Of naval forces of Ukraine reported the shelling of the Russian ships boats

Of naval forces of Ukraine reported the shelling of the Russian ships boats Boats of border guard of FSB of Russia shelled Ukrainian ships off the coast of the Crimea, is reported in Facebook of the Ukrainian Navy. According to the Ukrainian military, the incident happened when the boats left the territorial waters of the Russian Federation. Upstairs “Damaged small armored gunboat “Berdyansk”. The boat lost speed, is wounded. The weapon used to defeat”, — stated in the message. This information was confirmed by the representative of the President of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Borys Babin. “The forces of naval forces of Ukraine deploying aid. In addition, the Russians threatened to use a weapon during the release of ships of the Navy of the “territorial sea of the Russian Federation”, — he told. During the download an error has occurred. Babin reports that Russian forces “now conduct

In Moscow KAMAZ driver fell asleep the car of traffic police with sand

In Moscow KAMAZ driver fell asleep the car of traffic police with sand MOSCOW, November 25 — RIA Novosti. In Moscow, the driver of the KAMAZ was filled with sand to stop the car of traffic police, informs television channel “360”. Upstairs It is noted that inspectors stopped a loaded sand truck because of a suspicion of superiority. The driver was threatened with a fine, and then he was back behind the wheel of the car and tipped the contents of the body. Published by eyewitness footage shows how a sanded COP car pulls back. During the download an error has occurred. At the moment, the reaction of employees GIBBD for a similar trick unknown.

Kudrin called Roscosmos record for violations

Kudrin called Roscosmos record for violations The head of the chamber Alexei Kudrin said that the Russian Federal holds the record for the extent of financial irregularities, reports TASS. He said this in an interview with the “actors” on TV channel “Russia 1”. Upstairs According to him, a big problem with Roscosmos associated with irrational spending, various breaches of discipline, procurement procedures, inflated prices. “Well, and besides, a few billion lost — that is, in fact, steal — and now going investigation,” — said Kudrin. He added that many funds were “necrosis” due to unfinished or idle facilities where the accounts are not used for months. Earlier Kudrin gave a forecast of the ruble in 2019. Read more: Kudrin warned about the risk of rising prices for gasoline

Interfax: Russian combat aircraft patrolling the Strait of Kerch

Interfax: Russian combat aircraft patrolling the Strait of Kerch Several military aircraft based in the Crimea, raised to patrol the Kerch Strait due to illegal entry of ships of naval forces of Ukraine in the Black sea, reports “Interfax” with reference to sources in the Peninsula. Upstairs While the naval forces of Ukraine in Facebook reports that there was a “fixed time two attack helicopters of the armed forces Ka-52 on a combat course capture to support on-Board weapon control systems” Ukrainian boats. During the download an error has occurred. The FSB announced that this morning, November 25, three ships of naval forces of Ukraine crossed the Russian border and included in the temporarily closed waters of the territorial sea of Russia. According to the FSB, the Ukrainian ships were moving to the Kerch Strait. In the Ukrainian Navy said that two small armored artillery boat “Berdyansk” and “Nikopol”, as

Videoconferencing Russia eliminated shelled Aleppo militants

Videoconferencing Russia eliminated shelled Aleppo militants The aircraft of Russia’s air strikes eliminated the militants in Syria fired Saturday, November 25 civilians in Aleppo chemical munitions. Upstairs As announced on 25 November reporters the official representative of the defense Ministry Igor Konashenkov, first military revealed artillery positions terrorists, reports TASS. Thence on November 24 was carried out the shelling of residential areas of Aleppo chemical shells. After that, the aircraft of Russian air force launched strikes, killing the militants. Terrorists attacked the neighborhoods of Aleppo shells containing chlorine. Medical assistance needed 70 injured, and four of them children. The Syrian army retaliated to the terrorists. Damascus called on the UN to punish the financing of militants in the country after himataki. The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said that the attack in Aleppo is an attempt to undermine the process of normalization of life in Syria and

