Aircraft “Victory” unplanned villages in the Caucasian mineral waters because of the rowdy

Aircraft “Victory” unplanned villages in the Caucasian mineral waters because of the rowdy Moscow. August 3. INTERFAX.RU — the aircraft of the airline “Victory”, flying from Moscow to Makhachkala, villages at the airport of the Caucasian mineral waters because of rowdy on Board, reported “Interfax” the press service of the airport of Makhachkala. “An unscheduled landing had to make because of a passenger who brawled and fought, not listening to the flight attendants. Currently, this man delivered by the officers of the transport police in the linear branch,” — said the representative of the airport. According to him, the plane of the Caucasian mineral waters flew to Makhachkala, the arrival is expected at 21:55 Moscow time. In turn, a source at the airport said that the rowdy climbed to fight and smoked a cigarette.

The FBI detained the expert who helped to neutralize the virus WannaCry

The FBI detained the expert who helped to neutralize the virus WannaCry WASHINGTON, Aug 3 — RIA Novosti. Employees of the Federal Bureau of investigation, the U.S. detained a computer security expert, who has previously helped to neutralize the global WannaCry virus, Reuters reported. According to the Agency, we are talking about working in the UK Marcus Hutchins, who in may found a “switch” in the virus, which helped to neutralize the malware. He was detained after the conference on computer security, held in late July in Las Vegas (Nevada) with the participation of “thousands of hackers.” Later, the Agency reported that the Hutchins are accused of spreading the virus Kronos, with which criminals, in particular, have access to users ‘ personal data, including Bank details. It is reported that the specialist has a great reputation among programmers and his arrest came as a shock to many of them. Large-scale

The Prosecutor General’s office approved the indictment in the case of Nikita Belykh

The Prosecutor General’s office approved the indictment in the case of Nikita Belykh MOSCOW, Aug 3 — RIA Novosti. The General Prosecutor’s office approved the indictment in the criminal case against the former Governor of Kirov region Nikita Belykh, who is accused of receiving a large bribe, the case was submitted to the court, said the official representative of Department Alexander Kurennoy. “The General Prosecutor of the Russian Federation approved the indictment on criminal case concerning the former Governor of the Kirov region. He is accused of committing two crimes under part 6 of article 290 of the RF criminal code (receiving a bribe in especially large size),” said Kurennoy. He added that criminal case is directed to Presnensky district court of Moscow. According to investigators, in 2012-2016 Nikita Belykh personally and through intermediaries received a bribe in especially large size for a total amount of 600 thousand euros. Upon

Ex-Senator Tsybko was sentenced to 9 years in colony of strict regime for corruption

Ex-Senator Tsybko was sentenced to 9 years in colony of strict regime for corruption Moscow. August 3. INTERFAX.RU — Ozersky city court (Chelyabinsk region) on Thursday issued a guilty verdict against former Senator Konstantin Tsybko in the case of receiving a bribe. The court has appointed to it punishment in the form of nine years of imprisonment in a strict regime colony and a fine in the amount of 70 million rubles. Earlier, the prosecution asked to sentence him to 14 years in prison of strict regime, confiscation of property and a fine of 500 million rubles. According to investigators, in 2011, Tsybko received from the head of administration of Ozersk city district Evgenia Tarasova 17.5 million rubles for assistance in appointment to this position. In addition, Tsybko accused of taking in 2012, both personally and through the mediation Tarasov 10 million rubles from the businessman Oleg Luknitskogo for lobbying

The Ministry of health of Abkhazia published the list of Russians, victims of the explosion

