The media learned about preparing the White house to the introduction of state of emergency in the United States

The media learned about preparing the White house to the introduction of state of emergency in the United States The white house began preparing for the announcement of the US state of emergency in order to be able to send money from the state budget for the construction of the wall on the border with Mexico to bypass Congress, writes the newspaper the Washington Post, citing sources in the administration of President Donald trump. According to sources, the White house wants to extend construction of the barrier means, which were allocated in 2018 from the state budget for any purpose and has not been used. In particular, speech can go about the money ($13.9 billion), which in 2018, Congress ordered spent on liquidation of consequences of natural disasters, said the sources. According to them, trump urged the army corps of engineers the U.S. to learn how fast may be concluded

In Russia will be allowed to shoot down civilian aircraft

In Russia will be allowed to shoot down civilian aircraft In Russia will be allowed to shoot down civilian aircraft with passengers on Board, violated the air border of the country. “News” acquainted with the relevant draft government resolution developed by the Ministry of defense. The document is intended to eliminate contradictions in existing legislation. To open fire on the intruder will be only in the case where an intentional plane crash can cause an ecological catastrophe, massive loss of life or damage to strategic assets. Before that, the Russian armed forces will repeatedly warn the attacker about his intentions. In the Federation Council noted that such a practice exists in many States. It is expected that the measure will eliminate attacks and disasters, and to minimize the number of possible victims.

Chaika has proposed to raise the salaries of prosecutors

Chaika has proposed to raise the salaries of prosecutors Prosecutor General Yury Chaika suggested to equalize the salaries of prosecutors and judges. “Izvestia” learned about its appeal to the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. The head of the Cabinet instructed the Ministry of Finance to develop corresponding proposals. In case of approval of the initiative by the Ministry of Finance cash benefit of the employees of the Supervisory authority can be increased by 2-3 times, up to 170 thousand rubles. Thus, according to the calculations of “Izvestia”, the budget expenditures will increase twice and will amount to 8.16 billion. In support of their claims the Seagull refers to the experience of foreign countries where prosecutors and judges have a similar law. In addition, he was dissatisfied with the intentions of the Investigative Committee of Russia. It staff need to increase their revenue to salaries in the Prosecutor’s office. However, the recent

The Democrats of the U.S. Senate once again blocked the adoption of sanctions against Syria and its allies

The Democrats of the U.S. Senate once again blocked the adoption of sanctions against Syria and its allies The Republican leader in the Senate Mitch McConnell to support the bill, reintroduced it in the agenda of the upper house of the legislature. The date of the next vote to be announced. WASHINGTON, January 11. /TASS/. The Democrats of the U.S. Senate on Thursday once again blocked consideration of the bill “Strengthening America’s security in the middle East” on sanctions against Syria and its allies, including Russia and Iran. The broadcast led channel C-Span. In a procedural vote 53 other Republican Senator voted for the bill with the necessary 60 votes, 43 of the legislator (in most Democrats, and joined them independent) voted against. Similarly, the Democratic party was able to block the initiative on Tuesday (56-46). The Democrats said they would not vote for the consideration of documents not related

The foreign Minister of Ecuador believes Assange should leave the country’s Embassy in London

The foreign Minister of Ecuador believes Assange should leave the country’s Embassy in London TASS, 10 Jan. The foreign Minister of Ecuador, josé Valencia believes that the founder of WikiLeaks (Wikileaks) Julian Assange better to leave the Embassy in London. The head of the Ministry of foreign Affairs said Thursday in an interview with Efe Eme. “We see that in this situation Mr. Assange has two options: stay [at the Embassy] for an indefinite period or to surrender [the British authorities]. And we believe that the second option is better for him”, — quotes the words of Valencia’s official Twitter the Ecuadorian foreign Ministry. The Minister also added that Assange must abide by a set of rules of stay in the Embassy, made the Ecuadorian authorities. This Protocol requires the founder of WikiLeaks to refrain from political statements and regulates the process of reception of visitors, access to communications and

