Sobyanin promised Zhirinovsky hundred invitations to the dance.

Photo: RIA Novosti Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin promised the Chairman of LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky, positivissimo the lack of dance floors for children or older people, send hundreds of invitations to various dance halls of the capital. During the joint meeting of the state Council and the Commission on monitoring the targets of socio-economic development of the country Zhirinovsky drew attention to the lack of leisure places for young people and older people. “Clinics are there, schools are there. For leisure there? Area for dogs, Parking, children’s Playground (is). But adults 15-20 years to 90, they where entertainment will be held? Today, may 4, the capital of our country, let’s go dance, just like that? Not a restaurant, just go to relax a person wants to eat or drink, anything… No!” — said the Chairman of the party. Russian President Vladimir Putin, in this regard, asked the mayor: “Where are we

Memorandum on areas of de-escalation in Syria prepared on behalf of Putin

Memorandum on areas of de-escalation in Syria prepared on behalf of Putin Document, with effect from may 6, will separate the fighters from the moderate opposition. MOSCOW, may 5. /TASS/. Memorandum on the establishment of a de-escalation in Syria was prepared by the defense Ministry on the direct instructions of Russian President Vladimir Putin. This was announced by Deputy Minister of defense Lieutenant-General Alexander Fomin. The results of the negotiations that took place over two days in the capital of Kazakhstan, the Plenipotentiary representatives of Russia, Iran and Turkey signed a Memorandum on creation of zones of de-escalation in Syria. “The document was prepared by the Ministry of defense of Russia on direct orders of the Supreme commander of the Armed forces of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to consolidate the cessation of hostilities in Syria,” — said Fomin. The Memorandum comes into force from 00:00 GMT may 6 “At

Putin asks Prosecutor General and the interior Minister to check on the situation of gays in Chechnya

Putin asks Prosecutor General and the interior Minister to check on the situation of gays in Chechnya MOSCOW, 5 may — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin has promised the Commissioner for human rights Tatyana Moskalkova that will ask the Prosecutor General and the interior Minister to assist in the verification of the situation in the North Caucasus Federal district with homosexual people. During the meeting with the President Moskalkova recalled that it deals with the problem of violations of the rights of homosexual people. “I sent several petitions to the Prosecutor’s office, investigative bodies. And I would ask you to instruct, perhaps to establish an interdepartmental working group which could, in the Central part, not on the territory of Chechnya, to accept complaints from citizens, if any,” said she. “Today, the validation is hampered by the fact that people are not willing to give his name. However, our law

Russia has imposed control of the aircraft and passengers at the border with Belarus

Russia has imposed control of the aircraft and passengers at the border with Belarus MOSCOW, 5 may — RIA Novosti. All flights between Russia and Belarus from may 15, 2017 will be transferred to the international sector of the Russian airports. Passengers who are not citizens of these two countries, will pass through border control. This was stated by the Secretary of the Union state of Russia and Belarus Grigory Rapota. He stressed that “the border control of citizens of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, following these flights will not be carried out”. They will still be able to cross the border on internal passports. The only change for them will be to keep boarding pass. You will need to show upon arrival to Russia. “Notes on the border crossing the passport is stamped will not” — said Rapota. In Belarus, February 12, began to act the

The expert explained the interest of Russians to Shoigu and Lavrov

Photo: RIA Novosti Fluctuations in the level of trust and sympathies of Russians to the Russian President Vladimir Putin are more situational, its dominant political position is not questioned, but sustained interest in such figures as Sergei Lavrov and Sergei Shoigu may be considered an attempt of the population to discern a possible successor to the President, the General Director of the Center for political information Alexei Mukhin. According to VTSIOM, Putin is still the leader in the rating of trust to politicians, in the month of April, the rate ranged from 49.7% to 48.4%. In the first three ranking also included Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev (16.1%) and the Russian defense Minister Sergei Shoigu (15.8 per cent). The Minister of foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov takes the fourth place ranking (13.7 per cent). The approval rate of the head of state by the average of 24-30 April amounted to 81,6% (82,7%

