Mei will not participate in election TV debates

Mei will not participate in election TV debates LONDON, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti, Maria Tobacco. Prime Minister Theresa may will not take part in TV election debates, told reporters on Tuesday the official representative of the Conservative party. “No, she will not participate. The choice is clear between strong and stable leadership in the name of national interests, led by Theresa may, or a weak and unstable coalition government under the management of Jeremy Corbin (leader of the labour party — ed.)”, — he said. Corbin has already responded to this announcement by writing on Twitter: “If a General election relate to leadership, as Theresa may announced this morning, it should not shy away from televised debates face to face.” On Tuesday the British Prime Minister announced that he will urge the Parliament to support the holding of early General elections on 8 June. As expected, the deputies will

Matviyenko said, as the Islamic robe helped her in the negotiations in Saudi Arabia

Photo: RIA Novosti The Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko said that strict clothing to accommodate Muslim norms, helped her to find common ground and achieve an atmosphere of trust at negotiations in Saudi Arabia. “There is a diplomatic culture. When you come to another country, you have to respect the culture, traditions, religious features, and this is a prerequisite not only if you want of diplomatic etiquette, but it’s internal culture. If you with disdain, then there is no trust and respectful dialogue will not work. Yes, they can endure, accept, but the rest of the soul remains”, – said Matvienko, answering a question about how respect for local traditions helps her in building a dialogue on political topics. “I’m not going to discuss anyone else, I’m talking about myself – for me it’s organic. I myself was twice Ambassador and I understand how sensitive to this concern,

The Turkish Parliament approved the extension of state of emergency for three months

The Turkish Parliament approved the extension of state of emergency for three months Moscow. 18 APR. INTERFAX.RU — Turkish parliamentarians on Tuesday approved the proposal to extend the state of emergency in the country for three months, according to the newspaper Hurriyet. The newspaper reminds that the state of emergency was introduced in the country after the failure of the military coup in July last year. Since then it has been extended three times already. With the decision to extend the state of emergency made on the eve of the Turkish government on the recommendation of the Council of national security of the country.

Russia and Turkey agreed soon as possible to remove mutual restrictions

Russia and Turkey agreed soon as possible to remove mutual restrictions MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. Russia and Turkey have expressed a desire to remove a large part of reciprocal restrictions on the supply of agricultural products, intend to in the next two weeks to hold a series of consultation and timetable for further action, said in a statement on the website of the government of the Russian Federation. On Tuesday in Moscow held talks with Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich and Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey Mehmet Simsek. “Participants noted that there is a General desire to remove the maximum number of constraints that currently exist, in the shortest possible time, it was also stressed the common understanding that some sensitive issues requires a phased work”, — stated in the message. It notes that “in the next two weeks will be carried out intensive consultations to establish a

The delegation of the government of Turkey flew to Moscow to discuss the lifting of sanctions

The delegation of the government of Turkey flew to Moscow to discuss the lifting of sanctions Flew into Moscow the delegation of the government of Turkey headed by Deputy Prime Minister Mehmet Timecom, reports Anadolu news Agency. In Russia, Turkish officials will discuss the lifting of mutual sanctions. According to the newspaper, the delegation will meet with Russian Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich. The negotiations will be the possible lifting of the embargo on the supply of agricultural products and the removal of a number of other restrictions. Earlier, on 13 April about the planned trip to Russia said the foreign Minister of Turkey Mevlut Cavusoglu. The official noted that it plans to discuss with the Russian authorities full deregulation. “We hope that the parties come to an agreement on this issue,” Cavusoglu said. The day before, April 17, experts of the Gaidar Institute and the Russian Academy of national

Dangerous job

Photo: Kommersant Fresh, non-trivial political story from Omsk: all candidates for the office of mayor refused to compete for the post. Direct election of the mayor in the city cancelled, elected mayor members of the city Council. Initially, the post had 20 applicants, but the majority of them screened out in the application process. And now the main surprise is considered the main contender for the post of Deputy Chairman of the government of Omsk region Stanislav Grebenshchikov 13 APR unexpectedly withdrew from the elections with the wording “for health reasons”. A few days later recused himself and the last candidate on a post of the head of the entrepreneur Andrey Yaroshevich. Now the elections the city Council may declare a mistrial. That, in turn, says a local political crisis. It is not surprising, because the mayor is rapidly losing political weight in the last decade. Mayors actively planted, then

Ryabkov: the situation requires a speedy check out of experts in Khan Shaykhun and the airbase Shirt

Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergei Ryabkov © Sergey Fadeichev/TASS MOSCOW, April 18. /TASS/. The situation with the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria demands the immediate departure of the international expert group in Khan Shaykhun and to the base Shirt, where on the night of 7 April, suffered a rocket attack the United States. This was stated by Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov in connection with the renewed 19 April in the Hague speciesa the Executive Council of the OPCW. Hasty conclusions According to him, Moscow with concern and alarm that draws attention to the continued attempts of some countries to deliberately distort the situation around the incident in Khan Sheyhun April 4 and “essentially dictate the OPCW its hasty, but it is very far-reaching conclusions”.

Media suspected trump of the lack of distinction between Kim Jong UN and Kim Jong-Il

Media suspected trump of the lack of distinction between Kim Jong UN and Kim Jong-Il Moscow. 18 APR. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. President Donald trump, judging by his statements, apparently was not aware of the fact that in 2011 North Korea has a new leader, concluded the Spanish news Agency EFE. “Negotiations with this man (leader of North Korea — if) have been going on for a long time. In his book bill Clinton wrote that they were able to reach a peace agreement, which turned out to be a joke. Look at what became (with the problem of the DPRK — if) over the years of Obama. He (the leader of North Korea — if) all deceived,” said trump in an interview with Fox News channel. As EFE notes, apparently trump is not aware of the fact that the current North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN came to power in 2011

Mei called the date of early elections to the Parliament of Britain

Mei called the date of early elections to the Parliament of Britain LONDON, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti, Denis Voroshilov. Prime Minister Theresa may announced the date of early elections to the Parliament, the vote will take place on 8 June. The decision was taken at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers. On Wednesday, the bill will be submitted to Parliament for adoption required the support of two thirds of deputies. According to may, the elections will reinforce the unity of the government in terms of a British exit from the European Union. “The lack of unity in the government will not succeed in the negotiations with the EU” — said Prime Minister, stressing that leaving the EU is a constant target for conservatives. In the summer of 2016, the British voted to leave the European Union. Procedure Brexit was launched on March 29, when Theresa may officially informed