Vladimir Putin said about the possibility of ending the conflict in Syria

Photo: TV Center In Syria, all the conditions for termination of the fratricidal war. This was stated by Vladimir Putin after a meeting with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The situation in the Arab Republic became one of the main topics, which politicians discussed in Ankara. The talks lasted about three hours. Work to resolve the situation in Syria gives a positive result, said Vladimir Putin: “Confirmed its readiness to follow with regard to the middle of September in Astana at the sixth international meeting on Syria final arrangements for four zones of de-escalation, including the biggest one of them in Idlib province. The initiative on creation of zones of de-escalation in Syria have been nominated by our Mr. Erdogan meeting in may this year in Sochi. Work on the implementation of this idea was very difficult for involved in the Syrian conflict parties and to the guarantor countries

Sobchak suggested that Navalny does not go by Lenin and be together

Sobchak suggested that Navalny does not go by Lenin and be together Bulk actions weaken the opposition, said in referring to him Ksenia Sobchak. She didn’t understand why he doesn’t want to unite with her and the “as before”, and added that he was gathering a full house for commercial performances. TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak appealed through your Instagram to the head of the Fund of struggle against corruption Alexei Navalny why he’s refusing joint action. Sobchak again reproached Bulk that he speaks on behalf of all dissenters and monopolisitic “on this subject.” Together, said Sobchak, they could do much more. As a result, your actions come only hundreds of people, although it is clear that you have much in the way and it is also necessary to take into account. But still, we can do more if we are together! Because of your monopoly we all look like a

The civil guard of Spain explained the use of force in Catalonia

The civil guard of Spain explained the use of force in Catalonia Moscow. 1 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — the Civil guard of Spain has justified taken in Catalonia actions protection of the law. “Civil guard resists the encroachments and provocations, in proportion to fulfilling its functions in the protection of the law,” — said in a statement posted on its Twitter feed. Earlier on Sunday, the Spanish government has criticized the Autonomous police of Catalonia for passivity in action to prevent a referendum on independence for this region of the country. It is because of the passivity of the Catalan police blocking polling stations and the withdrawal of the ballot boxes have to deal with employees of the national police of Spain and the Civil guard. Earlier it was reported that Spanish police on Sunday used stun grenades and rubber bullets to disperse those wishing to vote in the referendum on

Kosachev: the authorities of Spain have to go for dialogue with the Catalans, not to regard them as separatists

The Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, October 1. /TASS/. The Spanish authorities need to remember that the war with its own population can lead to the collapse of the state. With the Catalans need to talk and negotiate, and not to regard them as separatists. This was stated on Sunday by the Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev, commenting on the passing of a referendum in Catalonia on independence from Spain.

Soloviev on the investigation into Navalny:

Photo: TASS TV host Vladimir Solovyov, commenting on the investigation of the Fund of struggle against corruption (FBK) on his estate, advised the organization’s founder Alexei Navalny sports. About it reports “Ur.ru”. According to Solovyov, “Navalny a lot of free time”, that’s why he engaged in such investigations. “It would be better in the gym went up, Breasts pumped up,” said the presenter. Solovyev stressed that he is “not a servant” and “hides nothing”. “Or I was, on the contrary, everything to hide? What is the claim? Pay taxes, more taxes. All declared, stole, earned,” he said. According to the presenter, respond to the investigation FBK he’s not to be. “What am I supposed to say? Excuse me, good people, not hiding anything? Sorry, good people that, as a 54-year-old man who worked all his life, managed to earn? Excuse me, good people, do not go around the world and

The scientists have named governors who may face resignation

Photo: RIA Novosti Politicians from holding “Minchenko Consulting” called governors, which may soon face retirement. This is stated in the expert report “Politburo 2.0 and governors”. The experts evaluated the heads of regions on nine criteria, for each of which you can get from 3 to 10 points. Three criteria were “penalties” — they took away points from the officials. According to the data obtained, the threatened resignation of the head are Vladimir, Ivanovo, Omsk, Novosibirsk and Murmansk regions, the Altai and Primorye territories, Kalmykia, North Ossetia-Alania, the Altai, and the Governor of St. Petersburg. The lowest score received Alexei Orlov, head of Kalmykia, he scored only 4 points. In addition, 5 points were given to the head of the Novosibirsk region Vladimir Gorodetsky, 6 points — the head of the Murmansk region Marina Kovtun, Governor of the Altai territory Alexander Karlin and the head of Omsk region Viktor Nazarov.

The British Prime Minister called Russia one of the main threats for Europe

Photo: RIA Novosti Europe is facing increasing threats, including terrorism, cybercrime, migration and “Russian aggression”. This is stated in the statement of the Prime Minister of great Britain Theresa may, a statement on the eve of the EU summit on digital technologies. “From terrorism to cyber crime, from illegal migration to the Russian aggression ahead of us, Europeans, the threats are becoming bigger and more difficult, — quotes TASS of the word may. — Now more than ever, it is in our interest to face them together.” The British Prime Minister assured that the involvement of London in the security of Europe will not decrease after the United Korolevstv will come from the EU. “While we are preparing for a Brexit, I want to create new, strong partnerships in the field of security with the EU,” said may. The first ever EU summit on digital technologies will be held in

Due to the anti-Russian sanctions, Italy has lost 7 billion euros

Photo: pixabay.com Italy suffered a loss in the amount of 7 billion euros as a result of sanctions against Russia. About it the newspaper “Izvestiya” told the leader of the party “Northern League” and the candidate for the post of Prime Minister Matteo Salvini. “In a period of great economic crisis sanctions against Moscow has become a de facto suicide,” he said. According to the politician, many businessmen Italy call him to sanctions if the party will be in government. “Because, for example, small and medium-sized companies that supply to Russia furniture, were forced to close. Closed and other Italian companies, export-oriented to Russia. This is the reality, provoked by the short-sighted policy of Rome and Brussels,” — said Salvini. He promised the resumption of trade relations with Russia after coming to power. And added that to the rapprochement of EU with Moscow should offer Russia cooperation against global terrorism

Named the date for the next meeting Surkov and Volker

Photo: RIA Novosti The Russian presidential aide Vladislav Surkov and special envoy of the US state Department in Ukraine Kurt Volker will hold its next meeting in early October. About this newspaper “Kommersant” said former U.S. Ambassador to Russia John Tefft. The diplomat also touched upon the issue of deployment of peacekeepers in the Donbass. “A peacekeeping force