Media: investigation on Russia in the U.S. Congress slows

Photo: Reuters Investigation in Congress about alleged Russian efforts to influence the U.S. presidential elections in November last year, is slowing. This is stated in the article in the Washington Times. The publication refers to its sources in the country’s legislative body. One of the reasons for delaying the process was the tension between Democrats controlling Congress and Republicans. “It (the investigation) is interesting, but it does not justify the hopes. The Republicans plan to do one thing, Democrats another, in the end, they blame each other,” – said the representative of the Republican party. The investigation conducted by the special committees on intelligence in both houses of Congress, in which there are still contradictions among lawmakers. “It seems that Washington do the mechanical steps on the matter (trial in Russia) in the hope that it will go away” – said another source. Among other obstacles, it calls the volatility

Putin called for a thorough investigation of the incident with chemical weapons in Idlib

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Russian President Vladimir Putin © Alexei Nikolsky/press service of the Russian President/TASS SOCHI, may 2. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin called for a thorough and impartial investigation of the incident with chemical weapons in Khan Sheyhun. “We strongly condemn any use of chemical weapons. Those responsible for the deaths of Syrians (in the incident with chemical weapons in Idlib) should be found and punished, – he said at a press conference after talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. But it could be done only thorough and impartial investigation.”

Russia has refused to hand the summons to Gorbachev about the call in the Lithuanian court

Russia has refused to hand the summons to Gorbachev about the call in the Lithuanian court Moscow. May 2. INTERFAX.RU — Moscow did not deliver the summons to the former President of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev, which the Vilnius regional court was invited to act as witness in court proceedings on the events of 13 January 1991 in Lithuania. “Today, Vilnius regional court has received notification from the Ministry of justice of the Republic of Lithuania that the Ministry of justice refused to grant legal assistance in connection with the service of documents Mikhail Gorbachev”, — quotes the Agency BNS, a press release of the authorities of Lithuania. It notes that Moscow is motivated by a refusal clause in the agreement between Russia and Lithuania, which States that legal aid is not provided in the case that it may harm the sovereignty, national security, or be contrary to the basic

In the state Duma introduced a bill on sending subpoenas to the army by email

In the state Duma introduced a bill on sending subpoenas to the army by email The authors of the document believe that this measure will reduce the number of people evading military duty. MOSCOW, 2 may. /TASS/. A group of senators headed by Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Viktor Ozerov introduced to the state Duma a bill that allows you to inform citizens about the necessity to perform military duty, including via e-mail. “Planned agenda to the citizens in electronic form to the email address specified in the documents of the military account”, — stated in the explanatory note placed in the Duma database. In this case, the summons will be signed with the electronic signature of the military Commissioner or the authorized official of this structure. According to the developers, in the period of conscription campaigns of 2016, the military are unable to notify

Francois Fillon announced his retirement from politics

Francois Fillon announced his retirement from politics The former candidate for presidents of France from the “Republicans” françois Fillon has decided to temporarily retire from politics, according to TV channel BFM TV. “I’m leaving… I will become an ordinary fighter among other fighters,” — he said at a meeting with voters and party members in the Paris House of chemistry. Also Mr Fillon said he was not going to participate in the elections to the National Assembly, which will be held in the country in June. The ex-candidate, speaking about the upcoming may 7 second round of presidential elections, urged the voting, “common sense”. “The program of the “National front” in the economic sphere will inevitably bring ruin to France,” he said. Mr Fillon called for unity in the ranks of the Republicans, saying that “the right-wing and centrists — we confess the same values, and only they have the

In Kazan the Chairman of the branches of “Open Russia” arrested for 10 days

Photo: Kommersant Vakhitovsky district court of Kazan have arrested Deputy Chairman of the Tatarstan branch of the “Open Russia” 23-year-old Daria Kulakov for participation in the action “Bored”. She was found guilty under part 2 of article 20.2 of the administrative code (organizing or conducting a public event without filing the prescribed notification procedure) and under part 1 of article 19.3 (disobedience to the lawful order of a police officer), told “Kommersant-Kazan” in the “Open Russia”. In the first article, she was appointed administrative arrest for 10 days, second seven days. Penalties are not cumulative. Thus, given that MS Kulakova held on the eve of the night in the police Department, she will stay in detention until may 9th. Recall Akdarya. and Laysan Ismagilova was detained during the action “Tired”, after activists handed treatment in the office of the President of the Russian Federation. In Kazan “Open Russia” had planned

Source: the Kremlin ordered to stop attacks on opposition activists in the regions

Photo: RIA Novosti The Russian leadership has instructed regional authorities to prevent attacks on the opposition, said “Газете.Ru” sources in the Kremlin. “In fact, such attacks only lead to their promotion,” commented this decision is one of the sources. According to him, law enforcement officials will also be recommended to prevent crimes and bring criminals to justice. However, another source noted that the governors prefer not to take the initiative in such matters and agree actions with management.

Putin: the world has no right to forget about such tragedies in Odessa in 2014

© Alexei Nikolsky/press service of the Russian President/TASS SOCHI, may 2. /TASS/. The international community has no right to forget about tragedies such as the events in Odessa in 2014, and should prevent such crimes in the future. This was stated by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin at press conference following talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. “As you remember, three years ago in Odessa, this, too, can’t remember, was a terrible tragedy – the Ukrainian nationalists were driven defenseless people in the House of trade unions and burned them alive. The perpetrators are still not brought to justice, punished. The international community has no right to forget about it, to prevent the repetition of such barbaric crimes in the future”, – Putin said.

In Sochi ended the talks between Putin and Merkel

In Sochi ended the talks between Putin and Merkel The President of Russia Vladimir Putin after talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that they were able to discuss the situation in Syria, in Ukraine and preparations for the G20 summit. He stressed that the Ukrainian issue is a concern of the parties. “MS Merkel are in constant contact with the other members of the Normandy format,” — said the Russian leader. With regard to the Syrian conflict, the Russian President stressed that his decision can be found only by peaceful means and under the auspices of the UN. “We also exchanged views on the situation in Syria, called for intensification of the negotiation process in the framework of the Astana and the Geneva format,” he said. Also at the meeting the two leaders discussed the situation of gays in Chechnya. “I talked about what was a very negative report

The Ministry proposed to assign degrees without dissertation

The Ministry proposed to assign degrees without dissertation The Ministry of education and science proposed to simplify the award of degrees. To obtain title under certain conditions, is not necessarily to defend the thesis. The Ministry of education and science has prepared a draft law “On scientific, scientific-technical and innovation activities in the Russian Federation”, which proposes in particular to simplify the procedure of awarding scientific degrees. As told TASS the Director of the Department of science and technology Minister Sergey Matveev, get a degree with no thesis defense, in the totality of publications in scientific journals or obtained patents. According to him, the need to “relieve” unnecessary formalities “active and productive researcher, who does work, gets the scientific results, publish them or get the patents.” Matveyev said that the proposals of the Ministry of education has already received a high estimation of expert Council under the Committee on science