Media: the sign language interpreter at a press conference on the “Irma” warned of a “pizza” and “monsters”

Media: the sign language interpreter at a press conference on the “Irma” warned of a “pizza” and “monsters” Society of the deaf of the state of Florida is demanding an apology from the authorities, stressing that the actions of the interpreter could endanger many people. 16фотографий16фотографий16фотографий WASHINGTON, September 17. /Offset. TASS Anton Cranks/. The barrage of criticism from the deaf Florida called a press conference state officials responsible for the measures taken to protect Americans from the devastating hurricane “Irma”. As told in the Saturday newspaper the Hill, sign language interpreter, hired power, made mistakes, which could even lead to victims during the disaster. Speakers in this role, a local rescuer Marshall green incorrectly conveyed with gestures the words of the speakers. So, instead of warning about the approaching hurricane, he said something about “pizza”, something about “monsters,” the newspaper writes, citing experts. Some of the statements of the officials

Rasmussen promised “carrot” on sanctions after the introduction of peacekeepers in Donbass

Rasmussen promised “carrot” on sanctions after the introduction of peacekeepers in Donbass Some of the sanctions against Russia could be eased if the Donbass will be posted to the UN mission, said former NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen. However, he put a number of strict conditions on the mandate of the UN mission. Former NATO Secretary General and freelance Advisor of the President of Ukraine Anders Fogh Rasmussen admitted that in case of reaching agreement on the enter the Donbass UN peacekeepers, Russia will receive a certain reward, in his words, “carrots” in the form of easing of some sanctions. He said this, speaking on held in Kiev, the 14th annual meeting of “Yalta European strategy” (YES). The report of his speech published on the event website. He called a number of necessary conditions for the adoption of such decision. First, the peacekeeping mission should be viable, that is,

Matvienko: the idea of the state Department to place UN peacekeepers on the border of Russia and Ukraine have no logic

The Chairman Of The Federation Council Valentina Matvienko © Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS ASHGABAT, 17 September. /TASS/. The Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko said that he sees no logic in the suggestion of the US state Department to place UN peacekeepers on the border of Russia and Ukraine.

An announcement in September will meet with Matvienko

Photo: RIA Novosti The President of Moldova Igor Dodon intends to meet in September with the speaker of the Federation Council of Russia Valentina Matviyenko in Ashgabat, said on Friday the press-service of the Moldavian leader. “At the invitation of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, Igor Dodon, paying a visit to Ashgabat… plans to meet… Berdimuhamedov, President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, the President of the Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Valentina Matviyenko and other officials”, — stated in the message. Turkmenistan for the first time in its history, holds the international high-level competition — the V Asian games in the closed rooms and on martial arts. Games will be held in Ashgabat from 17 to 27 September. It is expected that the games will involve over 60 teams from Asia, Oceania and the team of the refugees who will compete for the medals in 21 sports.

The defense Ministry told about the upgraded T-72B3 on doctrines “the West-2017”

The defense Ministry told about the upgraded T-72B3 on doctrines “the West-2017” On Russian-Belarusian exercises “West-2017” were tested tanks T-72B3, the latest modifications. This was reported on the website of the Russian defense Ministry on Sunday, September 17. Tankers during the exercise, commit many kilometers marches on rough terrain with natural obstacles, conducted live firing at any time of the day and work out high-speed maneuvers. Modernized T-72B3 is equipped with a high-performance engine, automatic transmission, rear view camera, new fire control system. In addition, tanks control system power plant, thanks to which the machine can be controlled via the display. Also, the defense Ministry has been informed about the completion of the first phase of the Russian-Belarusian exercises. “Military authorities and units created regional grouping of troops (forces) working out the issues of command and control while repelling the attack of the conditional enemy and planning of strategic operations

