Poland considered placing at least two U.S. divisions necessary for the defense

Poland considered placing at least two U.S. divisions necessary for the defense The Minister of defence of Poland considers that in the country for defense and to confront external threats, you must place at least two U.S. divisions. Earlier, the Polish Parliament decided to increase defence spending to 2.5% of GDP. The Minister of defence of Poland, Anthony Macierewicz said that the country needs more U.S. military to protect it. An interview with him publishes Wpolytice. “From the point of view of self-defense of Poland must be to order more, definitely more than two divisions was Macarevich to a journalist’s question about how Poland needs the US military. In one division of the US national average may be around 15 thousand. Macierewicz added that his words “do not signify that we discussed these numbers, or is this question considered”. He also commented that Poland increases spending on the army. These

Trump has extended for one year the ban on funding cultural exchanges with Russia

Trump has extended for one year the ban on funding cultural exchanges with Russia The President of the United States extended the prohibition for a year. The decision was made on the basis of the law on the protection of victims of trafficking and violence. WASHINGTON, 1 Jul — RIA Novosti. The US President Donald trump on Saturday extended the ban on the funding of cultural and educational exchanges with several countries, including Russia. The corresponding instruction, which was circulated by the press service of the White house, the U.S. Secretary of state. The decision was made on the basis of the law on the protection of victims of trafficking and violence from 2000. In the law of a particular country is not mentioned, this decision is taken by the President annually, usually before the beginning of the next fiscal year, which in the US begins on 1 October. The

The state Department said Pyongyang is not going to negotiate with Washington

The state Department said Pyongyang is not going to negotiate with Washington The United States have communication channels with the DPRK, but Pyongyang still showed no interest in talks on denuclearization, said state Department spokesman Heather Nauert. “The American diplomats there are several open channels through which we can communicate with officials of the North Korean regime,” — said in a statement, Nauert. “Despite assurances that the United States is not interested in contributing to the collapse of the current regime, do not pursue regime change, the acceleration of the reunification of the Peninsula or the mobilization of forces North of the demilitarized zone, North Korean officials showed no indication that they are interested or ready to negotiations on denuclearization”, the statement reads.

The United States came into direct contact with the authorities of the DPRK

The United States came into direct contact with the authorities of the DPRK Washington made direct contact with North Korea, confirmed U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson. According to him, Washington is sounding out the possibility of talks with Pyongyang. “Follow the news,” added Tillerson. “We have channels of communication — said Tillerson during his visit to China. — We do not sit in the dark.” Over the past few months the US and North Korea were regularly exchanged mutual accusations and threats, but until now little was known about the fact that they have direct channels of communication. The US President, speaking at the UN, threatened to destroy North Korea, saying that North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN “embarked on a suicidal path.” In response, Kim Jong-UN released a statement in which it said that “Crazy American man certainly, certainly going to tame the fire!”. This verbal sparring comes amid

Saakashvili called the date a “big rally” in Kiev

Saakashvili called the date a “big rally” in Kiev The former Governor of the Odessa region Mikhail Saakashvili called on the “big rally” in Kiev. It will be held on October 17. He declared on shares of its supporters in Odessa on 30 September, reports TASS. “I encourage everyone to go on 17 October in Kyiv to clean bandit top and cut off the head of an octopus”, — Saakashvili said. The former Georgian leader who can’t qualify for the presidency in Ukraine after the expected change of government in Kiev intends to return to Odessa to continue its development. Just on meeting, by estimations of eyewitnesses, came about 500 people. Before the speech, the former Governor of Odessa region in the square there was a fight between supporters and opponents of Saakashvili. The police quickly threw up the conflicting parties. Deprived of Ukrainian citizenship Saakashvili on 10 September moved

