he said. Putin wished Rahmon good

Zakharova reminded US that the elimination of chemical weapons in Syria was involved the whole world

Photo: TASS The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova reminded US that the elimination of chemical weapons in Syria were engaged the whole world community. Thus she commented on the statement of U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley, who on the security Council meeting made statements that Russia allegedly could not comply with the obligations to destroy these weapons in Syria. “Russia has the same attitude as, for example, US. And here, the only control on the part of Russia? The whole world was involved in this work for the chemical demilitarisation of Syria, it was based on UN security Council resolution”, – TASS quoted the official representative of the Russian depodesta. Maria Zakharova also expressed the view that the missile attack on the United States the Syrian province of HOMS is not associated with the fight against chemical weapons. She stressed that the incident undermines

In Latvia called the myth of information on the transfer Donbass “white tights”

In Latvia called the myth of information on the transfer Donbass “white tights” The Ministry of defence commented on the statement of the authorities of the self-proclaimed Luhansk national Republic (LNR) for the transfer to the contact line of female snipers from the Baltic States and Poland, calling it a myth. On Monday, April 10, reports Delfi. “Striking lack of imagination from the creators of propaganda, trying again to pull the light the old myth of female snipers from Baltic countries (the so-called white stockings — approx. “Of the tape.ru”),” — said the Ministry of defence of the Republic. The Department also noted that the desire to demonize soldiers of Latvia and other NATO countries is a classic information operation “to capture the minds and hearts of people.” April 9, the official representative of the LPR militia Lieutenant Colonel Andrey Marochko reported that, according to intelligence sources, to the line

The approval rating of trump rose sharply after strike on Syria

The approval rating of trump rose sharply after strike on Syria The approval rating of the American President Donald trump has increased significantly after his decision to put an airstrike on the airfield in Syria. These are the findings of the survey CBS News. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий The proportion endorsing the work of the President of the United States at the end of March amounted to 35%, according to Gallup. At the moment the activities of trump support 43% of respondents, reports CBS News. The channel conducted the survey from April 7 to 9. The study involved more than 1,000 respondents.

Trudeau: Canada is ready to work with allies to strengthen sanctions against Russia

Trudeau: Canada is ready to work with allies to strengthen sanctions against Russia MOSCOW, 10 APR — RIA Novosti. The Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau said Ottawa is ready to work with allies to strengthen sanctions against Russia, reports channel CBC. “Canada already has imposed strict sanctions (against Russia — ed.) We are always ready to work with our allies to strengthen them”, — quotes the TV channel statement Trudeau on Twitter. Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov said Monday that Kremlin is known about the possible introduction of new US sanctions against Russia, it is difficult to speak about any reaction, not knowing what was going on, any statements from Donald trump and his administration have not sounded.

Putin: achievements of the Council on foreign and defense policy demanded by agencies of the Russian Federation

Photo: RIA Novosti The achievements of the Council on foreign and defense policy (SWAP) demand the Russian government departments. This is stated in the congratulation of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin to the participants of the 25th jubilee Assembly SWAP. “For a quarter of a century, a Council comprised of leading Russian politicians, scientists, diplomats, military experts, representatives of business and civic leaders, is exploring the most important issues of global, regional and national agenda, gives them interesting and very useful observations and assessments,” States, in particular, the message of congratulations posted on the Kremlin website. “For your intelligent research and discussion typical depth and diversity of analysis, the validity and foresight forecasts. Therefore, the materials and practices of the Council, including publications that appear on the pages of the magazine “Russia in global politics”, claimed the Russian government agencies and academic institutions, as well as generate significant interest