Matviyenko has condemned the dramatic performance of Safrankova in the UN security Council

Matviyenko has condemned the dramatic performance of Safrankova in the UN security Council MOSCOW, 20 APR — RIA Novosti. The speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko has not endorsed a rather sharp statement by the Deputy permanent representative of Russia to the UN Vladimir Safronkov in the Security Council and brought its position to the head of the foreign Ministry. On Thursday at the meeting of the scientific expert Council of the head of the Department of constitutional and municipal law Department of Moscow state University Suren Avakyan critical about the performance Safrankova. “Were, from my point of view, somewhat poorly our representative in the Security Council, said some words similar to the words of the warrant officer turned to the soldier. Let react, your Committee say, well, can you behave?”, asked Avakyan to the meeting of the Council. In response, Matvienko said that it shared the opinion of

In the state Duma has developed the bill for the burial of Lenin’s body

In the state Duma has developed the bill for the burial of Lenin’s body Moscow. April 20. INTERFAX.RU IN the state Duma on Thursday introduced a bill with the proposal of the legal framework for burial of the remains of Vladimir Lenin, reported “Interfax” one of the initiators of the draft law, Vladimir Sysoev (LDPR). “The relevant amendments we propose to the current law about burial and funeral business”, — said Sysoev Thursday “Interfax”. “Our bill contains a legal framework for the reburial of the remains of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. The procedure and terms, as well as the place of burial shall be installed by the government based on decisions of the interdepartmental Commission”, — said the MP. As shown by a recent survey of “Levada-Centre”, more than half of Russians believe that Lenin’s body should be buried: 32% propose to do that at the Kremlin wall, and 26% at

Russia is ready to resume small border traffic with Poland

Photo: RIA Novosti Russia is ready to resume small border traffic with Poland, said the Director of the third European Department of the MFA of Russia Sergey Nechaev reporters in Warsaw on Wednesday. In the capital of Poland was held a Russian-Polish consultations. “We said when the agreement on small border traffic between the Kaliningrad oblast and North-Eastern voivodships of Poland worked — it was a very good practical example of bilateral cooperation, an example of which was really that beacon, including in the European context in the regions,” said Nechayev. “So it was unclear why last summer our Polish colleagues, without consulting us beforehand, just a few days before the entry into force of their new order ceased in unilateral right is a small border post, which we of course had to react adequately and mirror”, he added. The Director of the Department noted that the Russian side does

Zakharova: the words of the soloist of “Vopli Vidoplyasova” about the ghetto have to do with the motto of “Eurovision”

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Mikhail Japaridze/TASS MOSCOW, April 20. /TASS/. The words of the soloist of the Ukrainian group “Vopli Vidopliassova” Oleg Skrypka about the ghetto for those who have not learned the Ukrainian language, we should make the motto of “Eurovision” in Kiev. So the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova responded to the initiative of the musician. “This should take the form of stretch marks and hang from Boryspil airport to downtown: “Welcome participants of Eurovision – she said on his page on the social network Facebook. Feel yourself like in Europe, we are building a ghetto for morons who don’t speak Ukrainian. Welcome to Ukraine!”

The Finance Ministry has estimated the annual volume of “grey” salaries in Russia

The Finance Ministry has estimated the annual volume of “grey” salaries in Russia MOSCOW, 20 APR — RIA Novosti. The Finance Ministry estimates the volume of “grey” salaries in Russia in more than 10 trillion rubles a year, said Finance Minister Anton Siluanov. “The volume of “gray” wages Fund is more than 10 trillion rubles a year, which is a consequence of deep structural disproportions, including in levels of tax burden between “white” and “gray” economy,” he said, speaking at the Collegium of the Ministry of Finance. According to him, the way forward lay in a combination of economic incentives by changing the structure of the tax burden, with lower rates of direct taxes on labour and increasing rates of indirect taxes and other mechanisms of bringing the economy out of the shadows — expanding the use of cashless payments, traceability of transactions, taxpayers, etc. “The reduction of the informal

