Malala Yusufzai became the youngest Ambassador of peace in UN history

Malala Yusufzai became the youngest Ambassador of peace in UN history Malala, at age 13, survived an assassination attempt of militants to advocate for girls ‘ education. UN, April 11. /Offset. TASS Oleg Zelenin/. Pakistani activist and Nobel peace prize winner Malala Yusufzai, was officially appointed a messenger of peace. Malala, at age 13, survived an assassination attempt of militants to advocate for girls ‘ education. She became the youngest Ambassador of peace in the history of the world organization — in July the human rights activist will be 20 years. Dedication ceremony Yusufzai was held in the trusteeship Council of the UN with the participation of Secretary-General antónio Guterres. You are not only the heroine, but also very loyal and generous man who has amazing qualities. You were awarded the Nobel prize, recognized by all and remain as simple and open in communication.Antonio Guerrillamarketing UN Secretary He expressed the

During opposition March in the capital of Venezuela suffered about 60 people

During opposition March in the capital of Venezuela suffered about 60 people MOSCOW, 11 APR — RIA Novosti. At least 57 people were injured in the course of another opposition March in the Venezuelan capital Caracas, the newspaper Nacional, citing local authorities. According to the newspaper, most of the injured suffered from tear gas inhalation, which they used against them by the police. Another man received a fractured skull. #Venezuela – Video: Lanzan bombas lacrimógenas manifestantes contra desde un helicóptero — NotiGlobal (@NotiGlobalvzla) 11 APR 2017 It is noted that during the protests have been arrested at least 18 people. Pronostican tiempos de mayor agitación política en #Venezuela DelgadoAntonioM — Contacto Informativo (@ContactoNoticia) 11 APR 2017 It was already the fourth week demonstration of the opposition forces in Caracas protesting against the recent Supreme court decisions that sharply limit the powers of the opposition of Parliament. The decision

Kremlin Fund picked up the abbreviation and structure

Kremlin Fund picked up the abbreviation and structure “Expert Institute for social research” monitoring of the electoral regions. As it became known””, the work was started a new non-profit organization “Expert Institute for social research” (EISI), which will become an expert platform for the presidential administration (AP). The founders of the Institute became the nation’s leading universities, the Board of Directors headed by the Dean of the faculty of political science of the Moscow state University Andrey Shutov, the Board of Trustees — the head of the Supreme Council of “United Russia” Boris Gryzlov. One of the functions of the organization included working with the expert community and the monitoring regions where fall elections should take place. It was entrusted to the ex-employee of AP Andrey Colageno. According to the Unified state register of legal entities, the institution was in the form of Autonomous non-commercial organization (NCO), on 20 March

Medvedev expressed condolences in connection with death of cosmonaut Grechko

Photo: RIA Novosti Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev expressed deep condolences in connection with the death of cosmonaut Georgi Grechko, noting its contribution to the national space program, reported Saturday on the website of the government of the Russian Federation. “Georgi Mikhailovich Grechko was a representative of the legendary generation of cosmonauts, a talented engineer and researcher. Twice hero of the Soviet Union, courageous and selfless man, Georgy Mikhailovich has done a lot for the development of domestic cosmonautics and rocket-space industry”, — the telegram says. The Prime Minister added that “he (Grechko) was actively engaged in public work, special attention was paid to the popularization of achievements of Russian science”. “His television show “This fantastic world” had a great audience success. Thanks to her, millions of boys dream about flying to distant stars and dreamed of becoming astronauts,” — said Medvedev. According to Medvedev, “friends and colleagues knew

The Duma Committee supported the project on the demolition of five-storey buildings in the capital

© Artyom Korotayev/TASS MOSCOW, April 11. /TASS/. The state Duma Committee on natural resources, property and land relations of the supported resonant draft law on the renovation of housing, providing for the continuation of the program of demolition of five-storey buildings in the capital. The Committee acts as co-executor under this initiative, the profile is of the Duma Committee on transport and construction.

