The work of the government of the Russian Federation: facts and figures for 2016

© Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS 19 April, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev delivers his annual government report to the state Duma. The Cabinet of Ministers has provided an infographic that clearly outlined the outcomes of the work of the government for the year 2016. Announcing his speech, the Prime Minister said that “the recession virtually stopped.” According to him, last year the government “had to make very difficult decisions.” Medvedev also promised to inform the deputies about the work on implementation of the 10 priority projects in the areas of health, education, mortgages housing and communal services, infrastructure development, small business, single-industry towns, in road construction. The history of government reports before the state Duma. Dossier

Maduro accused the U.S. of attempting to destabilize the situation in Venezuela

Maduro accused the U.S. of attempting to destabilize the situation in Venezuela The Venezuelan President believes that the international forces led by the us state Department “ordered the attack on the revolutionary government, the institutions of government” of the country. MEXICO city, April 19. /TASS/. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has accused the U.S. of attempting to destabilize the situation in the South American country. The corresponding statement the President made Tuesday in a speech that was broadcast by the TV station TeleSUR. “Sure, we’re facing the most criminal and violent in recent years, the onslaught against peace, democracy and the Venezuelan Constitution. These days, all these weeks we have been dealing with the conspiracy, with the onslaught of international forces headed by the state Department and other U.S. government who ordered the attack on the revolutionary government, at the institutions of the Venezuelan government to provoke an imperialist invasion and

With the Duma about the millions: a study of declarations of the Russian Parliament

With the Duma about the millions: a study of declarations of the Russian Parliament In 2016 the average Deputy of the state Duma of the seventh convocation has earned 18.7 million rubles, which is almost 20% less than the MP of the sixth convocation, the company informed.7 million rubles, more than double the previous figure. A comparison of the welfare of parliamentarians in the study of RBC. For comparison, the average income of parliamentarians RBC took the data of the declarations of deputies of the last two calls (sixth and seventh) for 2011-2016 The maximum increase in average earnings of parliamentarians on factions for six years was 30%, and decreased revenues from two of the four Duma factions The deputies of “United Russia” on average, with 2011 revenue dropped by almost half, from 36 million to 20.7 million rubles., and “Fair Russia” — from 15.7 million to 12.5 million rubles.

Guardian: the U.S. is considering the possibility of intercepting missiles of the DPRK

Guardian: the U.S. is considering the possibility of intercepting missiles of the DPRK MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. The U.S. military is considering the possibility to shoot down North Korean missiles during testing in order to demonstrate the power of Pyongyang, the newspaper the Guardian, citing two sources. As writes the edition, against the backdrop of increased tension due to missile tests by North Korea, the Pentagon is looking for ways to put pressure on the country on the issue of denuclearization. The Minister of defence of the USA James Mattis has already briefed Congress on this issue, however, the military has not yet made decisions about the interception of North Korean missiles. The newspaper’s sources said that the us military did not consider the use of anti-aircraft missile complex THAAD, which has on its territory places of South Korea. Instead, the U.S. military can use installed on ships

Prosecutor’s office of Russia and Israel signed an agreement on cooperation

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika and the state Prosecutor of Israel Shai Nitzan signed in Jerusalem a Memorandum of cooperation, RIA “Novosti”. “The Memorandum defines the main directions of cooperation of the parties, in particular, protection of rights and freedoms, the fight against crime, including terrorism and extremism, illegal trafficking of weapons, narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, illegal migration and human trafficking, cybercrime, corruption and other crimes pose an increased danger to society,” — said the Prosecutor’s office. It is reported that Russia and Israel came to an agreement in the sphere of extradition and legal assistance in criminal matters, including in matters of seizure, arrest, confiscation and return of assets obtained by criminal means.

