Putin will visit Turkmenistan on October 2

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin on 2 October will visit Turkmenistan during the visit, the planned signing of documents, the press service of the Kremlin. “At the invitation of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin will pay an official visit to Turkmenistan on 2 October 2017… At the end of talks is scheduled the signing of the Russian-Turkmen documents”, — stated in the message. It is expected that the negotiations will address the key issues of development of bilateral cooperation in political, trade-economic, scientific-educational and cultural-humanitarian spheres, as well as topical regional issues.

“Wasting your time”: trump praised the attempts of the state Department to begin negotiations with the DPRK

“Wasting your time”: trump praised the attempts of the state Department to begin negotiations with the DPRK MOSCOW, 1 Jul — RIA Novosti. The US President Donald trump said that the head of the state Department Rex Tillerson wasting time trying to negotiate with the DPRK. About this American leader wrote on Twitter. “I told Rex Tillerson, our wonderful Secretary of state, that he spends time trying to start negotiations with a Small Human Missile (a North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN. — Approx. ed.). Save your energy, Rex, we’ll do what we have to do,” he wrote. …Save your energy Rex, we’ll do what has to be done! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 1, 2017. During the download an error has occurred. Earlier on Sunday, North Korea threatened to turn the United States into a “sea of flames”. According to the representative of the Committee for peace in the

Died in Moscow Colonel, who was wounded in Syria

Died in Moscow Colonel, who was wounded in Syria MOSCOW, 1 Jul — RIA Novosti. Russian Colonel Valery Fedyanin, who was wounded in Syria, died in hospital in Moscow, the defense Ministry reported. The defense Ministry explained that on 22 September Colonel Valery Fedyanin engaged in the delivery of humanitarian assistance in the Syrian province of Hama. “Under the car, which was followed by a Russian officer, with terrorists has been undermined by a land mine. The explosion Valery Fedyanin received multiple injuries”, — added in Department. The Colonel was taken from Syria in the main military clinical hospital of the Ministry of defense of Russia for emergency medical care. “Military doctors to the last struggled for life of Valery fedyanina, but to save him failed,” — noted in the defense Ministry. Earlier in September was reported killed in Syria, Lieutenant-General Valery Esipova. He helped the government’s armed forces in

In Catalonia the referendum on independence from Spain

In Catalonia the referendum on independence from Spain In Catalonia, closed those areas voting in the referendum on independence, which during the day did not have time to close the police and the Civil guard. The vote in Catalonia ended at 20:00 GMT. The regional authorities have promised to soon start the counting of votes, reports Reuters. The representative of the Catalan government Jordi Turull said that doesn’t know when will be able to publish the results of the referendum, since all polling stations are disconnected from the CEC of Spain. Turull expressed the confidence that the polling stations across Catalonia was visited by several million people. Spanish police and Civil guard during the day trying to disrupt the referendum, shutting polling stations in different areas of Catalonia. All were closed more than 90 sites. The police often came into conflict with the people who prevented them to go in

Putin announced the disciplinary action Sokolov

Photo: TASS Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the disciplinary action to the head of Ministry of transport Maxim Sokolov. The decree published on the official Internet portal of legal information. According to the document, Putin, agreeing with the proposal of the Prime Minister of Russia, announced the Minister is disciplined in the form of incomplete official conformity. In a September 27 session of the government Vladimir Putin declared incomplete office conformity to the head of Maxim Sokolov in connection with the situation around the airline “VIM-Avia”. From the termination of the carrier suffered 40 thousand people.

The mayor of Barcelona counted more than 460 injured in the riots in Catalonia

The mayor of Barcelona counted more than 460 injured in the riots in Catalonia Earlier, she said that the Prime Minister of Spain to leave his post in connection with the unjustified action of the Spanish police against the participants of the referendum. Moscow. 1 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — the Mayor of Barcelona Hell Cola said that the number of victims in the unrest in Catalonia the day of the referendum on independence for the region exceeded 460. “In Catalonia were injured already more than 460 people. As mayor of Barcelona I demand an immediate end to the police action against defenceless population,” she said on Twitter. Earlier on Sunday, the mayor of Barcelona said the Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy should leave office in connection with an unjustifiable action Spanish law enforcement authorities against participants of a referendum in Catalonia. On Sunday, Spanish police used stun grenades and rubber bullets

The network is gaining popularity is the photo of the crying of the Catalan police

The network is gaining popularity is the photo of the crying of the Catalan police Users of social networks spread on its pages a picture of a crying employee of the Catalan police, the Mossos d’esquadra. Frustació, ràbia i llàgrimes d’un mosso d’esquadra per la intervenció de la policia espanyola al Cap de Pont Cap a #Lleida #1OCatRàdio. pic.twitter.com/wEvyDt36Hw — Roser Perera (@roserperera) October 1, 2017. During the download an error has occurred. According to the author, the picture was taken in the province of Lleida. At the moment, they shared more than 3 thousand users of Twitter. In the description of the image reads: “the Disappointment, rage, and tears of the employee, the Mossos d’esquadra because of the actions of the Spanish police”. As previously reported by the portal iz.ru under the direct order of the government of Spain to stop a referendum on independence in Catalonia, Spanish police

The government of Catalonia announced 337 injured in clashes with police

The government of Catalonia announced 337 injured in clashes with police The clashes in Catalonia has suffered at least 337 people. These data were provided by the local government, accusing the current government of Spain. The government of Catalonia via Twitter reported that the attempts of the police and Civil guard of Spain to disrupt the referendum on the independence of the affected 337 people. According to Barcelona police operates on the principle of “go and grab”. The official representative of the Catalan government Jordi Turull said that the responsibility lies on the head of the Spanish Cabinet Mariano Rahoi. Turull offered to all those affected by the actions of the police to write statements to the law enforcement agencies of Catalonia. As reported by Reuters, the information about 337 victims was confirmed in the Department of health of Catalonia. The authorities of the region reported that residents are still

Foreign Minister asks EU to explain the procedure of accreditation of journalists

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Vyacheslav Prokofyev/TASS MOSCOW, October 1. /TASS/. /TASS/. The foreign Ministry asked the EU delegation to clarify the procedure for granting accreditation to foreign journalists in the countries of the community. This was stated by the official representative of the Russian depodesta Maria Zakharova, the program “Sunday evening” on TV channel “Russia 1”.

In Moscow has begun consultations of diplomats of Russia and the DPRK on the situation on the Korean Peninsula

Photo: Vladivostok Daily News The diplomats of Russia and the DPRK began talks in Moscow on the situation on the Korean Peninsula. About it reports TASS. The Russian side is the special envoy Oleg Burmistrov, North Korea — head of us relations depodesta Cho son Hui. Earlier, the US state Department said that Washington welcomes the diplomatic contacts between Russia and the DPRK. The analyst Irina Lantsova in an interview with NSN urged to solve the problem of North Korea through dialogue.