Buryat student attacked with axe on the disciples, sent for treatment

Buryat student attacked with axe on the disciples, sent for treatment Moscow. 29 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — the Oktyabrskiy district court of Ulan-Ude (Buryatia) was convicted of attempted murder of a pupil of secondary school N5 and sentenced him to compulsory medical measures, the press service of the Investigative Committee on Saturday. “19 January 2018 the student with the complicity of two young classmates — students ninth grade — assaulted teacher and students, and started a fire in the classroom with bottles with an incendiary mix. Through no fault of their circumstances, the intent to kill before the end was not reported,” — said in a press release. The teenager was charged with attempted murder of two and more persons, deliberate destruction and damage of property, death threats. NewsDuma adopted the law Spring on the fight against “the Columbine community” 19 January student of the ninth grade at school No. 5

“Victory” complained of a mass delay of flights in “Vnukovo”

“Victory” complained of a mass delay of flights in “Vnukovo” The airline blames the guards. Flights “Victory” on Saturday, December 29, massively delayed at the Moscow airport “Vnukovo”, told “Vedomosti” representative of the airline. According to him, the reason of the claim of the guards to the boarding passengers. “Vedomosti” expect the comment of the representative “Vnukovo”. According to the representative of “Victory” delayed departures “absolutely all” international flights of the carrier. The border guards explained their actions by the fact that the landing of passengers from the terminal to the buses starts early arrival crew on Board, said the Agency interlocutor. “Although no statutory requirements as to the availability of crew on Board to begin the process of planting does not exist,” he said. The actions of the border service of the representative of the “Victory” called illegal. He added that “Victory” flying from “Vnukovo” on the agreed maintenance

FAS opened an Antimonopoly case against “Aeroflot” and the cargo operator Sheremetyevo

FAS opened an Antimonopoly case against “Aeroflot” and the cargo operator Sheremetyevo The Federal Antimonopoly service (FAS) of Russia suspected the Aeroflot airline and cargo operator’s airport Sheremetyevo “Moscow cargo” in the conclusion of anticompetitive agreements (part 4 of article 11 of the Law on protection of competition). The FAS informed about the initiation of Antimonopoly proceedings. According to the service, the number of companies using the services of “Aeroflot” to send and delivery there is no possibility of selecting any terminal storage, in addition to “Moscow cargo”. “It was established that the JSC “Aeroflot” refuses the cargo owners and the companies representing their interests, the right to host the cargo aircraft of the air carrier, the terminal storage any other company in Sheremetyevo airport, but “Moscow cargo”, — said the head of the Department for combating cartels FAS of Russia Andrey Tenishev. Such actions restricted the range of organisations

The state of emergency introduced in the Khabarovsk territory, where the avalanche came down

The state of emergency introduced in the Khabarovsk territory, where the avalanche came down The situation is on control at the Governor of the region. TASS, 29 Dec. State of emergency declared in Nikolaevsk district, Khabarovsk region, where on Saturday was a landslide. This was reported on the website of the regional government. In the village of Mnogovershinnoe on Saturday after avalanches the snow was, according to local authorities, 11 people, according to regional GU Ministry of emergency situations — 10. Most of them got pulled out of the snow, one man was found dead. “In the Nikolaev area declared a state of emergency… the Situation is on control at the Governor of Khabarovsk Krai”, — stated in the message. From Nikolaevsk-on-Amur to the scene sent a convoy with rescue teams and necessary equipment. Now, according to the MOE, on the site of the dam has a group of employees

An avalanche in the Khabarovsk region killed one person

An avalanche in the Khabarovsk region killed one person KHABAROVSK, 29 Jul — RIA Novosti. Eight people recovered from under the avalanche in the village of Mnogovershinnoe the Khabarovsk territory, one of them died, informs the regional Glaucus MOE. Earlier it was reported that on Saturday morning the snow melt occurred in the tunnel of open type of the mining enterprise in the village of Mnogovershinnoe of the Nikolaev area of Khabarovsk territory. First snow one person, and then went down another avalanche and covered the 10 people who went to rescue the first. On-site emergency work of more than 50 people and a bulldozer. “As of 12.30 (khbr) during search and rescue operations out of the snow masses just managed to pull seven people, including one that I’ve found myself. Another man found no signs of life. Victims will receive medical care”, — stated in the message. See also:

