The United States has blocked Russia’s contribution to the IAEA to combat cancer

The United States has blocked Russia’s contribution to the IAEA to combat cancer Moscow. April 29. INTERFAX.RU — Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia said that the United States froze Russia’s contribution to the implementation of the program of the IAEA to combat cancer, reported Saturday on the Ministry’s website. “A Russian Bank, which carried out the payment, a question was raised regarding whether a given translation against Iran,” — said in a statement. “Despite assurances from the Russian side that the money is allocated purely for humanitarian purposes, us banks delay the transfer of the tranche in a few weeks, in early April 2017 returned the frozen funds of the state Corporation “Rosatom”. As a consequence, the IAEA still has not received the Russian voluntary contribution to cancer treatment in 2017″. According to the foreign Ministry, the actions of the U.S. credit agencies explained “free interpretation” of sanctions against

Matviyenko declared total US control over the actions of the Russian Ambassador

Photo: TASS The atmosphere of isolation created around the Russian Ambassador to the USA Sergei Kislyak, prevents him from fulfilling his diplomatic mission. This was stated by the speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko, reports RIA Novosti on Friday, April 28. “You look at what is happening around the Russian Ambassador to the United States. It’s just insulated, interfere in the execution of his diplomatic mission, exaggerating the situation, controlling every step, every action,” — said the head of the upper house of the Russian Parliament. Matvienko stressed that the Ambassador “did like “toxic” in American society,” while the diplomat’s mission is to establish contacts, including public agencies and nonprofit organizations in the country. In mid-March, President Vladimir Putin said that Russia will not avoid foreign diplomats, and they can rely on interaction, both with officials and with the public. “You will not shun, to avoid, for fear of

The deputies proposed to turn the Crimea in the offshore

Photo: Sergey Fomin / A package of bills on the transformation of Crimea into an offshore prepared by the Chairman of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Alexei chepa. In addition to the expansion of tax benefits amendments proposed mechanism for the creation of trusts in the Peninsula, who will be able to provide investors with anonymity and will not be afraid of sanctions, reports “Kommersant”. The newspaper reminds that in 2014 the then existing Mindcrime has taken the initiative to create in the Crimea in the offshore zone, with the possibility of use in its territory of foreign law. However, because of the sanctions from the idea decided to give up. Three years later, the issue returned to the state Duma. Chepa has developed two bills: the first is an amendment to the Tax code, the second to the Civil code and to a half dozens of laws.

The Turkish authorities explained the reason for blocking Wikipedia

The Turkish authorities explained the reason for blocking Wikipedia ANKARA, April 29 — RIA Novosti. The Turkish authorities explained the blocking of Internet-encyclopedia “Wikipedia” that it “instead of a contribution to the fight against terrorism has become a part of a campaign to smear Turkey’s image in the international arena”, in particular, refused to remove the texts “about some of Ankara’s ties with terrorist organizations,” reports on Saturday, local Anadolu news Agency. If the materials are removed, the lock can be lifted, said the authorities. Council on information technologies and communications of Turkey earlier on Saturday, said that “in accordance with the law 5651, as a result of the technical and legal assessment 29 April, subject to administrative actions against the website”. In Turkey, the room has a law 5651 “On the regulation of Internet broadcasting and the struggle with crimes committed in this sphere”. Previously, the law was

Le Pen ranked fifth DuPont-Aignan was created a coalition

Le Pen ranked fifth DuPont-Aignan was created a coalition Leader of the radical movement “national front” marine Le Pen stated that it will appoint Nicolas DuPont-Aignan, has been defeated in the first round of the presidential election, his Prime Minister. About it reports Reuters. DuPont-Aignan is the leader of the movement “Wake Up, France” — nationalist, similar views with Le Pen, writes Reuters. During the election campaign, he announced plans to pursue a protectionist economic policies and to reduce the connection of France with the European Union. “We will form a government of national unity that will unite the people for their competence and love for France,” said Le Pen in Paris at a press conference. In the first round of elections DuPont-Aignan received 4.7% of votes and finishing in fifth place. After the defeat, he expressed support for Le Pen in the second round. In the elections on 23

