The US air force published a video test of the “mother of all bombs”

The US air force published a video test of the “mother of all bombs” Moscow. April 14. INTERFAX.RU — air force, the U.S. released videos of tests of the GBU-43B — the most powerful non-nuclear bombs available to the United States, after Thursday it was dropped on the position of the banned terrorist group ISIS in Afghanistan. The US experienced the “mother of all bombs” in 2003 at the site in Florida. Until now, it has never been used in combat, although one copy was sent to Iraq. Only in the Arsenal of the Pentagon there are 14 such bombs. U. S. Bombs, Destroys Khorasan Group Stronghold in Afghanistan — U. S. Air Force (@usairforce) 13 APR 2017. On Thursday, the United States dropped GBU-43B on the positions of militants in the Afghan province of Nangarhar. As stated by White house spokesman Sean Spicer, such a powerful bomb

In the US, the insurers filed a lawsuit against Saudi banks due to the September 11 attacks

In the US, the insurers filed a lawsuit against Saudi banks due to the September 11 attacks The court in new York’s Manhattan, a group of American insurance companies filed suit against Saudi banks and other organizations in connection with the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, carried out by terrorists of “al-Qaeda”. It is reported TASS with reference to documents obtained from the archives of the court. The lawsuit alleges that the two banks of Saudi Arabia, as well as eight companies and charitable organizations in the Kingdom had al-Qaida support. As stated in the document without assistance from the defendants terrorists “would not be able to successfully plan, coordinate and carry out the September 11 attacks”. The plaintiffs demand to cover all costs related to the implementation process, as well as to pay compensation of at least $ 1.4 billion. In the case of a court decision in

Putin noted the potential of mutually beneficial cooperation between Russia and India

Photo: RIA Novosti The President of Russia Vladimir Putin sent a telegram to the President of India Pranab Mukherjee and Prime Minister Narendra modi in which he congratulated colleagues on the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between States. About it reports a press-service of the Kremlin. “Over the past decade, Russia and India has considerable potential for mutually beneficial cooperation. Constructive political dialogue established, implemented large-scale joint projects in trade-economic, energy, scientific-technical, infrastructural and humanitarian areas”, – stated in the text of the telegram. According to Putin, occupying similar positions on key issues of global and regional agenda, Moscow and new Delhi have effectively coordinated efforts in the framework of such multilateral bodies as the UN and BRICS. “Working together, our countries make a significant contribution to countering terrorism, extremism, TRANS-border crime and other significant challenges,” said the Russian President. In addition, Putin expressed confidence that further

Putin supported the idea of returning to the community powers to combat poachers

Photo: RIA Novosti The President of Russia Vladimir Putin approved the proposal of the Minister of nature Sergey Donskoy on the return of powers to public inspectors, and employees of private hunting farms to counter the poachers, which they had until 2002. At the present time to draw up protocols on administrative offences in the sphere of nature protection and to apprehend violators can only state inspectors. Due to their lack of want to help the community. After the credentials of the activists will be expanded, they will be able to draw up protocols on administrative offences, to carry out a personal inspection of the poachers and their belongings and to seize the instruments and products of illegal hunting and to deliver offenders to the police. It is expected that the initiative of the Ministry of natural resources will be designed in the form of changes to the administrative code.

In the state Duma a bill on the access of insurers to medical privacy

Photo: RIA Novosti In the state Duma introduced a bill that would allow permit insurance agents to medical privacy, should be from the electronic database laws of the state Duma. “To establish the facts and circumstances of the event having signs of insured event, the insurance organization is entitled to receive in medical institutions of the information about the insured person, the life and health of which harmed, including information constituting a medical secret, and (or) related to the special categories of personal,” — said in the amendments proposed by the bill. The authors of the bill cite data of the all-Russian Union of insurers that 50% of medical organizations refuse to insurers in providing data to insured patients. Health workers are motivated by the fact that in the law there is no procedure of providing such data. The result is delayed decision making on claims. The author of the

