Media: from the Louvre to urgently withdraw all visitors

Media: from the Louvre to urgently withdraw all visitors PARIS, August 2. /TASS/. Okhrana the Paris Louvre Museum urgently removes from its premises all visitors. This was reported by the TV station FranceNews24. According to him, also closed the nearest metro station “Louvre”. ?BREAKING NEWS – #Paris: Evacuation du Musée du Louvre, accès station de métro fermés.” (Images @paul_denton) #Urgent #AlerteInfo — FranceNews24 (@FranceNews24) 2 Aug 2017 During the download an error has occurred.

In Damascus fired at the complex of the Russian Embassy

In Damascus fired at the complex of the Russian Embassy MOSCOW, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti. The Russian foreign Ministry strongly condemns the terrorist attack against the Embassy of Russia in Syria, which was a Wednesday fired from mortars, said in a statement published on the website of the Russian foreign Ministry. As reported, the Russian foreign Ministry, August 2 complex of the Russian Embassy in Damascus came under mortar fire from the positions of militants of the terrorist gangs. While two shells fell on the territory of the Russian Embassy, two more exploded in the vicinity of the outer perimeter of the overseas missions. As the report States, “by a lucky chance done without victims, there is very little material damage”. “We strongly condemn the terrorist attacks against the Russian diplomatic mission in Damascus. I would like once again to remind you that Russia has repeatedly drawn attention to

Slow donkeys prevented the smugglers to overcome Limpopo

Slow donkeys prevented the smugglers to overcome Limpopo Police in South Africa prevented an attempt by smugglers to transport stolen Mercedes-Benz C220 in Zimbabwe by four donkeys. It is reported by news portal TimesLIVE. Law enforcement officers found the car, when the criminals were forwarded to her through the partially dry river Limpopo, which flows on the border of the two countries. There’s a new trend in cross-border vehicle smuggling.Criminals now use donkeys to traffic stolen cars across the Limpopo river to Zimbabwe. — Channel Islam Int (@channelislam) 2 Aug 2017 During the download an error has occurred. “Donkey dragged the car across the river. Our officers pounced on the suspects after the animals, apparently, were no longer able to move”, — said the representative of the local police. The criminals fled in the direction of Zimbabwe. No one is arrested. Donkeys in the incident, which occurred on July

On the military depots in Abkhazia explosion

On the military depots in Abkhazia explosion In the military warehouses district of the Abkhazian town of Primorsko was an explosion of ammunition, said local authorities. The representative of the Ministry of Georgia’s breakaway Republic said the Russian service Bi-bi-si, that in a military warehouse, Minoborony Abkhazia fire occurred. According to him, the scene moved three of the garrison fire Department. The cause of the fire is currently unclear. The sides of Bi-bi-si, located in the Abkhazian settlement Primorsko confirmed that they had heard similar explosions sounds. “The explosion occurred in a warehouse of the Ministry of defense of Abkhazia. The warehouse is located away from the settlements. No casualties were reported. In place are the working groups of the Ministry of defense and Ministry of emergency situations”, — quotes Agency “Sputnik” press Secretary of the Ministry of defence. Abkhazian journalist Nisha Arshba told bi-Bi-si, that in the explosion, “many

NATO military died in the attack on the convoy in Afghanistan

NATO military died in the attack on the convoy in Afghanistan According to the preliminary version, the suicide bomber detonated the explosive device. TASS, 2 Aug. The Alliance has suffered losses in the attack on his convoy in the southern Afghan province of Kandahar. This was reported on the website of the NATO mission in Afghanistan “Resolute support” in Twitter. SVG Support can confirm that a NATOconvoy was attacked this afternoon in #Kandahar . — Resolute Support (@ResoluteSupport) 2 Aug 2017 During the download an error has occurred. Resolute support confirms that the NATO convoy was attacked in the afternoon in Kandahar. In the attack have losses, — stated in the message. In addition, it is noted that work is under way to collect additional data. Previously, the Agency “Xinhua” reported on the blast Wednesday near the airport in Kandahar province. The incident occurred during the passage of a

