Peskov commented on the criticism of Kudrin to the government

Peskov commented on the criticism of Kudrin to the government MOSCOW, 21 APR — RIA Novosti. Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov called the hypothesis about the connection of the statements of former Minister of Finance Alexey Kudrin with the possibility of changing the head of the Cabinet is not more than the verbal and political exercise. Press Secretary of the head of state asked to evaluate the assumptions of some scientists regarding the fact that Kudrin’s statements lately, including quite significant and not always related directly to his field of activity, associated with a possible change of Prime Minister. “Kudrin is a very authoritative expert, the expert did not narrow, but rather wide, so it is absolutely normal that he has a point of view on a wide range of issues. And to link everything with some electoral aspirations may be, it is clear and understandable from any

The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine has asked to seize the property of Gazprom

The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine has asked to seize the property of Gazprom KIEV, 21 Feb — RIA Novosti. The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU) asked the Department of state Executive service of the Ministry of justice of Ukraine to seize the property and assets of “Gazprom” in the country in the framework of the case about the fine to $ 6 billion, said the Minister Yuriy Terentyev on his page in Facebook. Terentyev said that the AMC addressed to the Executive service with the request to take measures for the collection of fines from “Gazprom” more than $ 6 billion dollars on the basis of earlier decisions of the courts. The application about opening of enforcement proceedings to recover fines and penalties from “Gazprom” sent to the Department of the public Executive service of the Ministry of justice.Yuri Terentiev AMC He also posted a photo of a letter to

In the Crimea, to create an offshore area

Photo: RIA Novosti Crimean authorities discuss the idea of starting an offshore zone on the Peninsula, said the head of the region Sergey Aksenov. “Discussed this project”, — quotes Aksenova Thursday RBC. The topic of offshore Crimean authorities are discussing with the Federal government, including the Ministry of economic development. We can talk about “a convenient option that still did not work and which can be applied for the first time in the Crimea.” In turn, the source of RBC, close to the government, explained that the offshore zone in Crimea would solve the problem of protecting information about investors on the Peninsula. Relevance store the information on investors due to the fact that investments in the Republic entail the application to them of Western sanctions imposed after the reunification of the Crimea with Russia. At the moment, decisions about how implementing the idea of offshore zones, according to Aksenov,

Premiere prompts

Photo: Kommersant Dmitry Medvedev, in his annual report to the state Duma, yesterday assured the deputies that the signs of economic recovery apparent, and the government’s actions are effective and mostly accurate. Parliamentary questions were reserved, unless the Communist Nikolai Kolomeitsev asked the Prime Minister, what prevents him to defend himself from the attacks of Alexei Navalny. The faction leaders were harsher in response, the Prime Minister offered to “all fall to the ground.” This was the first report of the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to the Duma, which was elected in 2016, and the last before the presidential election in 2018. In his speech, the Prime Minister was vigorous and energetic. “Progress, albeit small, is in each of the sectors that are critical to the development of the country, so it’s not just individual successes, and system improvement”, – announced Dmitry Medvedev. What was very disturbing before-sanctions and cheap

The defense Ministry responded to reports of the movement of equipment to the borders of the DPRK

The defense Ministry responded to reports of the movement of equipment to the borders of the DPRK The Ministry of defense of Russia commented on the information about the movement of military equipment to the borders of the DPRK. The Department explained that the redeployment of troops takes place in the framework of the planned exercises and not to do with politics, reports “Interfax”. According to him, military equipment, spotted earlier by the inhabitants of the Far East, was involved in large-scale exercises for the groups of air defense and aviation, which took place at a specialized landfill Telemba in Buryatia, and is now returning to the places of permanent deployment. Gordeyev said that the exercise involved air defense equipment. “Participated including connections to the combined arms army in Primorye”, — he added. In addition, according to Gordeyev, returns to the place of permanent deployment of artillery equipment which was

