Trump called a “phony story” speculation about the connections of his campaign with Russia

Trump called a “phony story” speculation about the connections of his campaign with Russia However, he blamed it on his rival in the presidential race, Hillary Clinton. Moscow. April 30. INTERFAX.RU U.S. President Donald trump has rejected Russia’s intervention in the American elections. “If you didn’t catch the hacker, it is very difficult to say who carried out the hacking,” he said in an interview to CBS. Asked about the alleged ties of his campaign with the Russian Federation, trump called it a “false story.” The concept of Russia towards us is completely false storedval Trepresent USA While trump has accused his rival in the presidential race, Hillary Clinton and members of her campaign headquarters in relations with Russia. “There is Podesta (former head of the campaign headquarters for Clinton — if), which, as I understand it, along with his brother has a company in Russia. Hillary’s husband (former U.S.

Trump has called Kim Jong UN “a clever guy”

Trump has called Kim Jong UN “a clever guy” WASHINGTON, 30 APR — RIA Novosti, Dmitry Zlatarev. DPRK leader Kim Jong-UN is “a clever guy”, as holding the power in the country, despite the very young age, said Sunday President of the United States Donald trump in an interview with broadcaster CBS. “He was able to take power into their own hands at a very young age. I am sure that many people wanted to take away this power, whether it be his uncle or someone else. But he could not hold her. So, of course, it is quite a clever guy,” said trump. However, he stressed that “we cannot allow a situation (DPRK) to develop the way it has been developing for years”.

Trump said about the possibility of agreement with Russia

Trump said about the possibility of agreement with Russia The American leader is going to act along with Moscow and does not rule out cooperation with Beijing. What are the areas he plans to work together, the President said. WASHINGTON, 30 APR — RIA Novosti, Dmitry Zlatarev. The US President Donald trump said that he believes possible agreement with Russia. “I will act together with Russia. It could also be China, it could be many other group,” he said in an interview with CBS television, without specifying what areas of cooperation going on. The program will be aired soon, the TV station published the transcript on his website. Trump once again called fiction a story about when his campaign with Russia. If you are unable to catch the hacker red-handed, it is very difficult to say who carried out valadolid Trepresent USA However, the American leader said about “ties” with

North Korea has threatened to sink the nuclear submarine US Navy

North Korea has threatened to sink the nuclear submarine US Navy American military equipment in the South Korean port of Busan “will fall to pieces of molten metal,” if Washington decides to provocations, says the North Korean portal “URI minaccia”. MOSCOW, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti. The American nuclear submarine “Michigan”, which was included in the South Korean port of Busan are waiting for the “miserable end” if Washington will take provocative actions, says the North Korean portal “URI minaccia” (“Compatriots of our nation”). If the submarine would dare to take some action, “she will not be able to rise to the surface, as will meet a miserable end, becoming only the spirit of the sea”, the article says on the website Thanks to a defensive nuclear deterrent forces, which provide power to the DPRK in case of a military threat Pyongyang nuclear aircraft carriers, submarines and other equipment of

The HRC reported that the opposition rally on April 29 agreed on in 30 regions of the Russian Federation

Photo: TASS Power 30 regions of the Russian Federation agreed on the opposition rally, which organisers intend to hold on April 29. About this TASS said a member of the Council under RF President on development of civil society and human rights (HRC) Igor Borisov. “The HRC held a meeting (with police) on conduct of public events, and continue this process. According to our data, in 30 regions the shares on April 29 agreed upon,” he said. The human rights activist said that in some regions, the organizers were refused in the coordination of the claimed routes, but these failures, in his opinion, “consistent with law and sound logic.” “This day will be an environmental cleanup under the auspices of the Ministry of natural resources, they were planned in advance and timed to the Year of ecology and the preparations for the may holidays”, – he explained, adding that where

Media reported the deaths of 14 civilians in Syria at the impact of the US coalition

Media reported the deaths of 14 civilians in Syria at the impact of the US coalition In Northern Syria during an airstrike by the U.S.-led coalition killed at least 14 civilians, according to TV channel Al Mayadeen. Details of the incident and other circumstances of the incident, the publication does not specify. Thus, according to the channel Al Arabiya, the airstrikes were conducted in the province of Hama. There, according to the newspaper, was struck by the center of the Syrian civil defense organization for the protection and rescue of civilians, more known as “white helmets”. This area, according to TV channel, hold the “Syrian rebels”. In the incident, told Al Arabiya the opposition of Syria, killing eight members of the white helmets. Airstrike, as noted, the channel, for the rescuers who operate in rebel-controlled Syrian regions, became one of the most “deadly” The London-based Syrian monitoring centre for human

Erdogan promised to continue the attacks in Turkey on the Kurds in Syria and Iraq

Erdogan promised to continue the attacks in Turkey on the Kurds in Syria and Iraq Moscow. April 30. INTERFAX.RU — Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that the Turkish army may attack Kurdish militias in Iraq and Syria, said on Sunday Agency Associated Press. Erdogan noted that the support of Kurdish paramilitary groups from the United States “must come to an end.” The Turkish President explained that next month will discuss the issue with his American counterpart Donald trump.

Ukraine has established a dam to block water supply to Crimea

Ukraine has established a dam to block water supply to Crimea In the Kherson region in southern Ukraine, we launched a new dam that will block the flow of water through the channel to the Crimea. Fence built during the year, the reason for the works called the need to restore the water supply in the region. Administration of the Kherson oblast has commissioned a new fixed concrete dam on the border with the Crimea, which will block the flow of Dnipropetrovsk water in the North-Crimean canal to the Peninsula. TSN reports-Ukraine. According to the channel, thus the authorities of the Ukrainian region intend to save resources Kakhovka reservoir for irrigation of lands in the South of Kherson region The reason for the construction of facilities representatives of the local administration called the need to restore the water supply to farms located on the South of Kherson region, which in

Russia is satisfied with the cooperation with Austria in the gas sector, Putin said

Photo: RIA Novosti Russia is fully satisfied with the cooperation with Austria in the gas sector and counts on its further development, said Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting with the head of the Austrian oil and gas group OMV Rainer Seele. “We are not only satisfied with our cooperation and are ready to develop it further for the benefit of our countries, Europe and Russia, in the hope that we will strengthen”, — said Putin. He noted that OMV — “our old reliable partner, the first contracts which have been concluded 50 years ago.” “Now we have a contract valid until 2028. But Austria is not only a significant consumer of our gas, but also the largest transit 30 billion cubic metres of gas via Austria trinityroots mainly due to your company”, — said the President. According to Putin, “Austria has become the world’s largest hub, such a

The Pope saw the need in the country-the intermediary between the U.S. and North Korea

The Pope saw the need in the country-the intermediary between the U.S. and North Korea Moscow. April 30. INTERFAX.RU — Pope Francis declared his readiness to meet with U.S. President Donald trump. “I accept any head of state, who told an audience,” the Pontiff said to journalists on the plane during the flight from Cairo to Vatican city. Earlier it was reported that trump will visit Sicily, where on may 26-27 scheduled annual summit of the “big seven”. While the White house did not specify whether to stop the President in Rome to meet the Pontiff. Commenting on the situation around North Korea, the head of the Holy see stated that the settlement of relations between Washington and Pyongyang need a third country to act as mediator. There are so many focal points, there are intermediaries who offer themselves — such as, for example, as Norway. She is always ready