Zakharova: Moscow deeply regrets that North Korea once again violated UN security Council resolution

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Sergey Maligawa/TASS YALTA, September 15. /TASS/. Moscow deeply regretted that the DPRK carried out on Friday another missile launch, again violated the resolutions of the UN Security Council. This was stated on Friday the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

The opposition felt lost mandates

Photo: RIA Novosti Cancelled results of voting on the three areas of the elections to the city Duma of Barnaul City election Commission of Barnaul invalidated the results of the elections to the city Duma in three sites. One of the reasons is the high percentage of early voters. The overall result of the election is not affected. Representatives of opposition parties believe that the early voting took a total of nine seats in the city Duma of Barnaul. The Communists believe that the results of the elections to the city Duma it is necessary to cancel, LDPR and “Fair Russia” believe that it is sufficient to abandon early voting, repeated elections since no one will come. Election Commission of Barnaul on Tuesday canceled the results of voting on elections of deputies of the Barnaul municipal Duma of the seventh convocation in three parts: No. 89, 203 and 253. “The

The state Department urged to deploy peacekeepers on the Russian border

Photo: © YouTube Peacekeeping forces in the East of Ukraine must be placed on the Russian-Ukrainian border, said Wednesday at a briefing for foreign journalists the head a press-services of US state Department Heather Nauert. She called the possible introduction of UN peacekeepers in the East of Ukraine, “the idea definitely worth exploring” and that is the path to the restoration of Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity. “Such forces should have a broad mandate to ensure peace and security throughout the occupied territory of Ukraine, up to and including the border with Russia”, — continued Nauert. Russian President Vladimir Putin on 5 September told journalists that Russia will submit to UN security Council resolution on the deployment of UN peacekeepers on the contact line in the Donbass to ensure the security of OSCE personnel. Later in a telephone conversation with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Putin agreed that ensuring the safety

Belarus received from Russia a loan of $700 million

Belarus received from Russia a loan of $700 million The Finance Ministry of Belarus announced the receipt of the allocated $700 million Earlier it was reported that the funds were provided “in order to further strengthen the friendly relations”. “September 15, 2017, the state financial loan of the Russian Federation in full amount credited to the account of the Ministry of Finance”, — stated in the message of the Ministry of Finance of Belarus. The loan granted to the Republic for a period of 10 years. In signed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has noted that money is allocated “in order to further strengthen the friendly relations” to repay previously issued by Russia of credits. At the end of 2016, according to balance of payments of the Union state according to the Russian Central Bank, the total debt of Belarus to Russia amounted to almost $6.4 billion In 2017, Minsk

Medina rejected the political background of the case Serebrennikov

Photo: Sergey Pyatakov / RIA Novosti The Minister of culture of Russia Vladimir Medinsky in an interview to the newspaper Le Figaro said that the arrest of film Director Kirill Serebrennikov is not associated with politics. He pointed out that the Director was arrested because of the issues in public expenditure headed by the “Gogol-center”. Commenting on the film by Alexei Uchitel “Matilda”, Medinsky said that the film will soon be shown in theaters. “From the point of view of the law there is no violation that can justify a ban of the picture,” — said the Minister of culture. He also condemned the “hysterical, deployed around the movie does not insult the memory of the king

Media: Russia will not pay contributions to the PACE in 2018

Photo: Reuters Russia will not pay dues to the Council of Europe stipulated stipulated for the work of the parliamentary Assembly (PACE) in 2018, while the Russian delegation will not return the right to vote. Vice-speaker of the state Duma Pyotr Tolstoy told the newspaper “Izvestia”, that until the changes to the regulations and law of the Russian parliamentarians will not be fully recovered, Moscow will not contribute and will not return to the PACE. “Russia has frozen contributions to PACE, as he refused to participate in the Assembly. This decision was made due to the discriminatory policies of the organization. We believe that until you change the regulations of its work, the meaning of our participation in it”, — said Tolstoy.

The defense Ministry reported on the situation in the areas of de-escalation in Syria

Photo: SANA Russian representatives at the armistice Commission in Syria recorded the day, three violations of the cease-fire, the Turkish — eight, as reported in the newsletter of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation “The Russian part of the mission of the joint Russian-Turkish Commission on consideration of issues related to the violations of the cessation of hostilities for the day were three cases of firing in the provinces: the Damascus — one, Aleppo — two. The Turkish part of the mission recorded eight violations in the provinces of Damascus — three, Latakia, HOMS — three”, — stated in the Bulletin. As noted, most cases of indiscriminate firing of small arms established in the areas controlled by the militants of terrorist groups “dzhebhat an-Nusra and the Islamic state.”* It is also reported that in the course of a day centre for the reconciliation of the warring parties in

The Kremlin has denied the decision to stop humanitarian aid to the Donbass

The Kremlin has denied the decision to stop humanitarian aid to the Donbass Thus a press-the Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov could not specify how much assistance Russia provides to the residents of the DNI and LC. Moscow. September 15. INTERFAX.RU — Russia will never abandon its humanitarian aid to residents of Donbass, it will continue to help people, abandoned by their own country, said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. Speech that Russia has refused humanitarian aid to residents of Donbas, can not go. There is not, and will not go. Of course, for humanitarian reasons, Russia will continue to take care of these people who were seized in the result of the civil war in his own country.Dmitry Pescovitz Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation He was commenting on media reports that the Russian government intends to abandon the humanitarian support of Donbass

Sands stood up for Poklonsky

The actions of the opponents of the screening of the film by Alexei Uchitel “Matilda” acquire the traits of extremism. This statement was made by press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov. His words according to the portal LIFE. “Attempts to exert pressure on cinemas — this is totally unacceptable and is a danger as any manifestations of extremism, and subject to persecution by law enforcement bodies”, — said in the Kremlin. Sands rejected the involvement of the Deputy of the state Duma of Natalia Polonskaya to the scandal around the picture. Unknown repeatedly threatened to Alexey Uchitel and his lawyer Konstantin Dobrynin. In addition, representatives of the Orthodox community promised to burn cinemas that will show “Matilda”. Unknown burned the car Dobrynin, a lawyer hired guards for himself and his family. On the morning of 4 September in Yekaterinburg, the man who was driving the car, rammed

Volodin called

Photo: RIA Novosti Foreign trips of deputies needs to be justified to have specific goals and objectives, in addition, inter-parliamentary ties should be filled with specific content, said the speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin. “We have a busy international agenda, the priority remains the development of inter-parliamentary relations. But we need contacts with foreign colleagues more and more concrete,” said Volodin at the first plenary meeting of the autumn session of the state Duma. “It is necessary to proceed from the fact that the visits and trips should be reasonable, have specific goals and objectives to advance the interests of our country,” he added.