Emergency helicopter cannot fly to the site of the avalanche in the Khabarovsk region

Emergency helicopter cannot fly to the site of the avalanche in the Khabarovsk region KHABAROVSK, 29 Jul — RIA Novosti. A helicopter with rescuers from-for a cyclone cannot fly from Khabarovsk to the Nikolaev area where an avalanche be seven people, said RIA Novosti the representative of the regional cupola MOE. Earlier it was reported that on Saturday morning the snow melt occurred in the tunnel of open type of the mining enterprise in the village of Mnogovershinnoe of the Nikolaev area of Khabarovsk territory. First snow one person, and then went down another avalanche and covered the 10 people who went to rescue the first. On-site emergency work of more than 50 people and a bulldozer. Now under the snow remain seven people, four made it out alive. “In Khabarovsk ready to fly is a helicopter of EMERCOM with rescuers, but he can’t fly in Nikolaevsk-na-Amure the weather conditions.

In the Khabarovsk region opened a case after an avalanche on people

In the Khabarovsk region opened a case after an avalanche on people KHABAROVSK, 29 Jul — RIA Novosti. Criminal case under article “violation of safety rules” opened in Khabarovsk region after an avalanche in the area gold mining company, reports the SUCK of the Russian Federation in the region. According to investigators, the morning of December 29, 2018 in the heart gallery open-type gold mines in the village of Mnogovershinnoe of the Nikolaev area when carrying out works occurred suddenly the disappearance of the snow masses. First snow one person, and then went down another avalanche and covered the 10 people who went to rescue the first. On-site emergency work of more than 50 people and a bulldozer. Now under the snow remain seven people, four made it out alive. “To establish all the circumstances of the incident the investigating authorities SCRF in the Khabarovsk region opened a criminal case

Rescuers found four people trapped under an avalanche in the Khabarovsk region

Rescuers found four people trapped under an avalanche in the Khabarovsk region MOSCOW, December 29. /TASS/. In a press-service regional GU Ministry of emergency situations added that they found alive. Four of the 11 people trapped under an avalanche in Nikolaevsk district, Khabarovsk region, was found alive. About TASS reported the press service of the regional EMERCOM. “Four have already been found. They are alive,” — said the press service. It was clarified that the employees of gold-mining enterprises from among those after the first snow went in search of his colleague. “They’re fine,” — said the Agency. The company reported TASS that the condition was found satisfactory, they have not yet been hospitalized. In the area of incident employees of gold mining companies and the administration of the village, the locals are only more than 50 people. The work on clearing the snow, to search for and rescue people

In the Khabarovsk region an avalanche has covered 11 people

In the Khabarovsk region an avalanche has covered 11 people KHABAROVSK, December 29. /TASS/ — the Incident occurred in the village of Mnogovershinnoe. Several avalanches fell in the village of Mnogovershinnoe in Nikolaevsk district, Khabarovsk region, under the snow was 11 people. About TASS reported in the administration of the Nikolaev area. “In the village of Mnogovershinnoe went down several snow avalanches, the snow are, as we assume 11 people” — said in the administration. It specified that the incident occurred in the early morning of December 29. First came a message that the avalanche descended in the village compressor station in a gold company where he was a man. “It has proposed a rescue team of 10 people. A rescue group gold mines. Came another avalanche, the snow was and they”, — said in the administration. Then came another avalanche on the way to the station, the other rescue

The number of victims of explosion in Cairo has risen to four

The number of victims of explosion in Cairo has risen to four CAIRO, 28 Dec — news, Margarita Kislova. The Prosecutor General’s office of Egypt in a statement reported the death of three foreign tourists and one citizen of Egypt in the explosion near the tourist bus near the El-Giza, the capital of Egypt. Earlier it was reported that in the attack, near the famous Giza pyramids in Cairo has killed two citizens of Vietnam and the tour guide was Egyptian. “The bus was carrying 14 Vietnamese tourists as well as driver and guide. The incident resulted in injuring 11 tourists and a bus driver killed three tourists and the guide, a citizen of Egypt,” the statement said. The explosion occurred on Friday at 18.15 local time (19.15 GMT) when passing on the street El Marutia of the bus with tourists from Vietnam. The Prime Minister of Egypt, Mustafa Madbouli