In Paris riots broke out

In Paris riots broke out On the place de La Bastille in Central Paris, riots broke out, the correspondent of RIA Novosti. Police used smoke grenades and moved toward the protesters started breaking the fence. Dispersing demonstrators, the police used non-lethal weapons. One protester was injured. Police officers started first aid lying on the ground injured, trying to stop the bleeding. Some time later, in the confrontation came a relative lull. The police encircled the largest group of protesters. A similar protest rally against elections “Night of the barricades” was held on Saturday, April 22. Then there gathered more than 2 thousand people. Police dispersed them with tear gas. In France on Sunday was the first round of presidential elections. According to preliminary data of the Ministry of interior, in the second round are the leader of “National front” marine Le Pen with a score of 24 and 78 percent

Fillon acknowledged the defeat in the elections in France

Fillon acknowledged the defeat in the elections in France The candidate from “Republican” urged to vote in the second round of the Macron. Moscow. April 23. INTERFAX.RU — the candidate of the French party the “Republicans” Francois Fillon on Sunday conceded defeat in the presidential election and said that the second round will vote for the candidate of the movement “Forward” of Emmanuel Macron. “I believe that we need to oppose the right-wing, and therefore I will vote for Emmanuel Macron,” said he, turning to his companions. While Fillon said that he takes responsibility for his defeat, adding that on his way “was installed many cruel obstacles.” Speaking about the readiness to support the Macron, Fillon said he would do it “without much joy in the heart.” HelpElections in France: the explanation in grafikone will participate in the presidential elections in France, and what issues concern of French voters mostread

Ministry of defense of Denmark has stated about the attack “Russian hackers” in 2015-2016

Ministry of defense of Denmark has stated about the attack “Russian hackers” in 2015-2016 MURMANSK, April 23 — RIA Novosti. The Ministry of defence of Denmark argue that in 2015-2016 e-mail of Agency staff and other services were allegedly hacked by Russian hackers, according to Danish newspaper Ekstrabladet, citing a report of the center for cybersecurity intelligence Agency of the Danish Ministry of defense. The material is not explained why the military of Denmark places the responsibility for the hacker attack on Russia. “A group of hackers gained access to e-mail employees of the Ministry of defense in 2015 and 2016”, — the newspaper writes with reference to the defense Minister Claus Hjort Fredriksen. According to him, we are not talking about a small group of hackers who hack sites “for sport” “This is due to the intelligence service or the Central elements in the Russian government, and this opposition

Men hopes to curb the growth of prices for housing in Moscow after the demolition of Khrushchev

Photo: RIA Novosti The Minister of construction and housing Mikhail Men said that the programme for demolishing five-storey buildings will restrain the growth of prices for housing in Moscow. It is reported by RIA “Novosti”. “Works a simple formula: the more is built in a particular municipality housing, the more positive impact on curbing price growth,” said Men. Earlier it was reported that the mayor amended the budget of the capital, who expected to spend this year on preparing the demolition of five-story building of 96.5 billion rubles. Thus, the expenses of the Moscow budget in the current year will amount to 2.07 trillion rubles, while the revenues of 1.76 trillion.

The Kremlin responded to reports of

Photo: TASS Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov said that the Kremlin does not see a reason to test the rumors about the chosen successor of Vladimir Putin. It is reported by RIA Novosti. The representative of the Kremlin recalled that Putin “quite clearly reacted to this story.” “There can scarcely be a field for discussions and misunderstandings. Everything is very clear,” – said Peskov. The day before, on April 21, representative of the all-Russian organization of disabled war in Afghanistan Andrey Chepurnoy appealed to Putin to complain about “numerous checks” of the organization, initiated by Senator Franz Klintsevich. According to him, the Senator “is trying to destroy the organization, to seize the property and split the veterans ‘movement among people with disabilities”. In addition, Chepurny, Klintsevich has sent him a letter in which he called speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, Putin’s successor, saying that “the successor