The Ukrainian ships in the Kerch Strait reinforcements came to the fore

The Ukrainian ships in the Kerch Strait reinforcements came to the fore Ship of the Ukrainian Navy at terminal velocity follow the direction of the Kerch Strait. It is reported RIA Novosti with reference to representative TSOs FSB. Upstairs The interlocutor of Agency has specified that employees of the FSB border service to take all necessary measures to prevent illegal actions. Earlier on Sunday, 25 November, several Ukrainian ships have broken the Russian border in the Kerch Strait and was performing dangerous maneuvers, not obeying to the Russian troops. The Russian side regarded the incident as a provocation. Ukraine insists on the fact that two small armored artillery boat “Berdyansk” and “Nikopol” and RAID tug “Yana Kapu” carried out a planned transition from the port of Odessa to the port of Mariupol in the Azov sea, than was previously reported. In the country’s Navy announced that a Russian ship rammed

Three ships of naval forces of Ukraine illegally crossed the Russian border

Three ships of naval forces of Ukraine illegally crossed the Russian border SIMFEROPOL, November 25. /TASS/. Three ships of the naval forces of Ukraine illegally crossed the state border of the Russian Federation, included in territorial waters and dangerous maneuvers, is spoken in the message of border guard of FSB of Russia in the Crimea. Upstairs “This morning around 07:00 Moscow time three ships of naval forces of Ukraine in violation of articles 19 and 21 of the Convention United Nations law of the sea, defining the right of coastal States to ensure security in the Maritime space, crossed the State border of the Russian Federation illegally entered in the temporarily closed waters of the territorial sea of the Russian Federation. Ukrainian warships continue to move to the Kerch Strait, which operates the licensing procedure of navigation and stay of vessels in accordance with the schedule of ships ‘traffic and

A Russian woman was sentenced to a prison term in Vietnam

A Russian woman was sentenced to a prison term in Vietnam A citizen of Russia Galina Nikolaenko in Vietnam sentenced to 18 years in prison for drug trafficking. This publication reports Thanh Nien. Upstairs 26-year-old girl was detained in Ho Chi Minh city in January this year after she received a package with 700 grams of narcotic pills. According to Nikolaeva, she had to leave the box in the wastebasket in the center of the city. About it asked her to send the parcel the young man, whom she met during a previous trip, and after a long time communicated via the Internet. She has pleaded guilty, but asked the court to take into account the fact that she was deceived and did not know about the contents of the parcel. In may in Vietnam was sentenced to life imprisonment another Russian Maria Duplica. The woman was found guilty of

Medicaid took 73 residents of Aleppo after shelling the town chemical shells

Medicaid took 73 residents of Aleppo after shelling the town chemical shells Moscow. 25 Nov. INTERFAX.RU Medical assistance 73 civilians, including four children, after shelling the Syrian city of Aleppo by militants, said on Sunday to journalists, the doctor of the admissions office in Aleppo, Sherwani, Seho. Upstairs Earlier, citing the defense Ministry reported that 46 people, including eight children, were injured during the shelling of the city Aleppo. According to preliminary data, the shells were filled with chlorine. They exploded in the streets of al-nil in the quarter of El-Khalidi. The shelling was carried out by terrorist groups located in Iglinskiy area of de-escalation. “According to medical aid after the shelling of Aleppo provided for 73 civilians, including four children. All hospitalized shortness of breath, watery eyes. In medicine it is called gas Allergy,” said Sejo. One of the witnesses of the attack, Ahmed Mohammed told reporters that the

The FSIN has overcome the shortage of places in the colonies for former law enforcement officers

The FSIN has overcome the shortage of places in the colonies for former law enforcement officers Federal service of execution of punishments (FSIN) said that the shortage of places in the colonies for convicted law enforcement officers overcome. Upstairs “In connection with the increase in the number of prisoners in this category FSIN was taken to create additional places for accommodation of the convicted — former employees of courts and law enforcement agencies in the colonies of strict regime”, — quotes the Agency “Interfax”. According to the FSIN, in penal institutions serving sentences of 11 thousand 550 prisoners, who previously worked in law enforcement agencies and the courts. “Currently, with the number in correctional colonies of strict regime 7 thousand 383 of the convicts in these institutions there are 9 thousand 509 of accommodation”, — said the representatives of the service. According to the law, law enforcement officers and court