China responded to criticism from North Korea

China responded to criticism from North Korea

BEIJING, may 4 — RIA Novosti, Ivan Bulatov. The Ministry of foreign Affairs of China after the appearance of information in mass media about the criticism from North Korea to China said that Beijing’s position is on the development of friendly cooperation with Pyongyang.

Earlier, the Central Telegraph Agency of Korea (KCNA) has acted with criticism of Beijing. In comments Agency KCNA said that the DPRK has accused China of conciliation with U.S. attempts to increase pressure on Pyongyang to end North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs.

“Our position on the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula is clear and consistent. The Chinese position on the development of good-neighbourliness and friendly cooperation with the DPRK is also consistent and clear. For many years we adhere to an objective and fair position, define and solve relevant issues in accordance with their importance,” said Geng Shuang, commenting on the publication of criticism of Beijing in comments Agency KCNA.

According to Geng Shuang, China hopes that all relevant parties on the Korean Peninsula will be able to take responsibility and to contribute to peace and stability in the region.

Criticism of China was first performed in the DPRK. Neighbouring States, especially the US and Japan urged Beijing to more actively influence on Pyongyang to halt its nuclear and missile development. The KCNA claims that nuclear weapons are necessary for the DPRK to defend the country and the people, and in China, accusing Pyongyang in the fact that the 100 kilometers from the border of the two countries the tests are a threat to the security of the region.

