The father of Butynol denied the rumors about the plans of the Russians to admit guilt

The father of Butynol denied the rumors about the plans of the Russians to admit guilt Russian student Maria Butina is not going to admit guilt in a us court, told “Izvestia” her father Valery Boutin. So he commented on reports of some Western media that the accused by US authorities of meddling in the country’s policy Russian woman is going to admit guilt. Upstairs Previously, on 10 December, Bloomberg news, citing court records, reported that in the statement of lawyers of Butynol requested December 11 hearing, during which the Russian woman is going to “change” their claim of innocence. From this the Agency draws conclusion that she’ll plead guilty. Butinai lawyers declined to comment, said RNS. “Masha did not commit and far-fetched accusations is not recognized. The only thing she will agree — is that she should have to register [with the moj] as a foreign agent. Although in

The speaker paid his court-appointed penalty in the amount of 130 million rubles

The speaker paid his court-appointed penalty in the amount of 130 million rubles MOSCOW, December 10. /TASS/. Former Minister of economic development of Russia Alexei Ulyukayev, who was sentenced to eight years in prison for taking bribes, paid assigned by the verdict of the Zamoskvoretsky court a fine in the amount of 130 million rubles. TASS said the lawyer Larisa Kashtanova. Upstairs “The savings Bank has transferred the money to the bailiffs, there are all the required amount,” she said. 15 December 2017, the court sentenced the speaker to eight years in prison and a fine of 130 million rubles. He was convicted of receiving a bribe the head of “Rosneft” Igor Sechin in the amount of $2 million Itself the speaker in court repeatedly declared that became a victim of provocation. According to the defence, the former Minister received from the head of “Rosneft” a bag with $2 million

In Paris rioters on trial

In Paris rioters on trial Arrested robbers Museum, the arc de Triomphe. Наверх18фотографий18фотографий18фотографий The Prosecutor of Paris, Remy ATZ today announced the arrest of a 14th suspect in the defeat and plunder of the Museum of the arc de Triomphe during the demonstrations of the “yellow jackets” on 1 December. With details — the correspondent of “Kommersant” Alexei Tarkhanov. The looting of the Museum the triumphal arch of the Star, opening the entrance to the Elysian Fields, happened almost live. When on 1 December at the square there were clashes with police, shot with multiple cameras, a group of rioters hacked upholstered bronze door and stormed inside. Viewers saw the vandals open the grinder a display of exhibits and the gift shop, with sledgehammers smashing the famous sculpture by françois Ruud (though not the originals, but valuable plaster casts of the XIX century), architectural models of the 1930-ies. President of

Australia was declared wanted by the daring thieves of garlic

Australia was declared wanted by the daring thieves of garlic In an Australian Cockatoo, Victoria, searching for criminals who stole the garlic in the amount of 15 thousand Australian dollars (718 thousand rubles). This writes ABC News. Upstairs Unidentified thieves dug up 400 kilos of onions when to harvest was only a week. “The night before, the farm owner heard the dog barking and looked out, but saw nothing, — tells the police officer Carolyn hill (Carolyn Hill). The next day she went around the farm and saw that night, someone harvested all the garlic”. NewsWhy in Romania, so I love garlic The police doubt that the crime will manage to solve without the assistance of the public. Hill encourages vigilant citizens to report people with lots of garlic, but recognizes that alliaceous plant could be lost. “Another option is that the bulbs are again planted,” she says. The victim

FAS filed a case after the appeal of the FSB about the overpricing in the procurement of Regardie

FAS filed a case after the appeal of the FSB about the overpricing in the procurement of Regardie Moscow. 10 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — the Federal Antimonopoly service (FAS) confirmed to Interfax the fact of application of the FSB on possible violations of the law on the state defense order for supply of food of National guard troops. Upstairs “The appeal of the FSB entered in the FAS under the heading “For official use”, therefore a press-service FAS is unable to provide comments on this issue”, — said the press service of the Department in response to the question of “Interfax”. Earlier on Monday, the media holding “RBC” with reference to its sources reported that in November of this year FAS after treatment, FSB, filed a case about signs of violations of the law on the state defense order for supply of products Regardie meat-packing plant “Friendship of peoples”. “The text

