Turkey and the United States has suspended reciprocal issuance of visas

Turkey and the United States has suspended reciprocal issuance of visas Between Turkey and the United States broke diplomatic scandal that led to almost complete cessation of reciprocal issuance of visas. The Turkish Embassy in Washington said that forced re-evaluate the commitment of the government of the United States to the security of personnel of diplomatic missions of Turkey. A very similar statement made earlier by the U.S. Embassy in Ankara. The conflict broke out after last week in Istanbul was detained by the US Consulate. The Turkish authorities suspected him of links with Fethullah Gulen, the opposition Islamic preacher living in exile in the United States and accused of the organization last year a military revolt in Turkey. Washington condemned the move as groundless and harmful to bilateral relations. Arrested by the consular officer — Turkish citizen, told the state Anadolu news Agency.

The Senator said about the risk of “world war III” because of trump

The Senator said about the risk of “world war III” because of trump The head of the Senate foreign relations Committee, Republican Senator Bob Corker accused the President of the United States Donald trump’s “reckless threats” to other countries. Such actions, according to the Senator, can lead to a third world war, writes The New York Times. The Senator said that the President refers to the policy as a “reality show” and not aware of their actions. “He [trump] bothers me. It should disturb anyone who cares about our nation,” said Corker. He also noted that trump has repeatedly thwarted diplomatic efforts by his statements on Twitter. “I know that in several cases involving talks, he hurt us the way he describes things on Twitter,” explained Corker. He stressed that often trump tweets “not true”. As says the publication, these statements become part of the political conflict between trump and

French window to Europe

French window to Europe “B” learned about the plans of President Emmanuel Macron arrive at the St. Petersburg economic forum. As it became known””, in Paris willing to accept the offer of the Russian authorities about the arrival of the President of Emmanuel Macron in may next year in St. Petersburg for international economic forum, where he can become the main foreign guest. According to “Kommersant”, the invitation to visit the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin gave the French counterpart in may, during negotiations at Versailles. Moscow hopes that the visit of the President of Macron will help to reverse the negative trend in relations with the EU, which next summer will once again solve the question of the extension by six months sanctions against Russia. According to information from diplomatic sources in Paris, the decision on the visit of Emmanuel Macron in Saint Petersburg almost accepted, but officially it will

Maduro announced negotiations with the Venezuelan opposition

Maduro announced negotiations with the Venezuelan opposition The Venezuelan government will sit down at the negotiating table with the opposition of the “Bloc of democratic unity”, controls Parliament. This was stated by the media, the country’s President Nicolas Maduro. “I hope that next week, as we agreed with BDE, the negotiations begin between the government and the opposition”, — quotes its TASS. He added that now you are meeting privately with opposition leaders and the text of the agreement with the opposition is almost ready. We will remind that since April, the country held a protest against the government. In addition, the situation was aggravated by the establishment of a Constitutional Assembly for amending the basic law. During the protests, killing 120 of Venezuelans. Previously portal iz.ru reported about the plight of the Venezuelan economy, where the accumulated inflation may reach 1400% by the end of the year.

Medvedev urged the international community to unite to defeat ISIS

© Ekaterina Shtukina/TASS MOSCOW, October 9. /TASS/. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev appealed to the leading world powers, urging them to put aside their differences and join forces in the fight against banned terrorist group “Islamic state”. He stated this in an interview with APS news Agency ahead of his visit to Algeria. “All States it is time to put aside ambitions and differences and unite for the defeat of ISIL (“Islamic state of Iraq and the Levant” – the old name of the banned terrorist group “Islamic state” – approx. TASS) and other extremist groups that has challenged human civilization”, – he said.

The US has stopped issuing nonimmigrant visas in Turkey

The US has stopped issuing nonimmigrant visas in Turkey ANKARA, 8 Jan — RIA Novosti. The U.S. Embassy in Ankara announced on Sunday to suspend the issuance of nonimmigrant visas at U.S. diplomatic missions in Turkey. The U.S. Embassy in Turkey said earlier that the U.S. government expresses deep concern over the arrest of an employee of the American Consulate General in Istanbul Metin Toposa and considers the allegations against him are unfounded and undermining long-standing relationship with Turkey. “Recent events have forced the US government to reconsider the question of the obligations of the government of Turkey in relation to the security of U.S. diplomatic missions and their personnel. In order to minimize the number of visitors to our Embassy and consulates, we have suspended all nonimmigrant visa services to all U.S. diplomatic missions in Turkey” — said the Embassy statement, posted on Twitter. On Wednesday a Turkish court

The state Duma will clarify the laws on social networks

The state Duma will clarify the laws on social networks Experts fear that in response, the Duma will start trolling even more. The state Duma in November will launch three educational project designed to explain to citizens the laws that they don’t understand. The request came from the citizens themselves through the accounts of the chamber on social media, which earned in April. Their users “regularly asked questions on the various initiatives and often incorrectly interpretiruya the laws”, said the source in the apparatus. Joint editorial of the state Duma on social networks began to carry out explanatory work in the “available forms” by posting videos, infographics, graphic card bills. “It is extremely important in an accessible form to explain to citizens the laws, otherwise it creates confusion and discontent,” adds the source in the apparatus. To increase the coverage of the audience, the Duma, first, going to soon offer

Fired from Gaza rocket exploded in Israel

Fired from Gaza rocket exploded in Israel In previous times, Palestinian radicals fired a missile at Israel two months ago. TEL AVIV, October 8. /TASS/. A rocket fired from Gaza exploded on Sunday in Israel. This was reported by the press service of the Israeli army. “Fired from Gaza rocket exploded in an uninhabited area near Eshkol regional Council (South-Western part of Israel — approx. TASS), the affected messages are not received,” — stated in the message of the military. In previous times, Palestinian radicals fired a missile at Israel two months ago. Then, in response to the Israeli air force struck two objects of Hamas in the Northern Gaza strip. In July-August 2014 Israel spent in the Palestinian enclave, which lasted for 50 days of military operation “Indestructible rock”, the stated purpose of which was the cessation of rocket attacks.

“Kaspersky lab” responded to the accusations in the reading of customer data

“Kaspersky lab” responded to the accusations in the reading of customer data The company “Kaspersky Lab” officially appealed to the international IT-company NovaStor with the requirement “immediately cease the dissemination of false information in marketing emails” on the reading data of the clients of the Laboratory. About this RBC reported in the Russian company. Moreover, “Kaspersky Lab” has demanded to stop to use its trademarks, “especially with distortion, not to repeat such actions in the future.” The Russian company reminded that the use of trademarks is prohibited by European law, and each such violation may result in fine or compensation. In “Kaspersky Lab” noted that the Executive Director of NovaStor, Stefan Utzinger apologized to her and said that he did not know about the content of the letters that were sent to his company. He promised that in the near future will deal with the situation and “will not tolerate