The state Duma has forbidden to name children swear words and figures

The state Duma has forbidden to name children swear words and figures MOSCOW, 21 APR — RIA Novosti. The state Duma a year after making adopted on Friday in the third final reading a law prohibiting the when you register the name of the child to use numbers, swear words, punctuation marks and titles, but allowing at the same time to give the baby a double surname. Senator Valentina Petrenko introduced a bill to the state Duma on 21 April 2016. The law supplementing the Family code provision stating that the choice of parents name of child not allowed the use of numbers, alphanumeric symbols, and the use of numerals, symbols and non-letter characters except for the character “hyphen” or any combination or abusive language, instructions on positions and titles. While in the Federal law “On acts of civil status”, the deputies placed a ban on the entry in the

Dvorkovich suggested to introduce to the officials “the right to be wrong”

Dvorkovich suggested to introduce to the officials “the right to be wrong” According to the Vice Prime Minister, such a right must be civil servants, focused on ambitious outcomes rather than the current process. KRASNOYARSK, April 21. /TASS/. Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich supported the proposals of the participants of the Krasnoyarsk economic forum to change approaches to ensure the efficiency of public administration, however, proposed to introduce a “right to error”. This opinion was expressed at a session of the forum on key elements of the reform of the public administration system. “Of course, should not have the right to the second and third mistake. It’s too much. But one mistake should certainly be right” — said Dvorkovich. According to him, is entitled to a mistake must have officials focused on ambitious outcomes rather than the current process. “This is very important, but it must be formulated at the

For the three months Rospotrebnadzor rejected 324 tons of products

Photo: NEWS/Pavel Bednyakov In the first three months of 2017, the territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor rejected 324 tons of food products and imposed fines totaling more than 164 million rubles. As the press service of the Ministry, the checks have affected more than 11 thousand food manufacturers, foodservice organizations and members of the food trade. Composed more than 13 thousand protocols on administrative offense. The proportion of counterfeit products in the first quarter was 4.6%. Most fraud accounts for imported dairy and fish products 7.5% and 6.5% respectively. The Ministry said that all counterfeit products removed from circulation. In the first quarter of the proportion of food samples that do not meet the requirements for content of chemical substances, kept a “consistently low rates” and amounted to 0.4%, while in 2016 this figure was 0.5%. In General, according to the CPS, the percentage of violations remained at the level of

The head of the Tomsk region has created a Department to combat corruption

Photo: In the Tomsk region administration formed a new Department which will be engaged in the fight against corruption. This was during an annual report on the results of the work of the Executive authorities to the legislative Assembly of the region, said the acting Governor Sergey Zhvachkin, the portal of the regional administration on Thursday, April 20. The Agency created on the basis of the audit Department. Its goal — prevention of corruption at all levels of government. “The head of Department in the status of the Deputy Governor will lead Alexander V. Shestakov,” said Gwatkin. He noted that the regional authorities are working closely with law enforcement and the public in matters of prevention and fight against corruption. “We regularly check the accuracy of information about income and expenditure, property of civil servants, conduct the Commission on observance of requirements to office behaviour and settlement of conflict

Volodin will co-sponsor a new version of the project to revoke citizenship from terrorists

Volodin will co-sponsor a new version of the project to revoke citizenship from terrorists MOSCOW, April 21. /TASS/. Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin told TASS that will be co-sponsoring a new, revised version of the bill to revoke citizenship from convicted terrorists. Before the initiative was withdrawn by the authors, but, as explained Volodin, will be finalized and 21 April perenesen. “I will be a sponsor of this bill,” — said the head of the lower chamber of the Russian Parliament. Also, according to the speaker, their signatures under the document, along with the authors of the first edition (the leaders of all four Duma factions), will deliver the first Vice-speaker Ivan Melnikov, Vice-speaker Irina Yarovaya, the Chairman of profile Committee on state construction and legislation Pavel Krasheninnikov. Simultaneously, the speaker stressed that concerns about the unconstitutionality of the bill to revoke citizenship from those convicted of terrorism