The Deputy of the state Duma sees no threat to Russia from the activities of Saakashvili

Photo: RIA Novosti The Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Alexei chepa (a just Russia), commenting on the statements of the ex-speaker of the Georgian Parliament Nino Burjanadze, said that he sees former President of the Republic no danger to Russia, and described the main role of Mikheil Saakashvili and his backers in the CIA destabilization of the situation in Ukraine. Earlier Burjanadze in an interview with “Nezavisimaya Gazeta” said that the ex-President of Georgia, former Governor of the Odessa region, Saakashvili at the international level is “a major element of the project, which is controlled by the CIA.” The purpose of the project, she said, is to create Russia serious problems in 2018, in particular to take away from the world Cup and to exert influence on presidential elections, which will be held in 2018. “Of course, no Saakashvili to influence the election of the President

The President of Bolivia has proposed to introduce universal citizenship for all inhabitants of the Earth

The President of Bolivia has proposed to introduce universal citizenship for all inhabitants of the Earth Evo Morales condemned the building of walls and the development of laws that are “aimed at making migration a crime.” UN, September 20. /TASS/. The President of Bolivia, Evo Morales believes that the problem of illegal immigration needs to be solved by the introduction of a single or “universal” citizenship for all the inhabitants of the Earth. The corresponding statement he made on Tuesday, speaking in the General debate in the UN General Assembly. “Bolivia condemns the construction of the walls and the development of laws that seek to make migration a crime. For this purpose we propose the creation of a universal citizenship. The origins of the current social and migration crisis in the world order that in the pursuit of profits and consumption causes violence contributes to inequality and is destroying mother

Crimean Deputy Prime Minister Shirin Muradov not allowed to speak at the OSCE meeting

Photo: RIA Novosti The Polish authorities for more than two hours spent in the Warsaw airport Vice-Premier of the Crimean government, the permanent representative of Crimea under the Russian President Georgi Muradov, eventually giving him the opportunity to speak at the OSCE meeting in the Polish capital. These days in Warsaw is Europe’s largest conference on human rights, which is organized annually by the OSCE Office for democratic institutions and human rights (ODIHR). Crimean Deputy Prime Minister flew to Warsaw on Monday morning, and despite the fact that it has a diplomatic passport, was forced to spend in the airport more than two hours. “My two-and-a-half hours spent at the airport. Explained that agree with the Supreme guide, since I’m in the sanctions list of the EU, despite the fact that I did not come to Poland, and in international organization — the OSCE”, — told journalists on Monday Muradov.

Foreign Minister told about the recent “no politicization” of the meeting with Tillerson

Foreign Minister told about the recent “no politicization” of the meeting with Tillerson Meeting with Rex Tillerson, which lasted more than an hour, was held in a business-like manner, said the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov. Both parties tried to politicize the relations between the two countries, said Lavrov. After talks with U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson, the head of the Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that the meeting was held in a business-like manner, without “attempts to politicize” relations between the two countries. “The agenda is Packed, and the conversation today was a business, without any attempts to politicize our relationship. And based we — I felt that Tillerson also — the need to be pragmatic and look for ways that will in different situations in bilateral relations help to find solutions to conflicts,” Lavrov said (quoted by RIA news). The Minister also said

Armenia has threatened to annul the protocols on normalization of relations with Turkey

Armenia has threatened to annul the protocols on normalization of relations with Turkey President Serzh Sargsyan has called the deadline for ratification in the spring of 2018. Moscow. September 20. INTERFAX.RU — Armenia is ready to cancel the protocols on establishing diplomatic relations and developing bilateral relations with Turkey, said President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan. “The Turkish leadership is mistaken if he thinks he can hold hostage these documents and ratify them, when they want. In the absence of progress Armenia declare these protocols cancelled. Spring 2018 we will meet without these protocols,” Sargsyan said, speaking at the UN General Assembly in new York. Armenia and Turkey signed protocols on normalization of relations in autumn 2009. Documents provided for the establishment of diplomatic relations and opening of borders between countries. In addition, Turkey agreed to create a Commission to discuss the Armenian genocide, which earlier refused to fully acknowledge. In

Johnson said that his visit to Moscow worked out

Johnson said that his visit to Moscow worked out The Minister of foreign Affairs of great Britain reported that the visit can take place, “when it’s convenient for both parties.” UN, September 20. /TASS/. The Minister of foreign Affairs of great Britain, Boris Johnson said he will be able to come to Russia, but when this issue will be achieved bilateral agreements. “We’re working on it — he said to journalists on Tuesday after meeting with Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on the sidelines of the UNGA. “This can happen when it’s convenient for both parties,” the Minister explained. We had a good meeting (with Lavrov — approx. TASS).Boris Concominant foreign Affairs of great Britain The Minister of foreign Affairs of the United Kingdom planned his visit to Russia on April 10 this year, but announced its cancellation the day before the trip due to changes in the situation in

The Ministry of justice regrets that the ECHR did not listen to the arguments of Russia on the victims in Beslan

The building of the Ministry of justice of the Russian Federation Zhitnaya street © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, September 19. /TASS/. The Ministry of justice regrets that the European court of human rights (ECHR) have not listened to the arguments of Russia on case on compensation for moral damage to the victims of the terrorist attack in Beslan in September 2004. About it reported in a press-service of the Ministry, responding to a query TASS. “The Ministry of justice regrets that the arguments of the authorities of the Russian Federation about necessity of reviewing the decision in the case “tagayeva and others V. Russia” (regarding the circumstances of capture of armed terrorists September 1, 2004 hostages at school No. 1 of Beslan in North Ossetia – approx. TASS) has not been received by the panel of the Grand chamber composed of the President of the ECHR and judges elected from Armenia,