Russian foreign Ministry: undermining the car of the OSCE in the Donbass – a provocation to disrupt the settlement of the conflict

View of the building of the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation © Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS MOSCOW, April 23. /TASS/. The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia considers as a provocation undermining the car of the Special observers monitoring mission (SMM) of the OSCE in the Donbass. “The circumstances of the incident indicate a high probability of provocations aimed at undermining the process of conflict settlement in the Donbass. It is obvious that such incidents and a General escalation of tension is beneficial to those who are not interested in political, economic and humanitarian provisions of the Minsk package of measures,” – said in a statement. The Russian foreign Ministry called on the parties to the conflict to start direct negotiations which should lead to the implementation of the Minsk agreements. “Once again encourage the intensification of direct talks between the conflicting parties ‑ Kiev, Donetsk and Lugansk – in the

Media: Makron and Le Pen advance to the second round of presidential elections in France

Media: Makron and Le Pen advance to the second round of presidential elections in France The leader of the movement “On the March” Emmanuel macron is gaining 23.7% of votes, head of the party “national front” marine Le Pen — 22% PARIS, April 23. /TASS/. The leader of the movement “On the March” Emmanuel macron and the head of the party “national front” marine Le Pen leading voting in the first round of the presidential elections in France. These preliminary figures reported by the TV channel BFM TV immediately after the polls closed. Macron gains of 23.7% of the vote, Le Pen – 22% Followed by the leader of the radical leftist movement “Natchinaetsja France,” Jean-Luc Mélenchon with 19.5% and the candidate from the party “the Republicans” françois Fillon with the same result. Supporters of Emmanuel Macron has already started celebrating its success. Several thousand people gathered in these minutes

Trump called passing in France elections “very interesting”

Trump called passing in France elections “very interesting” MOSCOW, 23 APR — RIA Novosti. The US President Donald trump called passing in France presidential elections “very interesting.” “Very interesting choices now are in France” — wrote the head of the White house in his microblog on Twitter. Very interesting election currently taking place in France. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 23, 2017 The President’s chief of staff rins, Primas said that trump might predict who will win the elections in France, but he has no preference among the candidates. He also refuted claims that the American President is allegedly a supporter of the National front leader marine Le Pen. Previously, trump said that the terrorist attack in Paris on the eve of presidential elections in France will contribute to strengthening of the position of Le Pen. Sunday morning in France has opened more than 66 thousand polling stations, where

Him and Le Pen, according to Belgian media, the lead in the first round of elections

Him and Le Pen, according to Belgian media, the lead in the first round of elections BRUSSELS, 23 APR — news, Alexander Shishlo. The ex-Minister of Economics of France Emmanuel Makron, the leader “National front” marine Le Pen leading in the first round of the presidential elections, according to the “well-known sociological Institute” as of 12.00, which leads the Belgian TV channel RTBF. It is reported that the Macron voted 24% for Le Pen -22%, for the candidate of the party “the Republicans” françois Fillon is 20.5%, for the leader of the left movement “Rebellious France” of Jean-Luc Mélenchon — 18%. Earlier, the TV channel reported that the highest number of votes in the three French overseas territories Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Martinique and French Guiana scored Mélenchon. Under French law, the publication of any exit polls (polls at the exit from polling stations — ed.) is prohibited until after

Putin will discuss with Matvienko and Volodin anti-corruption April 24

Putin will discuss with Matvienko and Volodin anti-corruption April 24 MOSCOW, 23 APR — RIA Novosti. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin on April 24 in the framework of the working visit to St. Petersburg will hold a meeting with Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko and Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, where will be discussed the issues of improvement of legislation on combating corruption, the press service of the Kremlin. It is reported that the President of the Russian Federation in St. Petersburg will meet with members of the Council of legislators of Russia to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. “At the meeting with participation of the OSCE — Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko and Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin — the main topics of discussion will be the issues of improvement of legislation on combating corruption, legislative support of