The MP called Rodchenkova to testify in Russia, if he considers himself innocent

Photo: RIA Novosti Member of the Committee on physical culture, sport, tourism and youth Affairs Dmitry Svishchev (LDPR) is convinced that the former head of the Moscow anti-doping laboratory, Grigory Rodchenkov should come to Russia and testify in his case if he considers himself innocent. Otherwise, according to the policy, all statements Rodchenkova about the alleged existence in Russia of a system of doping is not true. Basmanny court of Moscow on Wednesday in absentia arrested the former head of the Moscow anti-doping laboratory of Gregory Rodchenkov, accused of abuse of power. The investigation announced in the international search. “If Rodchenkov does not feel any guilt, he needs to contact the Investigative Committee of Russia, the Prosecutor General, to agree with them that he is ready to come to Russia and testify, let it be on neutral territory. Let them testify and convince our authorities that he is innocent, and

Madrid considers the cancelled referendum on independence of Catalonia

Madrid considers the cancelled referendum on independence of Catalonia MADRID, September 30. /TASS/. Spanish authorities believe the cancelled referendum on independence of Catalonia to be held on 1 October. On Saturday said the Minister of education, culture and sports, government spokesman íñigo méndez de Vigo. In his words, “illegal plebiscite organized by the government of Catalonia, has been rescinded the legal government”. The Minister stressed that the referendum “illegal” and has “no international support”. Mendez de Vigo called for the people of Spain to the “composure and calmness” and noted that the government “will continue to inform citizens” about how the situation develops. Anti-referendum protests in #Barcelona. One of many in Spain. At the Madrid rally they shout “Spain united will never be defeated” pic.twitter.com/QBVWximSe8 — Isa Soares (@IsaCNN) September 30, 2017. During the download an error has occurred. Earlier, the court decided to block access to 29 programs that

Media: Erdogan said that the authorities of Iraqi Kurdistan will pay for the referendum

Media: Erdogan said that the authorities of Iraqi Kurdistan will pay for the referendum ANKARA, September 30. /TASS/. The government of Iraqi Kurdistan will pay for autonomy held a referendum on independence. As reported by the newspaper Hurriyet, said on Saturday Turkey’s President Tayyip Erdogan during a speech in Erzurum province on the North-East of the country. “The regional authorities in Northern Iraq have taken a step without thinking about our country, which gave them full support for a long time, he said. So they will have to pay for it.” According to the Turkish leader, the administration of Iraqi Kurdistan “does not create an independent state, and a new wound in the region.” Erdogan recalled the violation of the rights of Turkomans and Arabs. In his opinion, the referendum did not take into account the interests of these ethnic minorities. “We are in close contact with neighboring countries, Iraq

The Russian space forces killed in Syria almost 2.5 thousand militants over 10 days

The Russian space forces killed in Syria almost 2.5 thousand militants over 10 days Air and space forces of Russia destroyed almost 2.5 thousand extremists in Syria during strikes on the positions of militants in 10 days. About this informed the official representative of Russian defense Ministry major General Igor Konashenkov in on Saturday, September 30, reports RIA Novosti. “As a result of precise missile and air strikes of Russian air force from 19 to 29 September confirmed losses of terrorists made 2 359 militants were killed and about 2.7 thousand wounded,” he said. Among liquidated terrorists — 16 commanders at various levels, as well as more than 400 immigrants from Russia and the CIS countries. The Ministry added that the air strikes had destroyed 67 strongholds of militants, 27 tanks, 21 the reactive systems of volley fire, 51 ammunition, 149 cars with machine guns and 17 “gigajoule”. Konashenkov noted

Skvortsova: only in 12 regions of Russia is no violation of the availability of medical care

Photo: RIA Novosti In Russia, only in 12 regions there are no problems with availability of medical care. This was stated by the head of the Ministry of health of Russia Veronika Skvortsova at the meeting with deputies of the state Duma, RIA “Novosti”. “We have only 12 subjects where there are no violations of accessibility,” she said. According to her, the governors were sent letters indicating the deficiencies in the organization of medical care. Earlier Skvortsova has informed that in Russia for eight months of 2017, compared to the same period last year decreased mortality among the population.