“Russian” is found in the key to trump States

“Russian” is found in the key to trump States Political advertising with the “Russian traces” in Facebook was targetirovanie including the key for the victory of President Donald trump States, says CNN, citing multiple sources. Previously, information about the targeting of such advertising was not. According to the Agency, expertly tuned to the key demographic groups ad shown to the residents of Wisconsin and Michigan, in which trump was ahead of Clinton by only 10 700 votes. This is allocated against the “noise” of pre-election promotion, by promoting, in particular, anti-Islamic rhetoric. The focus on Wisconsin and Michigan allows you to be more confident that the Russian group associated with the activity, used a wide range of tactics aimed at intervention in the elections.CNN According to Facebook, ads in Facebook on important social issues, paid Pro customers, was seen by about 10 million people. Most of them dealt with the

Refugees-Rohingya will receive assistance from Russia. It will have the Akhmat Kadyrov Fund

Refugees-Rohingya will receive assistance from Russia. It will have the Akhmat Kadyrov Fund In the near future to the distribution of humanitarian aid to refugees-Rohingya fled to Bangladesh from persecution in Myanmar, will start a Fund named after Akhmad Kadyrov. About this “Kommersant” reported Senator from Chechnya Ziyad Sabsabi. For these purposes it is planned to spend about $800 thousand Refugees has exceeded half a million people, a number which continues to grow. Bangladesh receives 5-7 thousand Rohingya. An area of 400 sq km, has accumulated more than a million people — including refugees from Myanmar before, and local residents. The Chechen response to the Myanmar issue As reported by “Kommersant” Ziyad Sabsabi, from the Bangladeshi authorities, who took the vast majority of refugees-Rohingya had obtained oral consent for the operation of the Fund named after Akhmad Kadyrov on-site. “We expect that October 15 will be able to get to

Poroshenko has put into effect a secret decision to cooperate with individual States

Poroshenko has put into effect a secret decision to cooperate with individual States Moscow. 4 Oct. INTERFAX.RU Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko signed a decree № 304/2017 about introduction in action of the decision of the Council of national security and defence (NSDC) of Ukraine, approved September 13, 2017, on military-technical cooperation with individual States, the website of the President. “To enact the decision of national security Council and defense of Ukraine of 13 September 2017 “On amendments to the decision of the Council of national security and defense of Ukraine from August 28, 2015 “On military-technical cooperation with individual States” (attached, in secret)”, — is told in the first paragraph of the document. The decree came into force on the day of its publication. Control over its execution is entrusted to the acting Secretary of the NSDC Oleksandr Turchynov.

The Kremlin said the Catalan referendum

Photo: Reuters Moscow believes the referendum in Catalonia is an internal affair of Spain, said the press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov. His words to the correspondent “Tapes.ru” on Monday, October 2nd. “We will not tolerate when someone evaluates methods of work of law enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation. Not hiding the fact that their point of view, we’re talking about it,” — said the representative of the Kremlin in response to a request to comment on the actions of Spanish law enforcement authorities against participants of a referendum. A referendum on independence of Catalonia from Spain took place on 1 October. The official representative of the government of Catalonia Jordi Turul stated that the Department spoke 90,09 percent of voters. It was opposed by 7.87 percent of the vote. Meanwhile, Madrid does not recognize the legitimacy of the vote. Spanish media report on the riots

The Russian Embassy showed a photo of the invasion of the Consulate General in San Francisco

The Russian Embassy showed a photo of the invasion of the Consulate General in San Francisco WASHINGTON, 4 Oct — RIA Novosti, Dmitry Zlatarev. The Russian Embassy in Washington on Tuesday replied to a comment of us state Department spokesman Heather Nauert that the US authorities are not picking locks in the Russian Consulate General in San Francisco. “In order to know where and when they are not picking locks, just walk and look,” said the Embassy posted on Twitter. The message has a photo of the Consulate building, a few Windows of which light was on. The signature on the photo reads: “the Invasion. San Francisco, October 2, 2017”. To learn where & when “they did’t break locks, just walked through, looked?” (@statedeptspox) follow @MFA_Russia➡now https://t.co/Aaoyg64XWF pic.twitter.com/QqKnT1Y1mb — Russia in USA ?? (@RusEmbUSA) October 4, 2017 During the download an error has occurred. Nauert at a briefing earlier on