The lake is called the counter

Photo: RIA Novosti In searching for evidence of Russia’s influence on U.S. elections and taking measures to counter “the hidden influence of Russia”, the American Parliament is throwing money to the wind, convinced the Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Viktor Ozerov. Earlier it was reported that the house of representatives of the U.S. Congress on Wednesday approved a new draft of the U.S. budget for the 2017 financial year, which involves the allocation of funds to fight the influence of the Russian Federation on elections and the creation of a special Committee on combating so-called hidden influence of Russia. “I understand that the American parliamentarians, the money has nowhere to go once they do. That’s their business, of course, but for me — it’s money down the drain,” said RIA Novosti the lake. He noted that Russia has repeatedly denied all the accusations of the

Lavrov: the group ISIS is not giving up, but we sure will finish it

Lavrov: the group ISIS is not giving up, but we sure will finish it The Minister stated that the militants are not only in the middle East and North Africa, but increased in Afghanistan. MOSCOW, may 5. /TASS/. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov promised to “crush” the Islamic state (group “Islamic state” banned in Russia — approx. TASS), despite the fact that the terrorists don’t want to give up. “They operate in the middle East and North Africa, but don’t want to give up, but we (IG) will finish”, — he told on air of TV channel “Mir 24”. According to Lavrov, the IG was also to be active in Afghanistan, especially in the Northern parts of the country, which involve neighbours and allies of Russia. A year and a half ago, President Vladimir Putin, speaking at a session of the UN General Assembly in new

The reduction in the number of pensioners will not reduce the size of pensions

The reduction in the number of pensioners will not reduce the size of pensions “Strategy Kudrin” proposes to tighten the conditions for obtaining a pension insurance. In society there is a considerable request for state pensions, but the amount of pension provides only a minimal standard of survival, according to the materials of the strategy-2035, the Center for strategic research (CSR) under the leadership of Alexey Kudrin has prepared for President Vladimir Putin. The strategy proposes to the President to create a sustainable pension system that would provide a socially acceptable standard of living for pensioners. Vedomosti managed to get acquainted with the materials, their authenticity confirmed three Federal officials. For 2014-2016, the average pension decreased by 7% in real terms, amounting to 1.5 of the living wage of the pensioner and 34% of the average wage (the average insurance pension is 1.6 and 35.6%, respectively), according to the materials

The DPRK stated about attempts of the intelligence services of the US and South Korea to kill Kim Jong UN

The DPRK stated about attempts of the intelligence services of the US and South Korea to kill Kim Jong UN MOSCOW, 5 may — RIA Novosti. The DPRK said that the Central intelligence Agency (CIA) and the intelligence service of South Korea tried to assassinate North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN with the help of some biochemical substances, reported the Xinhua news Agency, citing the Central Telegraph Agency of Korea (KCNA). Other details yet aren’t reported. Tensions around the Korean Peninsula has increased notably in recent months in connection with a number of missile tests of the DPRK. The US says they did not rule out a military option against the DPRK, but will focus on the economic pressure on Pyongyang through sanctions.

Russian Prosecutor General Chaika has earned more than 9.2 million rubles in 2016

Russian Prosecutor General Chaika has earned more than 9.2 million rubles in 2016 This is about 400 thousand rubles more than the year before. The income of the General Prosecutor of Russia Yuri Chaika in 2016 exceeded 9.2 million rubles, in 2015 it earned only 8.8 million This was reported on the website of the General Prosecutor’s office on Friday, may 5. Clarifies that Seagull in the past year has earned 9 275 344 roubles, his wife — 8 280 000 rubles. In the use of the attorney General is the flat area 203,6 sq m and the car “GAZ-13”. His wife owns non-residential premises with an area 175,3 sq. m. The year before, the gull gained nearly 8.8 million roubles, in use were flat, two Parking spaces and a car “GAZ-13”. Spouse Gulls in 2015, has earned more than 7.5 million rubles. The report also States that the first