The number of victims from the storms rose to 16

The number of victims from the storms rose to 16 The number of victims from the disaster in Moscow has increased up to 16 people. Such data journalists TASS provided in the medical services of the city on Saturday 1 July. It is reported that 12 people were hospitalized, other medical assistance was provided on an outpatient basis. The nature of the injury is not specified. Previously it was known about the nine victims. In the suburbs, according to the Agency, three hospitalized victims of weather disasters. Officially confirmed the death of one man in Moscow, according to unofficial data, in the capital region and the death toll was three. 30 June the main meteorological station in Moscow recorded a loss of 53 millimetres of rain. This is a record for this day in the history of meteorological observations. Previously, the biggest indicator was considered to be 22.3 mm (1923).

The enemies of fuses

The enemies of fuses Immediately arrested, five officers of the FSB. As it became known””, from five employees of management of Federal security service (FSB) in Moscow and the Moscow region were detained by officers of the Central intelligence Agency, and then arrested by the court. Two of them are suspected of taking bribes, and the rest in the mediation of this. Under the version of military investigators, security officers are expected to receive money from the management of JSC “NITI im. P. I. Snegireva”, one of the leading enterprises for the production of fuses for a wide range of ammunition. According to “Kommersant”, now the FSB is checked, the results of which can be taken personnel action against some of the heads of Department. According to the Kommersant’s sources in the FSB, under investigation were from five employees of capital management of security services headed by the Deputy chief

Police reported that the shooter in new York hospital killed

Police reported that the shooter in new York hospital killed MOSCOW, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti. Staged a shootout in a hospital in new York killed three people were injured, reports ABC TV channel with reference to the police. As the channel reports, the shooter killed, but the police did not provide details. According to recent reports, the incident three people were injured. The firefight at the hospital in the Bronx (new York) occurred at 14.50 local time (21.50 GMT). At the scene arrived police and fire. According to CBS, the incident occurred on the 16th floor of the hospital. Presumably, the shooter was a former employee of the hospital. JUST IN: Shooter deceased at Bronx hospital, NYPD spox says — CNN (@CNN) June 30, 2017.

NYT: when shooting in a hospital in new York suffered three doctors

NYT: when shooting in a hospital in new York suffered three doctors Who opened fire is still on the loose. MOSCOW, June 30. /TASS/. At least three doctors were injured in the shooting, open on Friday at a hospital in the new York borough of the Bronx. This was reported by the newspaper The New York Times. Information about the condition of the victims has yet been received. Who opened fire is still at large, the newspaper notes. DEVELOPING: Multiple people shot at hospital in the Bronx borough of New York City, police say — CBS News (@CBSNews) June 30, 2017

Employees of the Baikonur recommended to be vaccinated against plague

Employees of the Baikonur recommended to be vaccinated against plague Moscow. June 30. INTERFAX.RU IN connection with the identification of plague in rodents near the city of Baikonur to the leadership of the eponymous spacecraft it is recommended to perform disinfection of the territory and to vaccinate employees, reported the press service of the Committee for the protection of public health, Ministry of health of Kazakhstan. According to authorities, a common Friday, as part of a planned monitoring on the territory of five districts of Kyzylorda region and Ulytau district of Karaganda region in a limited area 12 km from the town of Baikonur laboratory “isolated culture of plague from the great gerbils and fleas, and also identified 14 rodents with positive results.” “Been epizootic was informed the management of the complex “Baikonur”, which is recommended to do a preventive pest control areas and the vaccination of employees”, — stated

The investigative Committee took the puppies

The investigative Committee took the puppies As it became known””, in the criminal case of former chief of interagency cooperation and private security RCDS Mikhail Maksimenko, who is accused of receiving a bribe from the thief in law Zachariah kalashova (Shakro Young), added another episode of illegal remuneration in the form of a used jeep. While Colonel Maksimenko being investigated for receiving several bribes. As one of them, the investigation is considering given him puppies. Increasing the number of episodes in the case of Colonel Maksimenko, who, along with former first Deputy head of GSU SKR across Moscow the General-major Denis by Nikandrova and the head of USB of the TFR Alexander by Lamonova is accused of receiving €500 thousand from the thief in law Shakro Young, it became known at session of Moscow city court. It protection officers Maximenko and Lamonova appealed the decision of the Basmanny court, in

A drunk passenger started a fight on the plane flying from Moscow to Antalya

A drunk passenger started a fight on the plane flying from Moscow to Antalya ANTALYA, June 30. /TASS/. Police detained at Antalya airport a drunken passenger who started a fight on the plane of airline “Red Wings”, flying from Moscow to Antalya, the correspondent of TASS from the event. A fight on Board, which lasted more than an hour, a man flying with his family — his wife and two children — in the company of friends on vacation in Turkey. According to friends, he was very nervous before the flight, due to the fact that he first went abroad. The stewards and passengers tried to calm the brawler, but at some point were forced to tie him up. The commander of the aircraft several times on the loudspeaker warned of the need for safety in flight and during landing, I asked to calm down and not to spoil the

Media: in Thailand, five people were injured in the attack dogs on two elephants

Media: in Thailand, five people were injured in the attack dogs on two elephants BANGKOK, June 30 — RIA Novosti. Four Chinese tourists and the mahout was injured on the island of Phuket in Thailand when the attack dogs on two elephants, on which they were traveling, reports on Friday, the online edition of the Phuket News. The incident occurred on Thursday morning in the Safari Park in the beach area of Chalong, the newspaper reports. Family of Chinese tourists from four people, including two minors, went for a walk on elephants in the territory of the Safari Park. 200 meters from the platform, which they left, elephants, barking was attacked by a dog. Both the elephant ran from her and in a panic I slipped, falling to the ground and dropping riders. One of the two mushers — Makhutov N. received a back injury, all four tourists escaped with

TV of Iran has published a proof of the death of the leader of the IG

TV of Iran has published a proof of the death of the leader of the IG Iranian television has distributed the pictures that confirmed the death of the leader of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia), Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The picture was published on the website of the Iranian IRIB broadcasting Corporation. The picture was published on the website of the Iranian IRIB broadcasting Corporation. Last week, the Russian defense Ministry reported about the possible destruction of ISIS leader in airstrike videoconferencing on the outskirts of the Syrian city of raqqa. According to the Agency, during a military operation on may 28 under attack aircraft su-35S and su-34 got the command center of Isil, which hosted a meeting of the leaders of the organization.

The man tried to enter the crowd at the mosque in Paris

The man tried to enter the crowd at the mosque in Paris The man tried to enter by car into the crowd in front of a mosque near Paris. According to Reuters Thursday, June 29, as a result of incident nobody has suffered. The incident occurred in the city of Creteil 11 kilometers from the French capital. The guards explained that the attacker failed to put his plan into action because of the set front of the mosque of the barrier. The motives of the perpetrator is not yet established. According to the newspaper Le Parisien, citing its sources, he wanted to avenge the terrorist attacks in the Bataclan club in the Elysian fields. At the time of the incident he was not under the influence of alcohol or drugs. On 24 may, the President of France Emmanuel Makron decided to go to Parliament with a proposal to the next,