Found the body of missing world the daughter of a millionaire

Found the body of missing world the daughter of a millionaire Police found in New Zealand the body of missing during the world travel tourists from England. Reported by the Daily Mail. Upstairs Body grace Millan found on Sunday morning, December 9. It was hidden in the bushes near the so-called Scenic route (Scenic Drive). Presumably, the killer brought him there in a rented car, which was later left for 300 kilometers in Taupo in Northern New Zealand. “The body should be examined, but we collected a few days the evidence will show that this is grace,” commented detective Scott Beard. View this post in Instagram Please share #gracemillane ?? Publication of Club Kingswood (@clubkingswood) 5 Dec 2018 at 8:24 am PST During the download an error has occurred. Police found and arrested a suspect in the murder of 26-year-old man, but his name is not yet known. Law enforcement

In the Irkutsk region the ex-policeman sentenced to life imprisonment for 60 kills

In the Irkutsk region the ex-policeman sentenced to life imprisonment for 60 kills IRKUTSK, December 10. /TASS/. Irkutsk regional court sentenced to life imprisonment and former police officer from Angarsk, Mikhail Popkov, 60 convicted of murder, the correspondent of TASS from the courtroom. Upstairs “On set of crimes by addition of punishments definitively assign Popkov Mikhail Viktorovich punishment in the form of lifelong imprisonment with punishment serving in a colony of special regime”, — told, disclosing a sentence, judge Alexey zhigaev. Popkov decision of the court is also deprived of the rank of sub-Lieutenant of militia.

The plane “Belavia” made a hard landing at the Kiev airport “Borispol”

The plane “Belavia” made a hard landing at the Kiev airport “Borispol” Moscow. 10 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — the aircraft of the airline “Belavia” made a hard landing and skidded off the runway in Kyiv international airport “Boryspil”, the planes are redirected to other airports, according to Upstairs “International airport “Boryspil” the accident occurred the aircraft in a hard landing (…) as a result of the accident the runway was closed for flying,” reads the Facebook page on the night on Monday, citing eyewitnesses. The report States that due to accidents and congestion on other runways of the airport of the flights sends in Kharkov and Odessa. It is also reported that some planes sit in “Borispol”, but in order to offload more aircraft are sent to other airports. Earlier, the international airport “Borispol” has warned about possible changes to the time of departure and arrival due to the difficult

During the protests in France have arrested more than 1,700 people

During the protests in France have arrested more than 1,700 people On Saturday the stock “yellow jackets” in France detained 1726 people, said Sunday the Minister of internal Affairs of the country Christoph Kastner. According to updated information of the interior Ministry, which leads the TV channel BFM TV, at least 1220 people were arrested. Наверх18фотографий18фотографий18фотографий Most of the arrests made the police of Paris, where the offices were delivered to 1150 people, of which 619 remain in custody. It is noted that many of the detained weapons were found. Most of those arrested are suspected of “conspiracy to commit violence” or “incitement to commit a crime.” The protests of the so-called movement of the “yellow jackets” continues in France for almost a month and accompanied by widespread arrests and clashes with police. Initially, the protesters demanded to cancel the increase in fuel prices but later the demands widened. Now

In Corsica declared a red level meteorology due to strong winds

In Corsica declared a red level meteorology due to strong winds TASS, 9 Dec — the wind Speed during the day will be from 36 to 41 m/s, and in the vicinity of Cape Corsica can reach 58 m/s. Upstairs Now in Berlin: Berlin: +8° 81% 736 mm Hg. article 10 m/s Maximum (red) levels of meteorology was announced Sunday on the island of Corsica due to strong winds. This was reported by the national weather service Meteo-France. According to her, the wind speed during the day will be from 36 to 41 m/s, and in the vicinity of Cape Corsica can reach 58 m/s. Meteorologists advise residents to be extremely vigilant and, if possible, not to leave their homes.