The German foreign Minister criticized the “Royal” behavior of the family trump

The German foreign Minister criticized the “Royal” behavior of the family trump MOSCOW, April 29 — RIA Novosti. Foreign Minister of Germany, Sigmar Gabriel criticized the appointment of the daughter of the President of the United States Ivanka trump for the post in the White house, comparing relatives of the head of the United States with the Royal family, AFP reports. “Some things seem strange to me, for example, the visit of his daughter to Germany, which received almost as a global event,” — said the Minister. According to him, engaging in policy relatives is like nepotism. “It bothers me when relatives, which no one was elected, suddenly appear as official state representatives, and treat them like they’re members of the Royal family,” said Gabriel. Since the end of March 2017 Ivanka trump holds the position of assistant to the US President on an unpaid basis. Her husband, Jared Kushner,

Volodin: the development of cities will play an increasingly important role in the economy

Photo: RIA Novosti The development of cities and urban agglomerations will play an increasingly important role in the progress and socio-economic development of the country. This was stated by the speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin at a meeting of the Council for the development of urban areas and public spaces under the Chairman of the lower house of Parliament. “We need to understand ourselves, and I think that it unites us here that an increasingly important role in economic development will play a city – not only through the attraction of investments, development of scientific-technical potential, but in the competition in the struggle for human potential, because the city depends in the long term, what will be the city’s potential,” he said. According to the speaker, “people move the progress and how the city will attract these people in the future depends on the progress of the city

Russian foreign Ministry: the US and NATO countries have seriously discredited the role of the Vienna document 2011

© EPA/ROBERT GHEMENT MOSCOW, April 29. /TASS/. USA, regularly accusing Russia of “selective execution” and “lack of transparency” of the Vienna document 2011 (VD 2011), have seriously discredited its role as a tool for objective control of the military activities of States parties of the OSCE. The comments were made by the Russian foreign Ministry in connection with the publication of another U.S. state Department report on compliance by States of agreements in the field of arms control and non-proliferation. In accordance with the provisions of the Vienna document 2011, each state member of the OSCE has the right to carry out inspections in the territory of any other state party. The inspecting state may also invite other participating States to take part in the inspection.

The foreign Ministry has called a violation of the INF Treaty, the plan for the US ABM systems in Poland

The foreign Ministry has called a violation of the INF Treaty, the plan for the US ABM systems in Poland MOSCOW, April 29 — RIA Novosti. The US plans to deploy in Poland complexes, capable of launching missiles “Tomahawk” — a flagrant violation of the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate-range and shorter-range nuclear forces (INF), according to the Ministry of foreign Affairs. This is stated in the comments of the Ministry in connection with the publication of the report of the US state Department on compliance by States of agreements in the field of arms control and non-proliferation. According to the Russian Agency, the United States placed on its base missile defense system in Romania and plan to post on a similar base in Poland ground-based anti-missile systems, Aegis Ashore, consisting of the vertical launch system similar to the universal launchers MK-41, capable of launching cruise missiles, medium-range missiles

The interior Ministry of Ukraine has asked to abandon St. George ribbons

The interior Ministry of Ukraine has asked to abandon St. George ribbons Residents and guests of Ukraine requested not to use the St. George ribbon during the may holidays, especially 8 and 9 numbers. This broadcast channel “112 Ukraine” said Advisor to the interior Minister Zoryan Shkiryak. “Please refrain from using the banned Communist symbols. In the first place — St. George ribbons. This applies to the entire period, including 8-9 may,” he said. Otherwise, according to Shkiryak, the form of St. George ribbon can cause “logical and objectively correct reaction of the Ukrainian patriot and citizen.” In 2015, the law “About the condemnation of the Communist and national socialist (Nazi) totalitarian regimes in Ukraine and the prohibition of propaganda of their symbols”. 8 may in Ukraine is celebrated as a Day of remembrance and reconciliation in solidarity with the European countries, which in turn celebrated the surrender of Nazi