Volodin said the declining confidence in the political decisions of the ECHR

Speaker of the state Duma of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin © Sergey Fadeichev/TASS MOSCOW, April 14. /TASS/. The decisions of the European court of human rights (ECHR) are often politicized, one example is its April 13 ruling in the case of the terrorist attack in Beslan. This was stated by TASS, the Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin. “When we talk about the decisions of the ECHR, these decisions are often politicized. By the way, pay attention not only us, but other countries, – said the head of the lower house of the Russian Parliament. And the last case is an example of this”. “It said the Kingdom, stressing that the authority, which is funded by the members of the Council of Europe takes decisions without taking into account the national legislation”, – noted the speaker. He is convinced that “this factor should be considered, but the ECHR

“United Russia” has suspended the party membership of former head of Mari El Leonid Markelov

Leonid Markelov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, April 14. /TASS/. The membership of the former head of Mari El Leonid Markelov in the “United Russia” suspended in connection with excitation against it criminal case. This was reported on the website of the Republican branch of the party. On Friday in Yoshkar-Ola took place the session of Presidium of political Council of regional branch of “United Russia”.

USA was first used in Afghanistan against the IG heavy-duty non-nuclear bomb

USA was first used in Afghanistan against the IG heavy-duty non-nuclear bomb According to CNN, the bomb was used “a few hours ago” to destroy the tunnels IG. WASHINGTON, April 13. /Offset. TASS Anton Cranks/. The Pentagon has confirmed that first used in Afghanistan, heavy-duty high-explosive bombs, called in USA “mother of all bombs”. This was reported TASS the press service of the defense Ministry. “For the first time this bomb was used in battle,” — said the Agency interlocutor, noting that the operation “was developed for several months.” According to sources of CNN, the bomb was dropped from the plane “a few hours ago” to destroy the tunnels and caves in Eastern Afghanistan used by the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). The U.S. military is currently evaluating extremists caused the damage. In the report ammunition called the “largest non-nuclear bombs,” available to the United States.

The court arrested four people in the case of the police beating on March 26

The court arrested four people in the case of the police beating on March 26 MOSCOW, 13 APR — RIA Novosti. Moscow’s Basmanny court on Thursday took into custody four defendants in the case about beating of the police at an unsanctioned rally on March 26, reported RIA Novosti the representative of the court. “Yes, today arrested four, the last — Andrei Oblique”, — he said. Earlier today it became known that criminal case about the attack on the authorities — police and Regardie — were charged four defendants — Alexander Shpakova, Stanislav Shimuzu, Yuri Kuliyā and Andrew Skew. According to the investigative Committee, Shpakov on Tverskaya street tried to open the door to the office bus to the police and repeatedly punched in the face, police officer. Oblique attacked two cops, including one of them with his foot, causing him to lost consciousness. Zimovets threw a brick through the

In the state Duma a draft law LDPR about cancellation of the day of silence before elections

In the state Duma a draft law LDPR about cancellation of the day of silence before elections According to the authors of the document, the campaigning until after the election will increase voter turnout. MOSCOW, April 13. /TASS/. A group of deputies of the state Duma from LDPR have submitted for consideration the lower chamber the bill repealing the so-called day of silence before elections. The document is available in the electronic database of the state Duma. “The bill proposes to cancel the day of silence, that is to allow campaign events until after the election, which will increase voter turnout in the elections and contribute to their implementation in accordance with the democratic principles of openness and freedom,” reads the explanatory note to the bill. The document’s authors, among them Vice-speaker of the state Duma Igor Lebedev and the head of the Committee on Federal structure and local self-government

In the state Duma proposed to deport the migrants at their expense

Photo: RIA Novosti The Deputy of the state Duma Vladimir Sysoev has prepared a draft law (a copy is in RT), according to which, migrants will be obliged to have at the entrance to Russia the policy of obligatory insurance of risk of deportation or administrative expulsion. The bill will be introduced on Friday, April 14. “Currently, our country ranks second in the world in the number of persons on its territory migrants. Total of such persons in Russia amounts to more than 10 million people, or 7% of the total population. I propose to require migrants to pay the expenses for the deportation — this will not only significantly reduce the cost of the Federal budget for these activities, but also will accelerate the expulsion of gentlemen of good luck to their homeland,” — said the Deputy of the RT. According to the General Directorate for migration, Ministry of

The Pentagon will no longer inform about contacts with Russia on Syria

Photo: Reuters USA do not intend to publicly discuss the contacts with Russia in the framework of the communication channel to prevent incidents. About it journalists were reported by the official representative of headquarters of the operation under the code name Inherent Resolve (“resoluteness”), which is held in Iraq and Syria group of countries headed by the USA against the group “Islamic state” (banned in Russia), Colonel, U.S. air force John Dorrian. “We will no longer provide information about these daily discussions,” he said, answering questions of journalists in a teleconference from Baghdad. According to him, the coalition had come to the conclusion that the report about the “unproductive”. “The more we will not do” – said Dorian. April 7, the official representative of the defense Ministry major General Igor Konashenkov said that the Ministry suspends April 8, working under a Memorandum of understanding hotline of communication with the Pentagon,

Coalition forces led by the US have destroyed in Syria 18 opposition fighters

Coalition forces led by the US have destroyed in Syria 18 opposition fighters WASHINGTON, April 13. /TASS/. The blow was struck at the request of the partner armed forces, which indicated where the target is defined as a military position of ISIS, reported the press service of the Pentagon. Forces anti-terrorist coalition headed by the USA have destroyed in Syria 18 people from the group of the moderate opposition. As reported in the press service of the Pentagon, the incident occurred on 11 April in the area South of the city tabka. “The blow was struck at the request of the partner armed forces, which are indicated, where is this goal defined as a military position grouping “Islamic state” (banned in Russia)”, — reported in the us military. According to him, in fact the goal was the advanced position of the troop of armed coalition “forces of the democratic Syria.”

Assad called fabricating reports himatake in Syria

Assad called fabricating reports himatake in Syria Moscow. April 13. INTERFAX.RU — Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said on Thursday that reports of the alleged chemical attack in the Syrian Eblida are “absolute fabrication”. “Definitely, 100% for us is a fabrication. We have the impression that the West, especially the US, are in close cooperation with terrorists,” — said in the message published on the website of TV channel France 24. “They fabricated the whole story to have a reason to attack,” — said Assad. Chemical attack and a missile strike USA On 4 April, the media reported that the city of Khan shaykhun in the Syrian province of Idlib was applied ammunition with toxic substances in the killing, according to various estimates, about 100 people, injuring dozens of people. The US and its allies have accused the strike of Syrian President Bashar Assad, but Damascus categorically rejected the accusation. On

Base “Shirt” strike weird

Base “Shirt” strike weird Special correspondent of “Komsomolskaya Pravda” Alexander Kots saw that the American missile attack has not made much of an impression on the Syrians. — It lasted no more than 15 minutes, a couple dozen explosions, from which the floor was shaking under the feet, — says a teacher of school of the village Sirat Abdullah Hasim, adjacent to 7 April attacked the airbase. Thought, the terrorists burst to the base and try to grab it, but in the morning all learned on TV. The first wounded began to bring to six in the morning, told me at a local hospital. — Mainly the military and civilians had burns and shrapnel wounds. Through our hospital ten people. Later they were taken to the hospital in HOMS. About the dead civilian doctor heard nothing, although according to Syrian television reported nine victims, among them four children. Officially, however,