NATO counted how many times the BBC “were alarmed” because of Russia

NATO counted how many times the BBC “were alarmed” because of Russia BERLIN, April 22 — RIA Novosti. Almost 780 times raised the alarm in Europe NATO fighters in 2016 to identify and monitor Russian aircraft, this is the highest number of departures since the end of the cold war, said the official representative of the NATO air base Ramstein (Germany). In 2015, the total number of sorties on alert fighter jets, NATO was 410, he added in an interview with dpa news Agency published on Saturday. This increase, according to the representative of the Alliance, is associated with a significant deterioration in security in the middle East and the military involvement of Russia in the conflict in Syria, which led to frequent crashes of the Turkish air force under the command of NATO in 2016. According to the representative of the Alliance, departure alarm, not related to Russian aircraft

Media: the Leader of the Serbian party said about belonging of the Crimea Russia

Photo: RIA Novosti The leader of the Serbian radical party and former Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia, Vojislav šešelj stated that it was agreed that the Crimea is part of Russia. “Serbian radical party recognizes the territorial integrity of Russia. The Crimea and city of Sevastopol a part of Russia,” said šešelj, “Izvestia” He also added that the existing anti-Russian sanctions in the long run will do more harm to Western countries than Russia. Earlier, Seselj stated that he wanted his country had with Russia a common army and a same uniform.

Trump said about

Photo: EPA The US President Donald trump said that the us government is “actively” working to identify potential violators of the “Magnitsky act”, stipulating the imposition of sanctions against Russians, sacrament, according to the American leadership, for violation of human rights. He stated in a letter to the committees of the Senate and house of representatives, reports S utnik. “My administration is actively following individuals and organizations for which you can apply the law and collect the evidence necessary for its application”, – he said. He also said that in the coming weeks and months there will be a thorough interagency review to ensure the fulfillment of “obligations to bring to justice perpetrators of violations against human and corruption.”

Ukraine has sent Russia a note of protest due to the Yalta forum

Photo: TASS The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Ukraine expressed strong protest to Russia in connection with the holding of the Yalta international economic forum. This was reported on the website of the Department. According to the Ministry, this event is a gross violation of Russia’s state sovereignty and legislation of Ukraine and the universally recognized norms of international law. Kiev expressed categorical requirement to adopt the Russian side urgent measures to restore the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine. The foreign Ministry called for an immediate end to “the practice of holding without the consent of Ukraine any activities on its sovereign territory.” III international Yalta economic forum held in the Crimea from 20 to 22 April. On the sidelines of the event will be a signing of a dozen agreements worth more than 100 billion rubles. This year the forum is attended by fifteen hundred people, representing more

North Korea has declared that is not afraid of war

North Korea has declared that is not afraid of war TOKYO, April 22 — RIA Novosti, Yekaterina Plyasunova. The DPRK is a peace-loving state, but to protect against threats from the United States willing to go to extreme measures leads to the Central Telegraph Agency of Korea (KCNA), the representatives of the North Korean foreign Ministry. “The indomitable desire of the DPRK to go to the end, if the United States intends to continue its confrontational policy. The army of the DPRK has clearly indicated that its countermeasures will include a sudden pre-emptive strikes and other methods”, — stated in the message. The statement stressed that North Korea will respond “all-out war for total war” and “nuclear strikes on nuclear war,” but I will win this “deadly confrontation” “The DPRK is a peace-loving socialist government, but not afraid of war and not trying to avoid it,” added the North Korean

Welt: the EU intends to discuss the termination of negotiations on Turkey’s accession to the Union

Welt: the EU intends to discuss the termination of negotiations on Turkey’s accession to the Union This decision was taken after the referendum on amending the country’s Constitution. BERLIN, April 22. /Offset. TASS Vyacheslav Filippov/. The EU intends to discuss the question of a temporary suspension of accession negotiations of Turkey to the community after the referendum on amending the country’s Constitution. This was reported by Welt newspaper, citing diplomatic sources. “This topic is on the agenda of the meeting of foreign Ministers EU countries, which will be held at the end of next week in Malta (28-29 April), the foreign Ministers will urge the European Commission (EC) to consider, is not violated if Ankara main line of the accession negotiations and, accordingly, should they temporarily be stopped,” — leads edition of the words of the European diplomat familiar with the situation. Writes Welt, the EU believes that the EC

Media: the daughter of trump is gaining a team of officials from the Bush

Media: the daughter of trump is gaining a team of officials from the Bush MOSCOW, 22 APR — RIA Novosti. Ivanka trump unofficially holds the position of assistant to his father President of the United States Donald trump is gaining a team of officials of the administration of the former head of George W. Bush, writes Politico. According to the publication, in addition to his close Advisor Dina Powell, who held the post of assistant in personnel matters in the administration of the 43rd U.S. President, Ivanka has hired Julie Redford, worked with Margaret spelling, the U.S. Secretary of education under Bush the younger. Redford, like Ivanka, is the mother of three children, has held the position of chief of staff for her boss after she was hired in February of this year, the newspaper writes. Ivanka trump is actively involved in the work of the new U.S. administration, although

CEC decided to make Russians the process of remote voting

Photo: RIA Novosti The Central election Commission seriously address the problem of detachment of the voter from his precinct in the election. The one who could not inform where it is convenient will exercise their civil right, you can do that later, in the TICK at the place of stay. Electors in this issue will contribute to the information center of the CEC. As have informed “News” the Secretary of the CEC, Maya Grishina, at the meeting of 26 April comissurotomy the final version of the legal and technical solutions to this issue. Through the voter information center reports the address of the territorial Commission, where he will be able to write a statement and attach to another site. All changes will be made to the system gas-Elections. According to CEC member Nikolay bulaeva, the information center can earn in August 2017. Political and community activists Express concern about whether

Putin insulted the journalist recalled his racist remarks

Former Fox News presenter bill O’reilly, known for having insulted the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, recalled his racist remarks in the program The Daily Show. The issue was published on the YouTube channel. In the video, which in two days has gained more than 865 thousand views, leading Trevor Noah (Trevor Noah) mocks O’reilly, Recalling the most controversial episodes of his career. In particular, he stresses the intolerance of the former Fox News host to people with a different skin color, lack of respect for women, rude attitude to the interlocutors and temper. “Bill O’reilly was very lucky that not all black people are criminals, he thinks. If this were so, he would have already kicked ass,” he said. O’reilly was fired from Fox News April 20, after the third harassment claim. “After careful and thorough investigation of the allegations, the company and bill O’reilly came to the agreement

The Russian government has approved measures to support bookselling

The Russian government has approved measures to support bookselling Moscow. April 22. INTERFAX.RU Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on support of non-governmental organizations in the field of bookselling and distribution of printed media (media), reports the website of the Russian government. “Signed by order approved a set of measures to support the development of non-governmental organizations in the field of bookselling (book distribution) and the distribution of printed media (including through the provision of conditions for development of retail distribution networks)”, — stated in the message. The document, in particular, provides for the creation of opportunities for inclusion of subjects of small and medium-sized businesses, including those engaged in trade in books and print media in specialty stores and pavilions, to the subjects of social entrepreneurship; the adoption of regional programs of support and development of reading; activities for promotion of reading in printed and electronic