The Venezuelan President arrived in Moscow

The Venezuelan President arrived in Moscow MEXICO city, Oct 4 — RIA Novosti. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Tuesday late evening arrived in Moscow, where he will meet with President Vladimir Putin and participation in the international energy forum, reports the foreign Ministry of Venezuela. “President Nicolas Maduro arrives in Moscow to attend the forum “Russian energy week”, — stated in the message the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Venezuela in the microblog in Twitter. There’s also posted a video where Maduro and his wife down the plane of Cubana airlines in Moscow. Así fue la llegada del Pdte. @NicolasMaduro a Caracas, capital de la Federación Rusa, segundo tramo de la Gira Relámpago Internacional pic.twitter.com/ZecyRY89rz — Prensa Presidencial (@PresidencialVen) on 3 October 2017. During the download an error has occurred. The President of Venezuela reacted to his arrival in Russia in social networks. “Arrived in Russia to continue building strong

Lavrov: Russian policy in Syria has no vested interest and double bottom

Lavrov: Russian policy in Syria has no vested interest and double bottom MOSCOW, October 4. /TASS/. Russia’s policy in Syria and the middle East generally does not have a vested interest and a double bottom, this is its advantage compared to the US-led coalition. This was stated by Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov in interview to the newspaper Asharq al-Awsat. “The advantage of our policy that it is not aimed at retrieving selfish interest and does not have a “double bottom”, — said the foreign Minister of the Russian Federation. “In this regard, continue to increase efforts to find a peaceful and diplomatic resolution of numerous crises and conflicts in the region,” he said, inviting her “to honest joint work of all who are ready for it”. In this context, the Minister recalled that the US-led international coalition to combat “Islamic state” (ISIS, a terrorist group banned

Russia called on the UN Secretary-General to consider and agree proposals for the reform of the organization

Permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia © Valery sharifulin/TASS UN 4 Oct. /TASS/. Proposals for UN reform must be well thought out and agreed upon by all member States of the organization. This was stated on Tuesday, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia at the meeting of the General Assembly on the activities of the world organization.

The Russian Embassy in the US responded to the words of the state Department about the “inspection” of the Consulate General

The building of the Consulate General of Russia in San Francisco © Eric Risberg/AP Photo WASHINGTON, 4 Oct. /TASS/. Embassy of Russia in Washington on Tuesday re-published on his page on Facebook video of how American officials October 2, penetrated into the Russian Consulate General in San Francisco. Earlier the chief a press-services of US state Department Heather Nauert at the briefing said that security officers in the last couple of days just “walked through” the territory of the Russian Consulate General in San Francisco and “looked around”. “In this regard, we would like to draw the attention of all (and, in particular, MS Nauert) to this video evidence, which clearly demonstrate that U.S. officials with hacking into our building,” said the Embassy. It also noted that the “inspection” lasted all night.

The media reported the refusal of the acting Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod from the tuple

Photo: RIA Novosti Acting Governor of Nizhny Novgorod region Gleb Nikitin has refused escort cars when traveling in the region. On Monday, 2 October, RIA Novosti reported citing a source in the regional government. “Now he will move around the region without train,” — said the Agency interlocutor, noting that the acting Governor intends to use the special signal on the official car only in emergency cases. 26 Sep 40-year-old Nikitin decree of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin has replaced on a post of the head of the Nizhny Novgorod region 70-year-old Valery Shantsev. On the same day the head of state signed a decree on awarding Shantsev with the order “For merits before Fatherland” II degree. Nikitin after taking office, said he plans to rely on the team which now works in the administration of the region. Nikitin was appointed the first Deputy Minister of industry and trade