The US wants to stop to support Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador

The US wants to stop to support Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador MOSCOW, 28 Dec — RIA Novosti. The US President Donald trump said that the United States will stop to assist Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. “Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador do nothing for the United States, only taken our money. They say that in Honduras, a new caravan (of migrants. — Approx. ed.) and they do nothing. We will cease all aid to these three countries, which for many years used US to their advantage!” — trump wrote in his Twitter. To the USA is now Mexican territory are several caravans of migrants from Central America. According to various estimates, in the towns of Tijuana and Mexicali on the border with the United States can be about 6-9 thousand migrants from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. The majority of migrants from the caravan returned home or decided to

Rome has postponed the project to create the “Italian of the Pentagon”

Rome has postponed the project to create the “Italian of the Pentagon” ROME, 28 Dec — RIA Novosti, Sergei Elders. The Italian government reduced spending on a number of projects related to defence and, in particular, has postponed the creation of the “Italian of the Pentagon,” said Friday Prime Minister of Italy, Giuseppe Conte during a press conference at the end of 2018. The Prime Minister called himself a patriot and expressed the full support of his office to the armed forces of Italy, including in the implementation of their military missions abroad. “As for military spending, we saved approximately half a billion euros due to the suspension of some projects in the field of armaments. In addition, we reduced costs, deferring the creation of the so-called Italian of the Pentagon. If I remember correctly, this project was scheduled investments in the amount of approximately 1.5 billion euros. We found

Trump has promised to close the border with Mexico, if Democrats will not approve appropriations for the wall

Trump has promised to close the border with Mexico, if Democrats will not approve appropriations for the wall TASS, 28 Dec. Donald trump on Friday reiterated that his administration will be forced to close the U.S. border with Mexico, if the Democrats in Congress will not approve allocations for the construction of the wall to protect it from illegal migration. “We will have to completely close the southern border if the Democrats conducting a filibuster, will not give us money in order to complete the wall, and change the ridiculous immigration laws encumbering our country,” wrote the American leader on Twitter. Back in October, trump threatened to close the border with Mexico and to send military to her defense from the influx of illegal migrants. Later, the President ordered to bring the National guard to guard the border, but the threat to completely close her left words. According to press

Merkel and the Makron has demanded from Russia to release Ukrainian sailors

Merkel and the Makron has demanded from Russia to release Ukrainian sailors German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President of France Emmanuel macron has demanded from Russia to release Ukrainian sailors arrested in the aftermath of the conflict in the Kerch Strait. This is stated in their joint statement published on the website of the German government. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий “We are very concerned about the situation of human rights in Crimea, annexed by Russia, the use of military force by Russia in the Kerch Strait, as well as abuse of control in the sea of Azov. We demand safe, free and unimpeded passage for all vessels in the Kerch Strait and the immediate and unconditional release of all illegally detained Ukrainian sailors,” — he stressed. NewsUkraine has announced a new campaign of its warships through the Strait of Kerch According to Merkel and Macron, the upcoming new year and Christmas “should be

Hashim Thaci approved the creation of the army of Kosovo and fenced off by duties from Serbia

Hashim Thaci approved the creation of the army of Kosovo and fenced off by duties from Serbia The President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci signed a law on the establishment of the Kosovo army. He said that the army will provide the Kosovars with the best prospects for new generations. Thaci stressed that the package of decrees he proudly signed 10 years after independence. The creation of the army of Kosovo is contrary to the resolutions of the UN Security Council. Several countries that have recognized Kosovo’s independence, withdrew their recognition. At the same time Kosovo has expanded the list of goods from Serbia, which Pristina intends to impose 100 percent duties. This applies both to products Serbian production and product brands non-Serb production, reports “Interfax”. The Russian foreign Ministry fears that the creation of the army of Kosovo will lead to a new war in the Balkans. It is expected

In Manbij denied the information about entering in the city of Syrian troops

In Manbij denied the information about entering in the city of Syrian troops Moscow. 28 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — of the Syrian Government forces approached the town of Manbij, however, were not included in it, said Friday the Agency Associated Press, citing local Kurdish official Ilham Ahmad. Ahmed said that the Syrian army units are on the border of the city, but the city itself didn’t. He added that he was stationed near the city, US troops remain in their positions. Thus, according to the representative of Kurds in the city are the Kurdish militia. Earlier Friday, the Kurdish “people’s protection Units” (YPG) released a statement calling for Syrian authorities to take control of areas left by the Kurds, to protect this territory from Turkey. Including it was about the city of Manbij. Subsequently, the representatives of the Syrian government forces announced the entry of military forces in Manbij.

The end of the race of disarmament

The end of the race of disarmament What comes after the rupture of agreements between Russia and the United States. The announcement of the US authorities about the imminent withdrawal of the Russian-American Treaty on the elimination of intermediate-range and shorter-range nuclear forces (INF) has become one of the most important international events of the year. The collapse of this agreement, and the chances of its preservation are actually equal to zero will lead to a new arms race and the deterioration of security in Europe and Asia. If the victim of the confrontation between Moscow and Washington will become the Treaty on the limitation of strategic offensive arms, the control arms can be definitively buried. However, according to “Kommersant”, the White house warned the Kremlin that “all will probably get a lot worse before it can get better.” The announcement of the President of the United States Donald trump

Sitting in an American prison Butinai allowed to talk

Sitting in an American prison Butinai allowed to talk Russian woman Maria Butunoi, accused the US of involvement in the conspiracy business in favor of a foreign state, softened the conditions of detention. This was told “Interfax” the Vice-President of the Russian division of the International Committee of protection of human rights at the UN Ivan Melnikov. “As soon as I said Mary’s father, she was allowed to walk day and to communicate with other prisoners, that before she was deprived of her”, he said. According to him, Butina told his relatives about it. On 20 December it was reported that diplomats from the Russian Embassy in the U.S. visited a woman in prison. Then she was still in complete isolation in solitary confinement. News“no One forced Mary Butina to do what she wants” 13 Dec Butina in court confessed that he worked as a foreign agent under the leadership

The involvement of children in unauthorized rallies will be fined

The involvement of children in unauthorized rallies will be fined Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law that establishes administrative liability for involvement of minors in inconsistent rallies. The document was published on 28 December, the official portal of legal information. We will remind, the amendments made to the RF Code of administrative offences, which is supplemented by a provision that “involvement of minors in part in an unauthorized Assembly, rally, demonstration, procession or picketing, if this activity does not contain criminally punishable deeds shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine”.

Moscow and London will begin in January to restore the number of diplomatic missions

Moscow and London will begin in January to restore the number of diplomatic missions MOSCOW, December 28. /TASS/. Russia and Britain have reached agreement on a gradual recovery in the number of diplomatic missions from January 2019. About it on air of TV channel “Russia-24” said Russia’s Ambassador to the Kingdom Alexander Yakovenko. 7фотографий7фотографий7фотографий “We have reached an agreement in principle that somewhere in the month of January diplomatic staff will be restored in Moscow and in London, he said. — I’m not sure that this will be done in respect of all employees, but at least half of the Embassy will be restored.” NewsVkontakte as a simple tool to promote small business Yakovenko appreciated the restoration of the diplomatic mission as a positive step in cooperation between the two countries. Relations between Moscow and London deteriorated sharply after the incident with the poisoning Sergei Skripal, who was sentenced in