RISS has denied the charges in the preparation of a plan to influence U.S. elections

RISS has denied the charges in the preparation of a plan to influence U.S. elections The statement was made by the Institute Director Mikhail Fradkov. Director of the Russian Institute for strategic studies (RISS) Mikhail Fradkov has denied accusations that the alleged RISS has developed a strategy for Russia’s interference in the American presidential election. This is stated in the statement Fradkov, published on the website of the Institute. It seems that the authors of this invention does not measure the conspiracy in your mind the existing realities with desired fantasies, to once again draw attention to the passing of the public perception of the topic “participation” of Russia in the election campaign in the United States.Mikhail Fradkov He noted that “the Institute is the authoritative analytical structure, having in its composition of skilled professionals, but certainly not as not to as trying to attribute to the Institute, “crank”, in

Lukashenko has ruled out the failure of the Russian language in Belarus

Lukashenko has ruled out the failure of the Russian language in Belarus The Belarusian President noted that the West country is useless, as there is “of good enough”. Moscow. April 20. INTERFAX.RU President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said that the country is not going to abandon the Russian language, but don’t forget Belarus. “I emphasize (Russian language) — this is not Russian language. This is our common language that we created over the years. He is improving, evolving like living tissue. And together we invested a lot in improving the language,” Lukashenka is quoted by the presidential press service, during his meeting with Governor of Nizhny Novgorod region Valery Shantsev on Thursday in Minsk. He called unfair criticism for the country’s two official languages and focus on national. “What we Belarusian language is not forgotten, as it should be. It’s good that Belarusians have their own language. What we blame

Belgorod Governor decided in September to go for a new term

Photo: RIA Novosti President Vladimir Putin has allowed the Governor of the Belgorod region Yevgeny Savchenko to be re-elected for the next term. On Wednesday, Putin received the head of the region in the Kremlin. “You have the deadline?” Putin asked the Governor. “Yes, in September next term. If we get your permission, I am ready to continue the work,” — said Savchenko. “You are a very experienced and efficient, so I’m happy to support you. A question of law, as we do, I mean, when you’re running out of time”, — said Putin. “In October, and elections in September,” — said Savchenko. “All that means nothing, the main thing that we proceeded from the fact. But the point is to work well. How to set up the legal and technical side, we agree with you”, — has supported Putin. As explained by the press Secretary of the head of

Cafe on the Brehalovka and theatre: Lavrov walked along the waterfront of Sukhum

Photo: RIA Novosti The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov during his visit to Sukhum tried coffee in the famous café on the Brehalovka, and also visited the State Russian drama theatre, said the Agency Sputnik Abkhazia. The delegation of the Russian foreign Ministry walked along the Waterfront Muhajirs, which is considered a landmark of the city. After that diplomats have shown a cafe on the Brehalovka serving boiled on the sand-coffee. The members of the delegation appreciated the taste of the drink. “Famous coffee Brehalovka,” — said Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Grigory Karasin. Sergey Lavrov also was pleased with coffee. At the table, where sat the head of the foreign Ministry, the Russian diplomats and their Abkhazian colleagues, one space left. One of the Abkhazian journalists invited to join the table, to which she modestly refused. “You refuse to join us? No

Arguing with the speaker of St. Petersburg legislative Assembly, the journalist received a summons

Photo: Kommersant Journalist Sergei Kagermazova, who is Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Vyacheslav Makarov previously promised to send in the army, was given a summons to the military enlistment office at the Parliament building. On Wednesday, April 19, reports MR7. “Soon as I get out of the Mariinsky Palace, when I jumped to a man in civilian accompanied by two police officers”, — told the publication of Kagermanov. He added that he was obliged to appear before the draft Board on April 25. The journalist suggested that Makarov has a direct relation to the incident. The speaker of the Parliament, in turn, expressed hope that Kagermanov “will be a real conscript, not a draft Dodger”. “I am convinced that, after performing a sacred duty, he’ll come back stronger” — quoted Makarov Agency “Rosbalt”. He also stressed that “has never threatened anyone and did not threaten”. In February