Media reported that Russia’s refusal from participation in the coalition on Syria under the auspices of the United States

Media reported that Russia’s refusal from participation in the coalition on Syria under the auspices of the United States The anti-terrorist coalition under the authority of the United States is illegitimate, considered in Moscow. Moscow. April 20. INTERFAX.RU — Russia will never join the international anti-terror coalition on Syria under the auspices of the United States, despite recurrent proposals from Western politicians, said on Thursday the newspaper “Izvestia” with reference to the source in Russian diplomatic circles. Moscow will never go into a coalition under U.S. auspices. We’ve explained to our partners in closed meetings. Arguing that their actions are illegitimate in Syria. We did offer to join them, but the main condition was the presidency of Washington on the issue of terrorism. We also go gotovitsy of the newspaper “Izvestia” The publication notes that, according to the head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev, effective

Buyers of permits on resorts of the Russian Federation can return to 120 thousand rubles

Buyers of permits on resorts of the Russian Federation can return to 120 thousand rubles The proposal was made by the Federation Council Committee on social policy. The tax may compensate the Russians who buy vouchers for a weekend or up to 120 thousand roubles less, with a corresponding initiative was made by the Federation Council Committee on social policy at a meeting of the Ministry of health for the development of sanatorium-resort complex of the country. Senator Igor Fomin told “Izvestia” that the Federation Council will submit the proposal in collaboration with the government on the document in the coming days. Tax deduction includes only the cost of treatment and is not more than 30% of all trips. According to the system wishes to receive compensation for part of expenses on treatment, training or education submits an application to the tax, and she later returns part of the funds

Medvedev asked not to turn to war presidential elections

Photo: RIA Novosti Wednesday, April 19, Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev during his speech with a report on the work of the government in the state Duma, asked not to turn the war in the upcoming presidential election. According to him, it will benefit only those who are not worried about the welfare of the country. It is reported by RIA Novosti. “Struggle, as in any presidential race, she will naturally serious. But, I would like to specifically stress this in this room, we have never turned a political struggle into a war and do not intend to,” – said Medvedev. According to him, at the moment in Russia and so enough variety of difficulty. “And if we spend more time on populism, on speculation, to inflate the empty conflict – it will benefit only those who hardly ever care, how to live in Russia, those who want to

Novosibirsk Governor refused to raise utility tariffs by 15%

Photo: RIA Novosti The Governor of the Novosibirsk region Vladimir Gorodetsky rejected the decision on increase of tariffs for housing and communal services in the region by 15%. About it reports TASS. “I signed today a decree on introducing changes in the tariff codes. From 1 July fees will rise by 4% in Novosibirsk and in all the districts of the region”, – said Gorodetsky. As it became known, the majority of deputies of municipalities of the Novosibirsk region has supported the increase of payment for utility services from 1 July of the current year by 15%. This decision was based on wear of the equipment and utilities. This decision provoked a negative reaction from society, which developed into regular meetings. In turn, local authorities have insisted on increase in a tariff and offered to partially compensate the residents of the growth rates. Last year it was reported that the

Dear guests

Photo: Pavel Lisitsyn / RIA Novosti The regulator of migration processes in Russia (defunct FMS) has gone through major reform a year ago was included in the structure of the interior Ministry, changing the name. Why Uzbek workers strengthen their position in Russia and how many earned on the Treasury foreign workers, journalists were told by the leaders of the Main Directorate for migration (GOWM). According to the interior Ministry, released on 19 April, last year Russia moved 16.4 million foreigners and individuals without citizenship. The lion’s share of flow — the citizens of the CIS countries, almost 70 percent. The EU accounts for 11.2 percent, the others — citizens of other countries. “The most popular for foreigners remain Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar Krai — in a word, the same regions where employment looking for our compatriots,” — said the head GUVM Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia

The United States will reconsider its policy toward North Korea

The United States will reconsider its policy toward North Korea Moscow. April 20. INTERFAX.RU — the U.S. is reassessing its policy towards the DPRK, if any negotiations with Pyongyang and will continue, on other terms than in the past, said U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson. “We are reviewing all the provisions related to North Korea, both from the point of view of state sponsorship of terrorism, and other ways to put pressure on the regime in Pyongyang to re-join the work with us, but working with us will be on different terms than during past negotiations,” he told reporters on Wednesday. The Secretary said, “we are considering all these options”.

In the United States suspected RISS in developing a strategy for the “interference” of the Russian Federation in elections

In the United States suspected RISS in developing a strategy for the “interference” of the Russian Federation in elections MOSCOW, 20 APR — RIA Novosti. Us officials, whose names were not called, claim that at the disposal of US intelligence were two “document” the Russian Institute of strategic studies (RISS), which allegedly show that Russia tried to interfere in elections in the United States. According to Reuters, at the disposal of the officials were two of the “document” Russian Institute of studying which U.S. intelligence has concluded that Russia was trying to “actively intervene” in the American elections. So, in the publication of the Agency’s claimed that in one of the “documents” Institute allegedly encouraged the use of social networks and the Russian state media, to get American voters to take a softer stance towards Russia than conducted the course of the administration of Barack Obama, who was at that

Tillerson said the failure of the nuclear deal with Iran

Tillerson said the failure of the nuclear deal with Iran The agreement has not resulted in the failure of Tehran’s nuclear status, says U.S. Secretary of state. Policy towards the Islamic Republic, he considers unsuccessful. WASHINGTON, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. Deal with Iran on its nuclear program failed in achieving its goal, said U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson. SVPD (a Joint comprehensive plan of action — ed.) is failing in reaching your goal of non-nuclear status of Iran. It only postpones their goal is to become a nuclear state. This transaction represents the failed approach of the past that led us to the current imminent threat from North Koreasex Tellermarketer USA “SVPD (a Joint comprehensive plan of action — ed.) is failing in reaching your goal of non-nuclear status of Iran. It only postpones their goal is to become a nuclear state. This transaction represents the failed approach

Lavrov will discuss with the President of Abkhazia issues the border

Photo: Sputnik/ Thomas Thick The Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov intends to discuss with President of Abkhazia Raul khadjimba issues of the state border. “We need to consider topics we still have to finalize, this boundary is and property relations. We are interested in how to maintain your course to ensure that every resident of Abkhazia of equal rights to all it felt calm, in the national consent”, — said Lavrov in his opening remarks. “Of course, we are more interested in international activities, we are actively cooperating in the framework of the Geneva discussions, defending a fair approach. I am convinced that this is a very important context from the point of view of the participation of Abkhazia in foreign Affairs “, — he added.

Zakharova showed a selfie in short shorts

Photo: The official representative the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia Maria Zakharova published in Instagram your photo in short shorts, which were made in the gym. “The morning should be cheerful because the gym,” Zakharova signed your the. The morning should be cheerful ?? because the gym Publication from Maria Zakharova (@mzakharovamid) APR 18 2017 10:34 PDT In just two hours selfie representatives of the foreign Ministry have collected more than 4.5 thousand likes. Subscribers Zakharova noted and praised as its physical form, and strength of will. “That’s right, Masha, and that such work and such policy to get you can”, “should look like the face of the foreign Ministry!”, “Well done, protects the Russian Ministry of foreign Affairs, is running 300 percent. The pride of the country”, “look Great, better than you, slim like a girl. You are our Pride. I have never met the people who