Slutsky expressed support Agramunt, accusing Ukraine in the persecution of the PACE President

The Chairman of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Leonid Slutsky © Anna Isakova/photo Department of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, April 28. /TASS/. The Chairman of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Leonid Slutsky supported the President of the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Pedro Agramunt, the PACE Bureau which expressed confidence in connection with the visit to Syria together with the deputies of the state Duma. Agramunt before shot is not falling “We in the state Duma expressed support for the noble and courageous position of President of PACE Pedro Agramunt (to visit Syria) and will keep him sane members of the Assembly close and constructive contact,” he told reporters. Slutsky added that “Pedro Agramunt – a fundamental and powerful politician, indifferent to the future of Europe and the Council of Europe in particular, who decided to look at the situation in

The Cabinet does not support the submitted to the Duma a bill to abolish the “articles Dading”

Opposition Activist Ildar Dading © Artyom Korotayev/TASS MOSCOW, April 28. /TASS/. The government does not support a bill to repeal article 212.1 of the criminal code, which was condemned activist Ildar Dading and which envisages criminal prosecution for systematic violations at the rallies. This is stated in the opinion on the draft law, submitted to the lower house on 6 February, the deputies of the LDPR faction Igor Lebedev, Yaroslav Nilavum, Sergei Ivanov and Andrei Lead. “The government of the Russian Federation does not support the bill”, – stated in the document, a copy of which is available on the TASS. Its decision, the Cabinet proves “the absence in the bill of any statistical data confirming the necessity of making the proposed changes to the criminal code”. In addition, the government refers to the decision of the constitutional court, which “has not found the bases for recognition contrary to article

The Russian foreign Ministry expressed regret in connection with the decision of Montenegro to join NATO

The building of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation © Gennady Homeland MOSCOW, April 28. /TASS/. Moscow reserves the right to take action to protect its interests and national security, after the accession of Montenegro to NATO. So the Russian foreign Ministry commented on the decision of the Assembly of Montenegro’s accession to NATO. “It is with deep regret to say that the current leadership of the country and its Western backers still have not listened to the voice of reason and conscience, – is spoken in the comment of the foreign Ministry. – The adoption of the fundamental acts that affect fundamental questions about the security of the state, by a vote of individual members on the basis of formal put together a majority without taking into account the views of the people of the country – a demonstrative act of violation of all democratic norms

Turkey stated that it agreed with Russia on the purchase of the C-400

Turkey stated that it agreed with Russia on the purchase of the C-400 ANKARA, 28 APR — RIA Novosti. Moscow and Ankara have reached an agreement in principle on the supply of Russian anti-aircraft missile systems s-400, negotiations on price, said the foreign Minister of Turkey Mevlut Cavusoglu. Before the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov said that Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish leader Tayyip Erdogan at a meeting in Sochi on may 3 to discuss the question of supply Ankara With 400. “We have agreed in principle with Russia for the purchase of C-400. Negotiations on joint production and price. We wanted to buy a missile defense system of NATO, but, unfortunately, they are not included in our position”, — Cavusoglu said in an interview with the newspaper Haberturk. Earlier, representatives of the Russian and Turkish authorities have repeatedly stated about the ongoing Moscow and Ankara negotiations

The head of the PACE Committee is not aware of the amendment mechanism of impeachment

The head of the PACE Committee is not aware of the amendment mechanism of impeachment STRASBOURG, 28 APR — RIA Novosti. The head of the profile Committee of the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Liliane Maury Pasquier yet knows nothing about the mechanism of amending the regulations of the Assembly, introducing the procedure for the removal of speaker from office. That parliamentary Committee has begun work on amendments, impeachment, told RIA Novosti Vice-speaker of the Assembly George Legwinski. “I don’t know yet,” said Maury, answering the question, what is the procedure for amending the regulation on the procedure of impeachment. MEPs demanded a vote of no confidence to President of PACE Pedro Agramunt on Monday at the opening session of the Assembly. The reason was the discontent of deputies visit of the PACE President to Syria. Agramunt himself called it a mistake. On Tuesday in the Assembly

PACE prepare the impeachment of the head Assembly

PACE prepare the impeachment of the head Assembly STRASBOURG, 28 APR — RIA Novosti. The relevant Committee of the PACE has begun work on amendments to the regulations of the Assembly for introduction of procedure of removal of speaker from office, told RIA Novosti Vice-speaker of the Assembly George Legwinski. “This procedure, which is not changed, the procedure is considered, according to the order, may be accelerated in connection with a problem that exists,” he said, answering the question, what is the procedure for the adoption of amendments to the regulations and when they are adopted. Ukrainian MP stated that the vote on the question of amending regulations can take place in plenary meeting. “I think it will be the vote in plenary”, he said. Answering clarifying question about whether it can pass in the June session, Legwinski answered “Yes”. He added that PACE is waiting for statements from the

Zakharov proposed a symbol of the restoration of relations between the U.S. and Russia

Photo: RIA Novosti The official representative the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia Maria Zakharova suggested the symbol of the restoration of relations between the U.S. and Russia. According to the diplomat, it could be a photograph of an American astronaut in a Russian spacesuit. It is reported by Yahoo Global News. According to Zakharova, the two countries have a lot in common. As an example, she remembered an American astronaut Peggy Whitson. “Yesterday, in your media, I’ve seen a lot of news about your woman astronaut, which congratulated your President, and there were pictures of her all over the Internet. These pictures can become a symbol of Russian – American relations in the future. Do you know why? Because the suit, in which she’s wearing, made in Russia,” Zakharova said. She noted that this may be a reason “to communicate and cooperate.” Monday, April 24, a member of the

The head of Khakassia Victor Zimin has sent the government in resignation

Photo: TASS The head of Khakassia Victor Zimin has sent the Republican government in resignation. This was reported TASS the press service of the regional government. “Today, I sent the government in resignation, it was a tough decision. Perhaps one of the hardest in my work on the post of the head of the region. I accepted it, because they see no other way to shake things up and start working in a completely different way, effectively solve the problems before us, not to sit on the sidelines, waiting for how this will end. Not those times,” wrote Zimin on his page in the network Instagram. He added that the Republic “will build a new, constructive forms of interaction, and not to rock the boat in which we find ourselves. Because a good swimmer is not everything.”

The Klintsevich: the White house credited Trump his lack of action in the normalization of relations with Russia

Franz Klintsevich © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, April 28. /TASS/. The white house in its help on the first hundred days of President of the United States Donald trump says, rather, the inaction of the latter in the normalization of Russian-American relations. This opinion was expressed to journalists the first Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on security and defense Franz Klintsevich, commenting on the statement by the American administration about the merits of trump, who allegedly “was able to isolate Russia in the UN”.

Putin instructed Medvedev to take measures to protect the personal data of Russians

Putin instructed Medvedev to take measures to protect the personal data of Russians The Prime Minister must execute this assignment until December 2017. MOSCOW, April 28. /TASS/. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin instructed Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to take measures to protect the personal data of the Russians. The list of instructions of the President published on the official Kremlin website. The Prime Minister must ensure that amendments to Federal laws providing for the minimization of the composition of processed personal data necessary for the decision imposed on the state information system of task. You must also ensure the mandatory registration of all actions, and to identify all participants associated with the processing of personal data in information systems, the Declaration and agreement of processing of personal data purposes of processing. The amendments should provide for the storage of personal data in electronic form in information systems at the