In Germany, the told discuss whether the return of Russia to the G7

Photo: AP Photo / Eugene Hoshiko, Pool Change the format of the G7 due to Russia’s return is not currently being discussed, said Friday the official representative of the government of Germany Steffen Seibert. “The format of the G7 at the moment not discussed”, — he said at a briefing on Friday. Relations between Russia and the West deteriorated in connection with the situation in Crimea and Ukraine. The forum of economically developed Nations since 1998, was “the eight”, but in 2014, the Western members of the club decided not to go to the next G8 summit in Sochi and gathered without Russia in Brussels. Members of G7 have said they do not want to sit together with Russia, until Moscow changes its policy regarding the Crimea. Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov earlier said that Moscow has not taken any steps for the return in the G8 and will not

Putin awarded the gold star of Hero of labor

Photo: TASS The President of Russia Vladimir Putin during the ceremony in the Kremlin awarded gold star of Hero of labor of five citizens of the country. Among the recipients is the former head of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev, head physician of one of hospitals of Krasnodar territory Vladimir flutter, fitter “Sevmash” Alexey Ivanov, the artistic Director of the Moscow theatre “Sovremennik” Galina Volchek and the Ranger from Yakutia Varvara Ustinov. In 2016, the winners of the awards are: artist, first Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on culture Iosif Kobzon; the General Director “Surgutneftegaz” Vladimir Bogdanov; senior shepherd agrokooperativa “of Tsokto-Khangil” from Transbaikalia the Dalai Gogaev; Director General, General designer of experimental design Bureau “Novator” Pavel Kamnev; teacher of the Saratov Lyceum of mathematics and computer science Lyudmila Kornilova.

The white house spoke about the “very friendly” conversation trump and Duterte

The white house spoke about the “very friendly” conversation trump and Duterte The President of the United States Donald trump during a telephone conversation with his Philippine counterpart Rodrigo Duterte invited him to visit the White house. This is with reference to the statement of representatives of administration of the American leader newspaper the New Times. The talks between the US and the Philippines, as specified in the White house, took place on Saturday, April 29. “Trump is very friendly and talked to Duterte”, — noted in a press-service of administration of the American President. During the dialogue, according to the White house, the leaders “discussed the fact that [power] of the Philippines really are fighting for the deliverance of the Republic from drugs”. The visit to the Philippines, as noted in the message of administration of trump, the President of the United States is planning to launch in November,

In trump during the speech threw down the Russian flag

In trump during the speech threw down the Russian flag In Pennsylvania in the direction of the podium from which the President of the United States Donald trump gave a speech to his supporters, an unknown person threw several Russian flags. On the video it is noticeable that in trump flew at least a dozen tricolor small size. In Pennsylvania, between the venue in which the President of the United States Donald trump gave a speech to his supporters and removes the event with a camera, unknown thrown into the air a few Russian flags, as the signature under the video. On the video it is noticeable that in trump flew at least a dozen tricolor small size. Trump in front of their supporters reported on the first 100 days of his presidency. Part of the American political circles accuse the team of trump in a compromising relations with Russia,

Trump called the American media “Washington swamp”

Trump called the American media “Washington swamp” In his Twitter the President wrote that the major American media refuse to announce the list of achievements of his administration. WASHINGTON, April 30. /Offset. TASS Anatoly Bochinin/. The President of the United States Donald trump is dedicated to the beginning of a speech on the occasion of the first 100 days of his tenure criticized us media, again using the term “lying media”. “Now, in Washington, they are watching and they want to be here tonight with us,” he said, speaking in harrisburg (Pennsylvania). “And nothing can rejoice me more than to be here for more than 100 miles from the Washington swamps and spend the evening with all of you,” said the President. Speech to his supporters trump chose presence at the annual correspondents Association dinner at the White house. The Association was established in 1914, his special dinners are traditionally

In Washington held a mass March in defense of the environment

In Washington held a mass March in defense of the environment WASHINGTON, 30 APR — RIA Novosti, Dmitry Zlatarev. Tens of thousands of people gathered Saturday in downtown Washington to participate in the March in defense of the environment. Thus they expressed their protest against the policy of the current US administration in this direction and noted 100 days of Donald trump as President of the country. By estimations of organizers of the action, it was attended by up to 150 thousand people. They passed through the main street of the city and all USA — Pennsylvania Avenue — from the building of Congress to the White house. There were so many people that they took all the space is wide and very long highway. The marchers carried banners with the requirement to protect the environment. “A healthy atmosphere and a stable climate,” was one of them. “The government should

The defense Ministry of the Russian Federation opens section of the official website about the activities of the Expedition center

The defense Ministry of the Russian Federation opens section of the official website about the activities of the Expedition center The new section presents a strategy for the development of a Forwarding centre for the period up to 2022. MOSCOW, April 30. /TASS/. The Russian defense Ministry has announced the opening of a new section of its official website on the activities of the Expeditionary center. “The new section will acquaint the user with the basic directions and results of work of the Russian defense Ministry on the implementation of expeditionary projects. For the most complete informing visitors in available interactive map of Russia, with which they will be able to get an idea of the geography, composition and purposes of more than 20 expeditions planned by the military in 2017”, — stated in the message of the Ministry of defense. The most ambitious of them will be integrated expedition

Medvedev fired Deputy head of Rosobrnadzor

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev dismissed the Deputy head of Rosobrnadzor Alexander Biserova. This was reported on the official Internet portal of legal information. The reasons for the dismissal of the official is not specified. Your post Beads dealt with issues of legal support of work of the service, as well as licensing and gosakkreditatsii universities. Also, his duties included verification of education and qualifications obtained abroad. To Rosobrnadzor Biserov has headed the Department of project and training activities of the Central Executive Committee of “United Russia”.

In Turkey fired 4000 civil servants and prohibited show about Dating

In Turkey fired 4000 civil servants and prohibited show about Dating Almost 4,000 civil servants were dismissed in Turkey on Saturday during a new round of purges that followed the attempted military coup against President Erdogan in July 2016. According to the decree, published in state Gazette T. C. Resmi Gazete, their posts are devoid of 1127 staff of the Ministry of justice (including prison guards), more than a thousand soldiers, 484 research workers, 201 officers of the Ministry of religious Affairs and other officials — a total of 3974 person. All lost their jobs listed in the decree by name. The state of emergency imposed in Turkey after the coup attempt, allows you to enter new restrictions. In the same issue of the T. C. Resmi Gazete published a decree banning the popular Turkish TV show about Dating and weddings. “On radio and TV can’t be allowed the existence

Pence promised one of the biggest increases in the US defense budget since the Reagan administration

Pence promised one of the biggest increases in the US defense budget since the Reagan administration According to the Vice-President of the United States, the White house intends to increase defense spending next year. WASHINGTON, April 29. /Offset. TASS Anatoly Bochinin/. The white house intends next year to increase spending on defense, this will be one of the most significant increases of the Pentagon budget since President Ronald Reagan (held office from 1981 to 1989 — approx. TASS). This was announced by Vice-President Michael Pence, speaking at the ceremony the so-called baptism of the nuclear submarine USS Indiana, which was followed by the traditional breaking of the champagne bottle on the side of the ship. “In reality, the President (United States Donald trump) has already submitted a budget that will restore our armed forces, to revive the Arsenal of democracy. And next year we will go with the increase in