The NYT found out about taken by surprise by the state Department after inviting Duterte in USA

The NYT found out about taken by surprise by the state Department after inviting Duterte in USA The state Department did not expect that Donald trump will invite the President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte to visit Washington, learned The New York Times. Now the Ministry is afraid of criticism from human rights activists. The U.S. state Department and national security Council were caught off guard after U.S. President Donald trump has invited the head of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte to visit the White house. It is reported by The New York Times, citing two senior officials. According to them, in the President’s administration is now suggesting that it will fall a storm of criticism by human rights organizations due to this decision of trump. The sources stated that they expect agencies to objections in private about this move by the President. According to human rights activists, it is not

In Russia will forbid to sell alcohol to 21-year-old

Photo: RIA Novosti In the state Duma suggested to forbid alcohol strength of more than 18 degrees to the citizens to 21 years. The corresponding bill published on the Parliament website. In case of violation of the bill proposes to introduce penalties to 50 thousand roubles for citizens and up to 200 thousand rubles – for officials For legal entities can be fined up to half a million rubles. The authors of the legislative initiative in the explanatory Memorandum noted that Russia is ranked 4th in the world for consumption of alcohol per capita, which is 15.1 litres per year.

WP: in the United States Congress agreed on the adoption of the budget for the 2017 financial year

WP: in the United States Congress agreed on the adoption of the budget for the 2017 financial year According to the publication, a package agreement between the members of the Republican and Democratic parties includes “the increase in spending on defense and border security”. WASHINGTON, may 1. /Offset. TASS Anatoly Bochinin/. Members of the U.S. Congress have reached agreement on the Federal budget for the remainder of the current fiscal year, which ends September 30. This was reported by the newspaper The Washington Post, citing aides us lawmakers. According to them, a package agreement between the members of the Republican and Democratic parties includes “the increase in spending on defense and border security”. Voting on a bill should take place this week. The size of the budget will be $1 trillion. Earlier, U.S. President Donald trump was required to budget funds for the construction of a wall on the border

Media: Blair announced his return to British policy in connection with Brexit

Media: Blair announced his return to British policy in connection with Brexit Former British Prime Minister said he did not want to remain “silent in the historical moment” as concerned about the Kingdom’s exit from the EU. MOSCOW, may 1. /TASS/. Former Prime Minister Tony Blair, who headed the government from 1997 to 2007, returned to active participation in the political life of the country because of concerns in connection with the release of the United Kingdom from the EU (Brexit). This was reported by the newspaper the Mirror. “Brexit gave me immediate motivation to participate more actively in politics. I don’t want to stay silent in a historic moment: it would mean that I don’t care about the country. And this is not so,” the newspaper cites the words of the policy. According to Blair, as Brexit as a whole, and the conclusion of free trade agreement between the

The Venezuelan President raised the minimum wage against the background of mass protests

The Venezuelan President raised the minimum wage against the background of mass protests MEXICO city, may 1 — RIA Novosti. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced on Sunday about the next increase in the minimum wage by 60% against the backdrop of mass protests that swept the South American country. Since may 1 the minimum wage will be 65021 Bolivar is 40638 bolívares, together with 135 thousand bolivars for the purchase of basic food basket the size will be 200 thousand bolivars, according to the portal Noticias24. Also for the first time introduced additional payments to pensioners in the amount 19506 bolivars. This increase is the third in 2017 and takes place on the background of high inflation. Now in Venezuela there are several exchange rates of the Bolivar to the dollar. So, the official fixed exchange rate of the Bolivar DIPRO remains unchanged at 10 bolivars per dollar exchange rate

Patrushev: strategy of fight against drugs in Russia will be adjusted

Photo: RIA Novosti Anti-drug Committee will prepare amendments to the state anti-drug strategy until November 1, told reporters on Friday, Russian security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev at the meeting of the security Council of the Russian Federation on narcotics issues. “I considered (at the security Council meeting. – RNS) the issue of implementation of the strategy of state anti-drug policy. Came to the conclusion that the strategy, which was adopted in 2010, has justified itself, it has proven useful. However, there have been major changes in these activities both inside the country and changed the situation abroad. Therefore, it was decided that this strategy needs to change. Anti-drug Committee will review these changes before November 1,” said Patrushev. After that, he said, “during the month will be prepared a plan for the implementation of the newly approved national anti-drug strategy.” “It noted that in General the situation remained stable, but

Reuters: EU set to extend anti-Russian sanctions

Photo: Reuters The European Union at the forthcoming June summit of EU leaders will seek a renewal of economic sanctions against Russia, which expires on July 31. On Friday Reuters reported, citing close to the organization of the event sources. According to the Agency, the idea of extending sanctions against Russia, fully support Sweden, the Baltic States and Poland, while Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Hungary, Spain and Bulgaria are not sure of the correctness of this decision. “We don’t like sanctions,” the Agency quotes a source in Brussels, represents one of the last countries. “For us this is a big loss in business. However, we stick with the majority,” added the diplomat. For a decision on extending the sanctions requires the approval of all 28 EU countries. “First, we will extend the sanctions imposed after the reunification of the Crimea with Russia. The economic sanctions will be extended after the summit

Trump admitted in love for their work

Trump admitted in love for their work The US President Donald trump said in an interview with CBS News that “fully enjoys his work.” He told about it after the first 100 days in power. He added that he believes his position is heavy, but to describe their feelings, he can only when leaving the White house. Donald trump said that “fully enjoys his work.” He told about it to journalists CBS News, commenting on the first 100 days of his presidential term. It is always a challenge, because life itself is a challenge. But that’s what I really love, and I think I have everything works as it should.Donald Trump However, he added that he works hard. “But I had a lot of heavy work, including heavier current. But I’d rather talk about it in eight years,” — continued the head of state. Sunday, April 30, the first 100

Syria’s opposition has told about the Russian proposal to introduce a neutral contingent

Syria’s opposition has told about the Russian proposal to introduce a neutral contingent Russia proposed to create in Syria a zone of tension reduction, and to place on the contact line of troops from neutral countries. About the Agency RIA Novosti said a member of the delegation of the armed opposition Fateh Hassoun, adding that peacekeepers can be armed with small arms. “Russia started as guarantor of the political process and the agreements reached with the regime [of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad — approx.]. And that… requires the international community to get more involved in the negotiations in Astana. To be honest, that’s good,” said Hassoun. He said that a particular country to create such a contingent on the line of contact has not yet been selected, but said that to move the parties to the conflict will be representatives of States not involved in the current fighting in

The white house will meet the creators of “fake news” a tightening of the law

The white house will meet the creators of “fake news” a tightening of the law MOSCOW, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti. The administration of the President of the United States Donald trump is considering tougher laws against defamation, said the head of the White house Raines, Pribas in interview to TV channel ABC. Asked the host of the TV channel whether it wants trump to amend the laws against libel, Pribaz said: “We considered this question. The question of how it (amendment — ed.) will be performed in practice or will lead to anything is another story”. According to Pribas, to the media “we need a more responsible approach to how they presented the news”. The head of the White house also noted that is tired of all the publications in the media about the alleged contacts campaign trump with Russia and “such that.” The US President Donald trump has