Russian diplomats check information about deportation Jalilova

© AP Photo/Emrah Gurel ANKARA, April 11. /Offset. TASS Kirill Zharov/. The Russian Embassy in Ankara asked the Turkish police for more information about the deportation from Turkey of alleged perpetrators of terrorist acts in St. Petersburg, Akbarian Jalilova. About it the correspondent of TASS reported the press attache of the Russian Embassy in Ankara Irina Kasimova. “The Embassy sent the request to the competent Turkish authorities in order to confirm or deny recent media information about the deportation Jalilova,” she said. According to the newspaper Yeni Akit, Jalilov was deported from Turkey in December 2016 entry ban for five years due to violations of the terms and conditions of stay in the country.

Convicted in connection with the former subordinated to the Governor of Alabama pleaded guilty and resigned

Convicted in connection with the former subordinated to the Governor of Alabama pleaded guilty and resigned It is noted that Robert Bentley is accused of violating standards of professional ethics and legislation in the area of financing of the election campaign. NEW YORK, April 11. /Offset. TASS Kirill Volkov/. The Governor of Alabama Robert Bentley, a suspect in an intimate relationship with former employee, admitted Monday his guilt and resigned. This was announced by the Prosecutor’s office of this us state. According to her, the Bentley, in respect of which the investigation was conducted, was arrested earlier in the day. He was charged related to a breach of professional ethics and legislation in the area of financing of the election campaign, reported the Associated Press (AP). The Governor pleaded guilty and agreed to pay $2 million penalty, he was also sentenced to 100 hours of community service. The Prosecutor noted

The US has threatened new strikes against Syria in case of recurrence hematic

The US has threatened new strikes against Syria in case of recurrence hematic Washington added that he can imagine a world in this country under President Bashar al-Assad. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий Moscow. April 10. INTERFAX.RU — IN Washington do not exclude that in the case of a new chemical attack on Syria can be applied to new attacks, said the press Secretary of the White house Sean Spicer. “If we see this kind of action (himataki — if) again, we leave open the possibility of future (military) action,” he said Monday at the briefing. He also added that he could not imagine a peaceful and stable Syria under the leadership of current President Bashar al-Assad. USA at night on April 7, struck by Tomahawk missiles strike on the airport in the Syrian province of HOMS in the West of the country. This was the first direct attack of the United States against

McCain told how the US should deal with Russia in Syria

McCain told how the US should deal with Russia in Syria BELGRADE, April 10 — RIA Novosti. US Senator John McCain spoke about the necessary, in his opinion, the steps to be taken by Washington against Russia on the issue of the conflict in Syria during his visit to Belgrade on Monday. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий The day McCain held a meeting behind closed doors with the Prime Minister and elected President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic, after which he held a short press conference. In his statement to the media, the Senator touched on the use of chemical weapons in Syria, accusing Damascus and Moscow. According to him, this issue should be first on the agenda during the expected 11-12 April visit of U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson in Russia. “I hope that the visit of Secretary of state Tillerson in Moscow will lead to an agreement with Russia that she won’t

The Ministry of foreign Affairs responded to the reports about the visit of the Russian military to the Taliban

Photo: RIA Novosti The Russian foreign Ministry has denied information of a number of Afghan media on the visit of Russian military delegation training camps of the Taliban in areas bordering Afghanistan in North Waziristan (Pakistani Agency). The foreign Ministry called these reports “insinuations”, reports RIA Novosti. Reportedly, the Russian delegation, headed by Deputy chief of General staff of the Armed forces of the Russian Federation the General-Colonel Sergey Strukovym held in Rawalpindi (Pakistan) another round of bilateral military consultations. “The focus was on discussing the prospects of regional cooperation in the relief of the threats posed by international terrorist groups. The Pakistani side gave a presentation on “developments in the field of security in the PRI””, – said in comments MFA. The Russians visited the capital of North Waziristan town of Miranshah, where they were shown parts of the city, liberated from the terrorists in the ongoing 2014 counter-terrorist