Zyuganov does not exclude that he will run for President in 2018

Zyuganov does not exclude that he will run for President in 2018 MOSCOW, may 4 — RIA Novosti. Communist party leader Gennady Zyuganov considers the possibility of his candidature for the presidential elections in Russia in 2018. “Think about it. I am the head of the largest party,” — said Zyuganov journalists, answering a question about whether he plans to run for the presidential election. He also said that the Communist party has long has its own program, which is implemented over many years. “I hope that our program will listen. She was backed by major labor groups. It has had effects on people’s enterprises. This program is supported by a package of laws, it is extremely necessary for the country”, — he stressed.

Putin stated the inadmissibility of political assassinations

Putin stated the inadmissibility of political assassinations Moscow. May 4. INTERFAX.RU the Violence and killings that took place in Russia’s history, cannot be justified, under whatever political slogans they may happen, said Russian President Vladimir Putin. He spoke at the opening ceremony in the Kremlin memorial cross on the site of the death in 1905 of the Moscow Governor-General Grand Duke Sergey Alexandrovich. This crime became one of the harbingers of the dramatic events of the troubles, the civil conflict faced by Russia. They turned a severe loss, a real national disaster, a threat of loss of the Russian state itself.Vladimir Putin As Putin said, “violence, killing, whatever the political slogans they may camouflage, there can be no excuses.” The President stressed that “the death of the Grand Duke was shocked when society, it was seen as a tragedy, the representatives of all classes.” Cross in memory of Grand Duke

The government announced the implementation of 90% of the “may decrees” Putin

The government announced the implementation of 90% of the “may decrees” Putin MOSCOW, may 4 — RIA Novosti. The Russian government reports that by may of 2017 was supposed to be completed 180 orders for the “may decrees” of the President, to date, executed more than 90%, according to the website of the Cabinet. It is noted that currently, performance is 53 instructions. This includes orders that are not completed within the originally established deadline, setting new deadlines. For 53 under execution instructions, the expiry dates are in 2016 in four orders; in 2017 — three orders; in 2018-2020 — 34 large; 12 assignments, a deadline is not defined, establishing the frequency of reporting. On Thursday in the Kremlin under the chairmanship of Russian President Vladimir Putin held a joint meeting of the State Council and the presidential Commission on monitoring of achievement of target indicators socially-economic development of the

Putin and Erdogan meeting will discuss

Photo: TurkStream The issues of construction of “Turkish stream” will be discussed during the talks of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Sochi, the materials for the meeting. “It is planned to discuss issues related to the construction of the pipeline “Turkish stream”, — stated in the materials for the meeting. Russia and Turkey on October 10 last year signed an intergovernmental agreement on the project “Turkish stream”, the operator of the building which is South Stream Transport. The document envisages the construction of two gas pipeline strings under the Black sea with a capacity of 15.75 billion cubic meters of gas each. One thread is provided to supply gas directly to the Turkish market, the other for gas supplies transit through Turkey to European countries.

Russia forgave all the debts of Kyrgyzstan

Photo: TASS Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has approved a one-time write-off of Russia’s debt on loans of Kyrgyzstan to $ 240 million. Signed by the head of the government decree published on the official portal of legal information. The document notes that the cancellation was agreed with the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia and Vnesheconombank. “As of March 30, 2017, the amount of debt of the Kyrgyz side to the Russian side is $ 240 million. 100 percent of the amount of debt of the Kyrgyz side in front of the Russian party are subject to lump-sum write-off the date of entry into force of this Protocol”, – said in the text of the decree. Thus, Moscow will write off Bishkek full amount of the debt. The document clarifies that the debt will be written off “within the framework of the Russian Federation of assistance to development of the

Zakharov: Kiev seeks to make people forget about what happened in Odessa in 2014

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Mikhail Japaridze/TASS SEVASTOPOL, 4 may. /TASS/. The Ukrainian authorities are clearly trying to get people to shut up or forget about the events that took place in Odessa in 2014. This was stated at a briefing the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. As pointed out by the diplomat, may 2, three years have passed since the tragedy in Odessa. “Then the barbaric arson of Ukrainian radicals killed 48 civilians who took shelter in the House of trade unions – said the diplomat. – And to blame these people were only one – they have allowed themselves to Express their civil position, they did not want to allow on their land radicals, ultranationalists”.

The husband of Queen Elizabeth II will cease to perform Royal duties in the autumn

The husband of Queen Elizabeth II will cease to perform Royal duties in the autumn Husband of Elizabeth II, the Duke of Edinburgh Philip will cease to perform Royal duties in the fall. On it informs “bi-Bi-si” referring to Buckingham Palace. The decision was made personally by Prince Philip. Her Majesty supported her husband. In June the Duke of Edinburgh will be 96 years old. In an official statement, the Palace said that until August the Prince will continue to perform their obligations under the previously established schedule — both individually and together with the Queen. An announcement regarding The Duke of Edinburgh. https://t.co/SF1bgo68Un pic.twitter.com/TO9mR70xTk — The Royal Family (@RoyalFamily) may 4, 2017 New invitation to Philip to accept, although from time to time he can still attend certain public events. The Duke is patron, President or member of more than 780 organizations with which he is still to be

China responded to criticism from North Korea

China responded to criticism from North Korea BEIJING, may 4 — RIA Novosti, Ivan Bulatov. The Ministry of foreign Affairs of China after the appearance of information in mass media about the criticism from North Korea to China said that Beijing’s position is on the development of friendly cooperation with Pyongyang. Earlier, the Central Telegraph Agency of Korea (KCNA) has acted with criticism of Beijing. In comments Agency KCNA said that the DPRK has accused China of conciliation with U.S. attempts to increase pressure on Pyongyang to end North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs. “Our position on the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula is clear and consistent. The Chinese position on the development of good-neighbourliness and friendly cooperation with the DPRK is also consistent and clear. For many years we adhere to an objective and fair position, define and solve relevant issues in accordance with their importance,” said Geng

Bloomberg: Turkey lifted restrictions on wheat from Russia

Bloomberg: Turkey lifted restrictions on wheat from Russia The Agency reported this, citing a statement by Turkey’s economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci. MOSCOW, may 4. /TASS/. Turkish companies are unable to resume duty-free import of Russian wheat. This was announced by the Minister of economy of Turkey Nihat Zeybekci, speaking in Istanbul, his words were cited by Bloomberg. Agreement on the removal of Turkey’s restrictive duties on Russian grain was reached after talks between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Sochi. However, the timing of the lifting of the ban was not specified. The Vice Premier of Russia Arkady Dvorkovich told reporters that it was a matter of a few days. Since March 15, Ankara has excluded Moscow from the list of countries importing agricultural products duty-free. From 1 January 2016 at the background of aggravation of political relations, Russia imposed a ban on the

The Makron is ready to vote 63% for the final debate

The Makron is ready to vote 63% for the final debate The founder of the movement “Forward”, the candidate in presidents of France Emmanuel Makron in the final round of the debate claimed victory over his rival, the leader “National front” marine Le Pen. According to the survey research Institute Elabe by order of the BFMTV, the preferences of the Macron gave 63% of viewers, Le Pen 34%. In the voting took part 1314 viewers 18 years or older. The second round of presidential elections in France will take place on 7 may. In the first round of April 23, macron scored 24,01%, Le Pen — 21.3%, the candidate the “Republicans” Francois Fillon took the 3rd place from 20.01%, fourth was the leader of the “Unconquered France” Jean-Luc Mélenchon with of 19.58%.