A loud sneeze issued a resident of Kuzbass, was hiding from the bailiffs

A loud sneeze issued a resident of Kuzbass, was hiding from the bailiffs KEMEROVO, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti. Resident, Promyshlennovskiy district, Kemerovo region, was hiding from the bailiffs, but sneezed at the wrong moment and gave his location, told RIA Novosti on Wednesday in the regional Department of the Federal bailiff service (UFSSP). All this time he never worked, hiding from bailiffs and did not indicate your actual address of residence. Local police and neighbors helped the workers of the office to find out where the debtor lives. The bailiff went to the place, on the threshold he was met by civil spouse of the debtor. She confirmed that the man actually lives with her, but at the moment, she said, was away on business. Agency staff did not believe the woman and went back to the house. “On the table he saw two plates, it was obvious he

The energy Ministry called the cause of the failure of the power supply of the Far East

The energy Ministry called the cause of the failure of the power supply of the Far East The cause of the disturbances in the far East was a short circuit on one of the power lines. This was reported on the website of the Ministry of energy. “Irregularities in the United energy system (UES) of the East occurred from-for short circuit on one of the transmission lines of 220 kilovolts”, — noted in Department. On the morning of 1 August, the energy Ministry said that in the far East triggered the protection grid, disconnect five air high-voltage lines: “Bureyskaya HPP — Amur”, “Bureyskaya HPP — Khabarovskaya”, “Amur — Heihe”, “Khabarovsk — Volochaevka traction” and “Khabarovsk — left-Bank”. Was suspended the movement of trains on the railway section from the station of Mogocha in Zabaykalsky Krai to Khabarovsk. In addition, Russia has temporarily suspended electricity supplies to China. As told “Interfax”

In Los Angeles the man opened fire near the Consulate of China

In Los Angeles the man opened fire near the Consulate of China MOSCOW, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti. The man opened fire near the Chinese Consulate in Los Angeles, after which he committed suicide, the newspaper Los Angeles Daily News, citing local authorities. It is reported that the man was about 60 years old, he died in the car incident. His name is not reported prior to notification of his relatives about the death. According to the police officer of the city of Madison Drake (Drake Madison), as a result of incident nobody has suffered. According to the newspaper Los Angeles Times, who knows how many shots did man. Also not yet established whether its the purpose of a Consulate or a specific person.

In the far East will be to investigate large-scale energoavarii

In the far East will be to investigate large-scale energoavarii Moscow. 2 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — far East Department of Rostekhnadzor has established a Commission to investigate the causes of the accident in the power systems of the Far East, reported on the official website of the Department. “The Commission of Rostekhnadzor began to investigate the causes of the incident, the results will be published”, — stated in the message. According to the Department, because of an accident in the electrical power network in the far East on Tuesday was a large-scale outage. Had disconnected power to 1.15 MW THD, stopped work units at the Zeya and Bureya hydroelectric power plants (HPPs), is disabled the Annunciation CHP. According to the MOE, without power supply remained the majority of the far Eastern regions and partial regions of the Baikal region (Siberia). Later the Ministry of energy announced the full restoration of the

In Peru, when climbing the mountain killed Russian

In Peru, when climbing the mountain killed Russian MOSCOW, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti. Russians and two Chilean died in Peru while climbing one of the mountains in the Andes, reports local news portal RPP with reference to the head of the Association of highland conductors Rafael Figueroa. It is reported that a group of rescuers went in search of the missing tourists on Monday, but the bodies were seen on Tuesday. Tourists attempt without a professional guide to climb one of the peaks of the mountain range Cordillera Blanca. Found the bodies the guide said that they were covered by avalanche. According to the portal, the group included citizens of Chile cristóbal, Bizzarri Lyon (23) and Gabriel Navarrete Pucon (32 years old) and Alexander Maznev, who had dual citizenship of the Russian Federation and the United States.