Trump refused to participate in the Davos forum

Trump refused to participate in the Davos forum Moscow. January 10. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. President Donald trump said Thursday that because of disagreements with the Democratic party, he is forced to cancel a trip to the world economic forum in Davos. “Because of the intransigence of the Democrats regarding border security and the huge importance of the issues to ensure security for our people, I respectfully cancel my very important trip to Davos, Switzerland for the world economic forum”, — he wrote on Twitter. “Best wishes and apologies to the world economic forum,” the President added. Earlier, the trump before heading to Texas on the U.S. border and Mexico, said that in case of continuation of the partial suspension of the work of the American administration (of the shutdown), he will have to cancel the trip to Davos. The work of the US administration partially suspended since December 22 due

The acting Governor of the Sakhalin region spoke harshly on the topic of the Kuril Islands

The acting Governor of the Sakhalin region spoke harshly on the topic of the Kuril Islands The acting Governor of the Sakhalin region Valery Limarenko urged not to speculate on the topic of “transmission” of Japan, the Kuril Islands and called them “Russian land”. He stated “Газете.Ru”. According to him, residents of the region oppose the transfer of the Islands. “The Kuril Islands are Russian land. Obviously. I know the opinion of inhabitants of the Sakhalin region, they are categorically against any territorial changes. The issue of transfer of the Kuril Islands we have in the agenda is not necessary. And we need to stop speculating on this topic,” said Limarenko. Earlier it was reported that the Duma introduced a bill to prohibit the transfer of Smoke.

Poroshenko told of the writhing of the Ukrainian autocephaly of the Kremlin

Poroshenko told of the writhing of the Ukrainian autocephaly of the Kremlin After receiving the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (PCU) of the autocephaly of the Ukrainian authorities have received many letters from international partners of this country and of the curses of her enemies. With this announcement Thursday, January 10, by the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, reports “Gordon”. According to him, Ukraine is the correct way. “The Scripture says that you can’t please everyone. If everyone likes you, something is wrong… Therefore, it poses the Kremlin from our autocephaly. And this is an additional argument that we are moving in the right direction. But all that the Kremlin could oppose our victory, this is just a dirty fake, it’s an attempt to inflame the confrontation on religious grounds”, — said the Ukrainian leader. Poroshenko expressed the opinion that the Russian authorities intend to foment in Ukraine, religious hatred, but

NBC: approved trump the prototype wall on the border, you can buzz-saw

NBC: approved trump the prototype wall on the border, you can buzz-saw NEW YORK, January 10. /TASS/ — According to tests conducted by the Department of homeland security, all kinds of prototype walls were vulnerable to external impact. 15фотографий15фотографий15фотографий A prototype of the wall on the us-Mexican border, the issue of funding which has caused the suspension of the Federal government and the budget crisis in Washington is easily exposed to normal circular saw blades. This is evidenced by tests of prototypes of the boom is carried out by the Department of homeland security (DHS), said on Thursday the broadcaster NBC. She presented photographs of the tests conducted by DHS employees on the ground Pogo row near the border with Mexico in 2017. Tests were offered using a variety of tools to damage or make a hole through the barrier of eight different types, including a fence made of hollow

Pilots once again warned about the problems with GPS in the North of Norway

Pilots once again warned about the problems with GPS in the North of Norway MOSCOW, January 10. /TASS/. Norwegian aviation administration has issued a warning to pilots about problems with the GPS navigation in the North of Norway, near the city of Kirkenes. This was reported in Thursday’s edition of Barents Observer. Upstairs The warning indicates it will last until the end of the month. According to the Finnish TV channel MTV3, the warning also extends to several dozen kilometres of territory of Finland. At the end of last year, the Ministry of defense of Norway made a statement that Russia interfered in the work of GPS during NATO exercise Trident Juncture. The Norwegian Ministry said that “in the period between 16 October and 7 November, there was a jamming signal [GPS]” and that “these are Russian forces on the Kola Peninsula”. Then the foreign Ministry of Finland has also