The Pentagon accused the VC attack on the Syrian opposition

The Pentagon accused the VC attack on the Syrian opposition MOSCOW, 17 Sep — RIA Novosti. The US-led international coalition to combat the Islamic state* has accused the Russian military strike at the positions of the “Syrian democratic forces”. The paper also argues that the Russian side knew about this area and opposition councillors from the coalition. The defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov has said AFP that the accusations are not true. “ It’s impossible. Why do we have to bomb them?Igor Contenciosului defense Ministry spokesman Informed Kurdish source told RIA Novosti that during the strike the Syrian government forces suffered six soldiers of the Arab-Kurdish units of the “Syrian democratic forces”. They were given medical assistance. A review of the Syrian army, the Agency does not yet have. Statement of the international coalition already commented by the Chairman of the Federation Council Commission on information policy Alexei Pushkov. According

Fat banned. DNR has banned the import of Ukrainian pork

Fat banned. DNR has banned the import of Ukrainian pork MOSCOW, 17 Sep — RIA Novosti. In DND banned the import from Ukraine pork and products made from it: bacon, sausages, canned meat and other meat products. This was announced by the Ministry of agrarian policy and food of the self-proclaimed Donetsk people’s Republic. Quarantine The first of September in the Ukrainian state service for food safety and consumer protection said that in 20 communities in nine regions of the country due to a virus has been quarantined. In particular, he announced in the Transcarpathian, Kyiv, Kharkiv, Vinnytsia, Odesa, Khmelnytskyi, Rivne, Dnipropetrovsk and Volyn regions. From the beginning of 2017 in Ukraine recorded 104 cases of outbreaks of ASF, whereas for the whole of last year — 91 case. In early August, the Association “the Pig producers of Ukraine” said that the country has beaten the record for the number

Became aware of U.S. interference in Russian elections September 10,

Photo: RIA Novosti The Commission of the Federation Council for the protection of the sovereignty and prevent interference in Russia’s internal Affairs is evidence of the influence of foreign countries, primarily the United States, at the regional elections on 10 September, said the head of the Commission Senator Andrei Klimov, this was confirmed by two members of the chamber. The intervention consisted in the fact that the foreign state transferred money to the Russian funds involved in the election, to support a particular candidate at the head of the region, RBC. “The funds were transferred through the territory of the allied countries of Russia in the Customs Union of the EEU. The money comes from a foreign organization from a country where there is no law on foreign agents” — said Klimov. Klimov explained also that the elections in Russia intervened several States. “The United States is the most powerful

Saakashvili postponed the “taking” of Kiev until October

Saakashvili postponed the “taking” of Kiev until October The former Governor of the Odessa region Mikhail Saakashvili decided to postpone the return to Kiev and postponed it until Oct. About this he wrote in his Facebook. “We decided to join the initiative of civil society activists and to gather in Kiev on 17 October with three requirements: the establishment of anticorruption courts, the abolition of parliamentary immunity, the adoption of a new electoral law. And other requirements we will be collecting throughout Ukraine until the 17th,” said the politician. Speaking on Saturday in Ivano-Frankivsk, Saakashvili said that during trips to the cities of Ukraine, he will collect questions from people to power and will rally support of their claims that they were close enough to October 17. “No breakthrough was last Sunday and will not be to the Verkhovna Rada. I have no aggressive intentions. I’ll travel around the country”,

Britain after a Brexit intends to conclude an agreement with the EU on security

Britain after a Brexit intends to conclude an agreement with the EU on security LONDON, 17 Sep — RIA Novosti, Denis Voroshilov. UK after Brexit will offer the EU to enter into a separate agreement on cooperation in the field of security, the main point which will be the fight against terrorism, reported RIA Novosti senior source in the British government. “The fight against crime and terrorism should be a key element of the new agreement in the field of security between Britain and the EU after Brexit. Government (United Kingdom) offer to enter into such an agreement tomorrow (Monday). The agreement intends to lay the legislative foundations for continued cooperation in the field of security, criminal justice and law enforcement after the UK leaves the EU. The government would explain its position in the plan to publish the document”, — said the Agency interlocutor. According to him, amid growing