Zhirinovsky proposed to penalize cases of deputies of ignoring vaccinations

Photo: RIA Novosti The party leader of LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky has urged deputies to flu vaccinations, and those who ignored the vaccination and got sick, fine for negligence to their health. “I would urge everyone to be vaccinated. Of the three strains of the terrible swine flu. We have a medical center, the LDPR faction in full structure did, we have no patients. If you receive sick deputies, and let the salary to calculate them for them, so to speak, negligence to their health”, — said Zhirinovsky at the plenary session of the state Duma on Friday. State Duma Deputy from the Communist party Nikolai Kharitonov answered Zhirinovsky’s proposal by the Council to harden. “You have to understand that there are many cases when vaccinated against influenza, people have messed with. I’m 27 years in Parliament, had never received vaccination… pour cold water in winter and summer, minute run down

Tillerson said that the Russian Federation violated obligations under the INF Treaty

Photo: Reuters U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson has accused Russia of violating agreements on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. “We call on Russia to examine how it can better support non-proliferation efforts,” said Tillerson at a meeting of the UN security Council dedicated to this issue. The head of state noted that Moscow and Washington have a special responsibility to support the nonproliferation regime. At the same time, he said that in recent years Russia “sometimes acted in a manner that weakens the global rules and undermines the principle of responsibility of Nations.” In particular, Tillerson has accused Moscow of violating the obligations under the Treaty on elimination of intermediate-range nuclear forces (INF), in violation of “security assurances which were given at the end of the cold war” and attempts to “undermine the independence of the IAEA in the investigation of covert nuclear programs.” The Secretary said

Disastrous victory of Angela Merkel

Disastrous victory of Angela Merkel When the vote in Germany was over, Angela Merkel has arrived at the election headquarters of the party to observe the counting of the votes, but looked crocked and thin. Leaving the car, she managed to crack a smile — a first for the assembled journalists, and then to the congregation at the headquarters of supporters of the party. Merkel knew with high probability that she will win this election. But this is not the victory, had hoped for at her party and herself. For conservatives, this is the worst result since then, she led the Christian democratic Union. Perhaps because voters responded to her policy of “open doors” for reception, which in Germany came more than a million migrants. In his address to the party Merkel acknowledged that the past four years were not easy. However, she added, despite all the difficulties, the party

CEC: elections to the Bundestag block won Merkel

CEC: elections to the Bundestag block won Merkel BERLIN, September 25. /TASS/. The conservative bloc of Angela Merkel’s CDU/CSU won the elections to the Bundestag in Germany, gaining 33% of votes. These are the official preliminary results released Monday night by the Chairman of the Federal election Commission Dieter Sarriera. In second place with the worst in its history, the result was the Social democratic party, voted for 20.5% of Germans. Right “Alternative for Germany” supported by 12.6% of the electorate, the Free democratic party — 10,7%, green is 8.9% and the Left party — 9,2%. After the announcement of exit polls, the SPD has announced its intention to go into opposition. Thus, arithmetically possible there is only one option of formation of ruling coalition — “Jamaica” (CDU/CSU, free Democrats and greens). However, German experts warn that such a government can be extremely volatile in light of disagreements on several

Iran was considered an insult to the U.S. ban on entry of its citizens into the country

Iran was considered an insult to the U.S. ban on entry of its citizens into the country The Minister of foreign Affairs of Iran Mohammad Javad Zarif said a new ban of Donald trump on the entry of Iranians in the US is an insult. He wrote about this in his Twitter. “Compassion trump to the Iranians looks more fake with his new and much more offensive ban on entry,” said Zarif. Trump’s fake empathy for Iranians rings ever more hollow, with his new and even more offensive travel ban against such outstanding citizens. — Javad Zarif (@JZarif) September 25, 2017 During the download an error has occurred. Previously, trump has announced the expansion of national security measures, banning the entry of citizens of eight countries, including Iran. Such a radical step, according to trump, caused by an inability to secure the selection of immigrants. It is expected that the

Prime Minister of Georgia to the UN accused Russia of “policy of annexation”

Photo: depositphotos.com Prime Minister of Georgia Giorgi Kvirikashvili in a speech at the session of the UN accused Russia of “occupation and the policy of de facto annexation” of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, the correspondent of the newspaper LOOK in Tbilisi. “Members of the UN are well aware that Russia continues the occupation of two historical regions of the sovereign territory of Georgia”, — he said. According to him, the policy of Russia in this year intensified. As confirmation Giorgi Kvirikashvili gave examples of signing by Russia of a number of agreements with Abkhazia and South Ossetia, which, according to the Prime Minister of Georgia, leading to the “militarization of the occupied regions”, and also to the fact that military, political, economic and social sphere of Abkhazia and South Ossetia in fact merge with the Russian. He also spoke about the “bordersize”, noting that this process does not allow living

Crimea declared the failure of the Ukrainian blockade of the Peninsula

Photo: RIA Novosti Food blockade of Crimea, Ukraine announced two years ago, was the catalyst that precipitated the development of the Peninsula, said the head of the Crimean government Committee on inter-ethnic relations Zaur Smirnov. “Ukrainian blockade of Crimea unwittingly became the catalyst of integration processes, which have accelerated the development of the Peninsula as a subject of the Russian Federation — in political terms, and in the socio-economic”, — quotes RIA “news” Smirnov. According to the head of the state Committee of Crimea for two years have shifted to Russian markets, strengthening economic independence from Ukraine. “The inhabitants of the Republic, despite a series of closures — water, food, transport, energy and tourism — has not abandoned the gains of 2014, and the position of Russians in Crimea remained unchanged,” — said Smirnov. Recall that in 2016 the government of the Crimea, and thanked Kiev for the fact that

Lavrov discussed with the UN Secretary General to Syria and the DPRK

Photo: RIA Novosti UN Secretary-General antónio Guterres held a meeting with Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov, the press service of the world organization. “They exchanged views on the issue of UN reform, international issues, including Syria, the situation in the middle East and around North Korea,” — said in the message. In addition, the interlocutors discussed the issues of peace and security in Europe, including in relation to Ukraine. Earlier, the UN Secretary-General said about the need to exclude the possibility of war with the DPRK.

In Poland began the active phase of the largest military exercises Dragon-2017

In Poland began the active phase of the largest military exercises Dragon-2017 WARSAW, September 25 — RIA Novosti. The active phase of the largest military exercises Dragon-2017 starts Monday in Poland, in the exercise, which runs until 29 September, will involve all branches of the armed forces, the planned testing of the interaction of ground forces with the Navy and aviation. For the first time in the exercises will participate in a new kind of troops — Troops of territorial defense. As told journalists the Deputy Minister of national defense Michal dworczyk, the Troops of the territorial defence will be “to defend the territory of the runways and act as divisions that support the actions of the troops”. It is reported that, according to the exercise scenario, a neighbouring state claims the right of access to natural resources on the territory of Poland and “attempt to destabilize the political situation”

Rating trump has fallen to record lows

Rating trump has fallen to record lows The rating of the President of the United States Donald trump fell to a record, becoming the lowest in 71 years. About it reports TV channel ABC News. 66 percent of respondents believe that the 45th President has done more to divide the country than to its unification. For this indicator, the trump surpassed his predecessors Barack Obama and George W. Bush, whose results for the first eight months of the Board were unhappy at the 55 percent of Americans. 59 percent of respondents believe that trump doesn’t keep his promise to “drain the swamp” — to change the politics of Washington. On 12 August it was reported that the approval rating of the trump grew up. The results of the survey, which was conducted by the organization Rasmussen Reports, showed that the current occupant of the White house approves 45 percent of