Medvedev did not ask about personal

Photo: TASS The upcoming report, the Prime Minister briefly announced in a recent meeting with members of “United Russia”, and then repeated the same points and in the dialogue with Vladimir Putin on Monday. Medvedev recalled that the practice of government reports on the results of work there for nine years. “I started it, and it proved the efficiency of such dialogue with the State Duma, made the government more open and understandable to our colleagues-deputies, and therefore, for the citizens of our country”, — said the Prime Minister. During the meeting in the Kremlin on Monday, he briefed the President about the key points of the report on the activities of the government for the year 2016. Medvedev noted that this time the government comes out with good grades state of the Russian economy. The main message of the coming of the Prime Minister’s speech is that she overcame

Trump wished good luck to the Brits in the parliamentary elections

Trump wished good luck to the Brits in the parliamentary elections The US President held a telephone conversation with the Prime Minister of Britain, Theresa may. The President of the United States Donald trump in a telephone conversation with Prime Minister of great Britain Teresa may said she and the British of luck in early elections to the Parliament, according to the White house. In a statement the White house said that the conversation of leaders was initiated by the Mae, who wanted to inform trump about the upcoming elections, RIA “Novosti”. “President trump wished the British people good luck with the election process”, — stated in the message of the White house. The British Parliament will debate the proposals Theresa may on Wednesday. Elections should be held on June 8, according to their results, should be formed the new composition of the house of Commons and the Cabinet of

US Ambassador to the UN, predicted the conflicts in North Korea, Iran and Cuba

US Ambassador to the UN, predicted the conflicts in North Korea, Iran and Cuba According to Nikki Haley, the big international crises can occur because of mass violations of human rights. UN 19 APR. /Offset. TASS Oleg Zelenin/. The U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley suggests that the following major international crises may arise in North Korea, Iran and Cuba due to the mass violations of human rights. Speaking on Tuesday at the meeting of the UN Security Council, the diplomat defended the point of view according to which the widespread human rights violations are a harbinger of armed conflict. In her words, “when the state begins to systematically violate human rights, it is a sign, red flag, one of the most obvious indicators of impending instability and violence that spill across borders”. “It is not surprising that the most brutal regimes are the worst violators of human

The defense Ministry has commented on reports of intercept two Tu-95 in Alaska

The defense Ministry has commented on reports of intercept two Tu-95 in Alaska The Russian defense Ministry confirmed that American F-22 fighter jets escorted the Russian strategic bombers Tu-95 near Alaska. Intercept two Russian military planes were previously reported by FoxNews channel. The Russian defense Ministry said that talking about the events of 17 April. That day, two strategic bombers Tu-95MS airbase Ukrainka (Amur region) has successfully completed the tasks according to plan of air patrol. The flight route passed through neutral waters over the Pacific ocean along the Aleutian Islands, emphasizes the Ministry of defense. The report said that the Russian aircraft flew about 5 thousand kilometers at speeds up to 850 km/h and altitudes up to 10 thousand meters. “The flight duration was more than 7 hours. Over international waters near Alaska Tu-95MS bombers were accompanied by F-22 U.S. air force for 27 minutes”, — quotes the message

B has named possible candidates for the presidency of the Committee of Federation Council on regulations

Photo: RIA Novosti The Federation Council Committee on rules, whose Chairman was previously deceased Vadim Tulpanov, head of St. Petersburg can Senator Andrey Kutepov, the Senator from the Omsk region Elena Mizulina, or the Senator from Tuva Lyudmila Narusova, wrote on Monday the newspaper “Kommersant” with reference to sources in the upper house of Parliament in the Kremlin. Senator from Nenets Autonomous district, the head of the Federation Council Committee on rules Vadim Tulpanov, died April 4, on 53-m to year of life from congestive heart failure and was buried on 7 April at the Novodevichy cemetery in St. Petersburg. In this regard, the Federation Council ahead of schedule stopped its powers. It is noted that in addition to Kutepova on this post claiming the senators Elena and Lyudmila Narusova. “The Committee of the Federation Council (SF) according to the regulations can lead of the St. Petersburg Senator Andrey Kutepov