Matvienko criticized the Roskomnadzor

Photo: RIA Novosti The speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko at the meeting of the Presidium of legislators in St. Petersburg said that Roskomnadzor works inactive, and proposed to assess the work of the Supervisory authority. It is reported by RIA Novosti. “You are the Executive authority who is responsible for it. You are responsible for this area and you have to act vigorously, using all the possibilities. Where is your activity?” – said the speaker. She suggested that Roscomnadzor likely engaged in non-priority issues and directions. Matviyenko said that watching the lack of initiative and interest from the authorities especially on key issues. “Maybe we should evaluate the work of the Federal Agency… the President gives the orders, the state Duma, the Federation Council, and that you do not understand what you need to the result, not the process?” – added the speaker. Matvienko said that at the

The opposition has applied to hold a rally on Bolotnaya square

Photo: RIA Novosti The opposition has filed an application to the Metropolitan mayor for the March and rally on Bolotnaya square in Moscow on 6 may. On Monday, April 24, Interfax said one of the organizers Alexander Ryklin. Organizers plan to walk from the October square to Bolotnaya square. The estimated number of participants — 10 thousand people. Among the event applicants Lev Ponomarev, Gennady Gudkov, Leonid Gozman, Alexander Ryklin and others. 6 may 2012 on Bolotnaya square in Moscow rally “March of millions”. Agreed with the authorities of the March and the rally turned into clashes with police, which had detained about 400 people, many of them were prosecuted. After that, the opposition was annually applied for holding the rally on the anniversary of the rally on Bolotnaya square, but the authorities denied approval.

Kadyrov reported on the meeting of the mufti of Chechnya with President of Syria

Kadyrov reported on the meeting of the mufti of Chechnya with President of Syria Syrian President Bashar al-Assad held a meeting with mufti of Chechnya Salah Haji Nagievym in Damascus. The head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov said on his official page in Instagram. The mufti of Chechnya arrived in Syria at the invitation of the Minister of religious Affairs of Syria, the Muhammad al Abdelsattar said. According to Kadyrov, the President of Syria thanked the Regional public Fund named after Hero of Russia Akhmat-Hajji Kadyrov “for their help and support in difficult times for the people of Syria.” Publication from Ramzan Kadyrov (@kadyrov_95) APR 24 2017 at 6:51 am PDT In addition, Bashar al-Assad “stressed the importance of humanitarian assistance and the decision on the construction of shelters for orphans in Aleppo and Damascus”, and also expressed appreciation for the investment Fund restoration of historic mosque in Aleppo,

Media: North Korea had launched the largest artillery exercises near the port of Wonsan

Media: North Korea had launched the largest artillery exercises near the port of Wonsan TOKYO, April 25 — RIA Novosti, Xenia Naka. The DPRK had launched the largest artillery exercises near the port of Wonsan, reported Yonhap news Agency citing government sources. According to the Agency, thus, the DPRK celebrated the 85th anniversary of the founding of the army. Presumably, the exercise was attended by the country’s leader Kim Jong-UN. Tensions on the Korean Peninsula has increased expectations that in honor of the 85th anniversary of the founding of the Korean people’s army, which is celebrated on Tuesday, North Korea may conduct a sixth nuclear test or to celebrate this day next rocket launches. In early April, North Korea conducted a launch of a ballistic missile, which is reacted in the USA, having declared that are ready to use all means to influence Pyongyang. Then in the area of the

Migrants proposed to send to Siberia and the far East

Photo: RIA Novosti Most visitors to Russia migrants settle in four regions — Moscow, Moscow region, St.-Petersburg and Leningrad region, said at a round table in the Committee of civil initiatives, the head of the Foundation “Migration 21st century” Vyacheslav Postavnin. According to him, 57% of migrants settle in these regions, and 39% in Moscow, writes “the Russian newspaper”. At the same time in many regions of Siberia and the Far East, there is a serious demographic issue that geopolitically dangerous due to the proximity with China, said Postavnin. In his opinion, the migrants would be spread evenly around the country and go where they are needed.

The United States asked Russia to resume cooperation in the Syrian sky

The United States asked Russia to resume cooperation in the Syrian sky U.S. Secretary of state during the visit to Moscow made a request to renew the Memorandum. Washington has asked Russia to restore the mechanism to prevent incidents in the skies of Syria, suspended by Moscow after a surprise missile attack of the USA on the Syrian airfield of Al-Sirat. This “news” reported three sources in the Russian foreign Ministry. It is at the request of the head of the American foreign Ministry in Moscow on 13 April to renew the Memorandum Politicians and experts believe that Washington was forced to take this step. Indeed, the lack of coordination with the Russian side may lead to negative consequences. The theme of the renewal of the Memorandum on the prevention of incidents in the Syrian sky were discussed during the visit to Moscow by U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson.

In the Federation Council responded to the UK statement on the right to a nuclear attack

In the Federation Council responded to the UK statement on the right to a nuclear attack MOSCOW, 25 APR — RIA Novosti. In the words of British defence Secretary Michael Fallon that London has the right to a preemptive nuclear strike should be followed by a harsh response, said on his page in Facebook, first Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Frants Klintsevich. “At best this statement should be considered as an element of psychological warfare,” — said the Senator. Klintsevich stressed that if Britain is ready to attack a nuclear power itself, “having the largest area would be literally wiped off the face of the earth retaliation”. And if the blow will be inflicted on non-nuclear power it will be like a nuclear attack on the United States on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki concluded the Klintsevich. Earlier, Prime Minister Theresa may,

The Russian foreign Ministry will no longer Commissioner for human rights

The Russian foreign Ministry will no longer Commissioner for human rights Functions will be transferred to the Department for humanitarian cooperation and human rights. In the Russian Ministry of foreign Affairs of the disbanded office of the Commissioner for human rights, democracy and the rule of law. This happened after the departure of the former head of Department Konstantin Dolgov to work in the presidential administration. As told “Izvestia” a source in the Ministry, now all the powers of the apparatus will be transferred to the Department for humanitarian cooperation and human rights (DGPS). All business unit will be managed DGPC, which is headed by Anatoly Viktorov. And the office of the Commissioner for human rights at the foreign Ministry was abolished. No longer see the feasibility of such a position. Especially since there is a whole Department that deals with just these vproclient “Izvestia” in the Ministry of foreign

Mironov was going for the presidency

Photo: TASS The leader “Fair Russia” Sergei Mironov said he was ready to fight for the Russian presidency in the elections of 2018. About it reports TASS. “We have many worthy candidates. If the Congress will trust me, I’m ready,” – said Mironov. However, he noted that “Fair Russia” in any case, will nominate a candidate from the party to the vote. Who exactly would that be, will decide in the fall. According to Mironov, “Fair Russia” “is the most unexpected options,” candidates among women and “younger personnel reserve”. “The party feels the potential — If Congress at the time to determine what (need) to go to the presidential elections to influence the political agenda,” – said Mironov. About his desire to fight for the presidency previously stated the leader of LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the founder of the Fund of struggle against corruption Alexei Navalny and businessman Sergei Polonsky. Earlier