Peskov: Russia is against unproven accusations on the incident in Idlib

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS BISHKEK, April 14. /TASS/. Russia is not trying to be a lawyer anyone for the incident with chemical weapons in Idlib province, but against the allegations without evidence levelled against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. “We do not rule out in advance any possibility, and we are not trying to be anyone’s lawyer. We insist only that it is impossible to accuse someone without conducting appropriate proceedings. This is a very dangerous precedent from the point of view of international law and law enforcement,” – said the press Secretary of the Russian leader. According to Peskov, the alleged evidence of the involvement of Damascus for the chemical attack, no one has provided. “No one has seen any materials. In fact, very modestly mention the presence of some alleged evidence. But mostly everyone says it’s evidence that there was use of chemical

Lavrov, Zarif and Muallem discussed the investigation himataki in Syria and the deployment of US troops

The Minister of foreign Affairs of Syria Walid Muallem, Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov and Minister of foreign Affairs of Iran Mohammad Javad Zarif © Anton novoderezhkin/TASS MOSCOW, April 14. /TASS/. The theme of the transfer of us military equipment to the border between Syria and Jordan were discussed on April 14, the trilateral talks between the foreign Ministers of Russia, Syria and Iran, Sergey Lavrov and Walid Muallem, Mohammad Javad Zarif. In addition, the parties considered the situation around the investigation presumably perfect 4 April chemical attack in the town of Khan Shaykhun Syria’s Idlib province. The Ministers also discussed possible joint steps that need to be aimed at preventing the escalation of tensions in Syria and the breakdown of the political process. Possible new front In the trilateral format on Russian-Iranian-Syrian negotiations, the parties discussed the transfer of us military equipment on the border between

Ankara is considering the purchase of Russian s-400

Ankara is considering the purchase of Russian s-400 WASHINGTON, April 14 — RIA Novosti, Dmitry Zlatarev. Ankara did not receive support from NATO in the procurement of air defense systems in terms of competitive prices, so as an alternative considers the Russian anti-aircraft missile systems (WRU) s-400, said the Minister of defence of Turkey Fikri Işık. Speaking at the Washington-based Fund SET to study American-Turkish relations during his visit to the US, Işık expressed regret that Turkey “failed to get support in this issue (the supply of air defense systems) of NATO partners”. “I’m talking about competitive prices, exchange technologies. Therefore, we study the alternatives, and one of them is the Russian s-400” — said the Turkish Minister. Earlier, representatives of the Russian and Turkish authorities have repeatedly stated about the ongoing Moscow and Ankara negotiations on the supply of s-400. According to the head of Rostec Sergey Chemezov, Turkey

“The voice” asked the officials not to interfere in elections

“The voice” asked the officials not to interfere in elections The movement “the Voice” asks the President, the leadership of his administration (AP) and the Central election Commission (CEC) “to Express a clear position” on the “inadmissibility of intervention” officials at all levels in the electoral process. In particular, it is noted in the motion, the AP negotiates political strategists for candidates from the ruling party. Political analysts say that “absolute equality does not exist anywhere in the world,” and of their belonging to the AP in the regions often say “crooks and swindlers”. As reported in the statement of the movement (to be published today), “lately in the media” reported “about participation of employees of AP in the selection and coordination of the” political consultants and engineers for the conduct of election campaigns of regional leaders and candidates in the municipal elections in Moscow. Because “until now, this information

In the Syrian foreign Ministry responded to the words of trump, who called Assad’s “animal”

In the Syrian foreign Ministry responded to the words of trump, who called Assad’s “animal” PARIS, 13 APR — RIA Novosti. In the Syrian foreign Ministry responded to the insulting words of the US President Donald trump, who called the President of Syria, Bashar al-Assad “animal”. “If you are an animal, do not think that everyone else is the same. Bashar al — Assad- President of a sovereign state, he was elected by the people. And give it the characteristic needs of the Syrian people, not trump,” — said RIA Novosti Deputy head of the foreign Ministry of ATS Ayman Sussan. Earlier, U.S. President Donald trump called President Bashar Assad “animal”. He called the necessary impact on the US military base Syrian government forces carried out last week, and said that it was supposed to make the previous Obama administration.