Peskov told about the possibility of Erdogan’s visit to Russia

Photo: TASS During a recent telephone conversation between presidents of Russia and Turkey Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan discussed the possibility of the visit of the Turkish leader to Moscow in the near future. This was reported by press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov, reports RIA Novosti. April 18, Putin and Erdogan had a telephone conversation during which we exchanged views on the situation in Syria.

Embassy of the Russian Federation: Seleznev was abducted by us intelligence agencies

The building of the Russian Embassy in the United States © EPA/SHAWN THEW MOSCOW, April 22. /TASS/. The Russian Embassy in the United States still considers the arrest of Russian citizen Roman Seleznev as illegal. The Russian foreign Ministry believe that the Russians, sentenced April 21, the Federal district court in Seattle (Washington state) to 27 years in prison for fraud, was “actually abducted by us intelligence agencies”. “According to available information, his lawyers will appeal the court’s decision”, – stated in the message posted on the Embassy page in Facebook on Friday after the verdict to Russian.

CNN learned about the new insights intelligence on the “Russian intervention” in U.S. elections

CNN learned about the new insights intelligence on the “Russian intervention” in U.S. elections U.S. intelligence believes that Russia tried to interfere in elections is not only through hacker attacks, CNN has learned. Russian agents could use advisers Donald trump, to infiltrate his campaign, believes in the FBI. Russia was trying to influence the election of the President of the United States not only through hacker attacks and attempts to infiltrate the campaign of Donald trump via his advisers. This conclusion inclined FBI agents investigating the alleged interference of Russia in the U.S. presidential election of 2016, according to CNN, citing unnamed us officials. It is reported that the conclusion was made based on the collected last summer, data on the interaction of the representatives of the campaign trump with the Russians. In particular, U.S. intelligence believes that Russia has been trying to infiltrate the campaign of the candidate-the Republican

CNN reported a fourth consecutive night flying Russian Tu-95 off the coast of Alaska

CNN reported a fourth consecutive night flying Russian Tu-95 off the coast of Alaska Tu-95 videoconferencing four nights in a row flew off the coast of Alaska, according to CNN. According to him, another flight of Russian bombers in the area was recorded on Wednesday, April 19. This time, the U.S. air force did not raise the aircraft for maintenance. Publish this statement on Friday, 21 April, was posted on the website of CNN. According to him, the next, the fourth, a flight of Russian bombers in the area was recorded on Wednesday, April 19. This time, the U.S. air force did not raise the aircraft for maintenance. On 18 April it was reported that in the district of Alaska was seen by two Tu-95 videoconferencing. For their support in the air were raised two fighters F-22 and the aircraft of early radar detection E-3 U.S. air force. They accompanied

The Communist party criticized the initiative for the burial of Lenin’s body

Photo: RIA Novosti The Deputy Chairman of the CPRF Central Committee Valery Rashkin in conversation with NSN commented on the initiative for the burial of the body of Vladimir Lenin, introduced in the state Duma deputies from fractions of LDPR and “United Russia”. “If someone is tired of a stable society, the correspondence of our history. It is not necessary to rewrite, it is necessary to respect their parents, who made the decision (on the establishment of the mausoleum. — RT) legally. This sentence is thrown in, to make confusion in the society. Someone that eats like ghouls. They feed on the fact that people are arguing that they are annoyed, go at each other”, — said Rashkin. April 20, deputies of the state Duma from fractions “United Russia” and LDPR introduced a bill providing legal framework for burial of the remains of Vladimir Lenin. According to deputies, the bill

Kuznetsova calmly refers to the permission to wear headscarves in the Chechen schools

Photo: RIA Novosti Authorized under the RF President on the rights of the child Anna Kuznetsova refers to the democratic permission to wear the hijab Chechen Schoolgirls. The Chechen Parliament has introduced an additional article to the draft law on education of the Republic, giving pupils the right to wear clothes or symbols, in accordance with their traditions and religion. Previously, the ban on wearing headscarves in educational institutions adopted in the Stavropol region and Mordovia, spoke out against the Minister of education Olga Vasilyeva. “I hate this subject are… Well, a kerchief or hijab — it is their right,” — said Kuznetsov at the request of journalists to comment on the resolution of the Chechen Schoolgirls to wear the hijab. “I’m too democratic person, so I’m not going to interfere, not having studied the issues,” she added.

Kadyrov promised “comprehensive measures” to free the Russian sailors in Libya

The Head Of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, April 22. /TASS/. The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, held April 21, in Moscow a meeting with the Libyan socio-political delegation headed by the leader of the movement “United Libya” Abdelhamid al-Dabibi on the situation with the detention of the cargo ship with Russian sailors in the waters of Libya. This was announced by Kadyrov on his page on Instagram, promising “comprehensive measures” for the liberation of the Russians.

During the riots in Venezuela killed 11 people

During the riots in Venezuela killed 11 people Venezuelan authorities have stated that as a result of the looting and violence amid mass protests in the night of Friday, 11 people were killed. This is the biggest death toll in one day in three weeks of protests. In one case in the southern district of Caracas while trying to Rob a bakery were killed 10 people. The video, made by locals, was the types of police in armored vehicles who were trying to bring the situation under control. In another incident in the suburbs of the capital killed one person who was shot at the end of the opposition campaign. Tens of thousands of Venezuelans took part in the mass actions in the capital Caracas and in 20 cities of the country. The protesters are demanding early elections and the release from prison of opposition leaders. Held the opposition campaign

The state Duma rejected the bill on the confiscation of property of relatives of corrupt officials

Photo: RIA Novosti The state Duma rejected in the consideration of the first reading of a bill which proposed to introduce the confiscation of property of relatives and close corrupt, if “is proved the legitimacy of its receipt”. The author of this initiative in 2015, the Deputy of the faction “Fair Russia” Oleg Nilov. The amendments, in particular, “violates the right of citizens, guaranteed by article 23 (inviolability of private life) and article 24 (collection, storage, use and dissemination of information about a person’s private life without his consent are not allowed) of the Constitution of the Russian Federation,” reads the conclusion of the head of the Duma Committee for security and combating corruption. Members of the Committee referred to the decision of the constitutional court of the Russian Federation that the purpose of restriction of rights and freedoms “shall not be legally and socially justified, and the limits are

The Russian Embassy in Washington commented on the verdict Seleznev

The Russian Embassy in Washington commented on the verdict Seleznev The Russian Embassy in Washington, DC commented on the arrest of Russian citizen Roman Seleznev in the United States. “We believe that the arrest of a Russian illegal, he was in fact kidnapped from the territory of a third country. According to available information, the lawyers will appeal the court decision”, — stated in the diplomatic mission. The Russian Embassy in Washington, the arrest of a Russian Novel Seleznyov consider illegal. On Friday, April 21, reported RIA Novosti in the Embassy, adding that the court verdict will be appealed. We believe that the arrest of a Russian illegal, he was in fact kidnapped from the territory of a third country. According to available information, the lawyers will appeal the decision.Representatives of the Russian Embassy in Washington Earlier on April 21 the court of Seattle (USA) has sentenced a Russian citizen