The Ministry of health of Abkhazia published the list of Russians, victims of the explosion All the victims — 26 women and eight men — tourists. SUKHUM, August 3. /TASS/. The Ministry of health of Abkhazia on Thursday released a list of Russians injured during the explosions at the ammunition depot on Wednesday in the village of Primorskoye of the Gudauta district. “Among the victims — 33 inhabitants of the Russian cities: Voronezh, Ivanovo, Balashikha, Kaluga, Kaluga, Stavropol, Saint-Petersburg, Togliatti, Izhevsk, Samara, Moscow, Kaluga, Moscow, Valuyki, Yakutsk, Podolsk, Orenburg…”, — stated in the message. It is noted that among the wounded there are also the inhabitant of Kiev. The Ministry added that all the victims are tourists. They arrived in the seaside hot springs. Among the victims — 26 women and eight men. Earlier it was reported that the explosion injured 64 people, 27 of them were hospitalized. Now in

Sentenced to 4.5 years disabled Anton Mamaev changed the punishment to a fine

Sentenced to 4.5 years disabled Anton Mamaev changed the punishment to a fine MOSCOW, Aug 3 — RIA Novosti. The Moscow city court has sentenced to a fine of 200 thousand rubles punishment wheelchair Anton Mamaev, previously sentenced to 4.5 years in prison for assault, the correspondent of RIA Novosti news from the courtroom. “Consider his state of health as mitigating circumstances, the category of crime to change from serious to moderate. As a result, to appoint punishment in the form of a fine in the amount of 200 thousand rubles,” — announced the decision one of the judges of the Collegium. The thirtieth of June, a court sentenced 28-year-old Mamayev to 4.5 years in prison for organizing an armed robbery and the theft of the scooter. The conviction was appealed against by the defence, which insists on justification, a disabled person, and the Prosecutor’s office, which requests to return

The Ministry of health of Abkhazia reported on 64 victims of the explosion

The Ministry of health of Abkhazia reported on 64 victims of the explosion SUKHUM, Aug 3 — RIA Novosti. As at 9.00 am Thursday at the medical institution of Abkhazia delivered 64 victims of the explosion of the ammunition warehouse in the village of Primorsk, said the Minister of health of the Republic of Tamaz Cahnce. The explosion occurred on Wednesday. As reported by RIA Novosti in the Ministry of health of the Republic, suffered 27 citizens of Russia. Just earlier it was reported about 60 victims. “One (of the 64 victims — ed.) in Republican hospital was delivered to 17 patients. Of these, eight victims were hospitalized, the rest were discharged after medical aid”, — said at the briefing of Zanakia, quoted by Sputnik Abkhazia.

The Ministry of emergency situations of Abkhazia announced the names of those killed in the explosion of the Russians

The Ministry of emergency situations of Abkhazia announced the names of those killed in the explosion of the Russians The Abkhaz authorities have identified the two people killed in an explosion at a military warehouse in the Gudauta district of the Russians. About it RBC have informed in Ministry of emergency situations of the Republic. According to head of the press service of Ministry of emergency situations of Abkhazia Mizan Lomia, the victims of the explosion were two residents of St. Petersburg. “[Died] Pankova Elena, born in 1970, Timofeeva Elena, born in 1962”, — said the representative office. According to Lamii, with them were found a resident of Podolsk, Moscow region. “Dmitrieva, Lyudmila, born in 1954. With a broken arm she was taken to hospital”, — he said. The representative of the Ministry added that a group of tourists from Russia did a horse ride in the area where the

Welt: in Iraq found evidence of those in Europe, the terrorists of ISIS

Welt: in Iraq found evidence of those in Europe, the terrorists of ISIS The list contains the names and photos of 173 members of the group, including immigrants from Iraq, the citizens of Tunisia, Morocco, Jordan, Tajikistan and Saudi Arabia. TASS, August 3. A list of 173 members of the terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia), ready to execute terrorist attacks in Europe, was discovered in Iraq. That among them are several citizens of the EU, said on Wednesday the German newspaper Die Welt. According to the publication, in addition to the names in the list, there are pictures of Islamists and data about where they come from. They are considered as potential executors of acts of terrorism on behalf of ISIS. Most of the listed (132 people) — came from Iraq. Also in it are nationals of Tunisia, Morocco, Jordan, Tajikistan and Saudi Arabia. Thus, six potential

The explosion at the ammunition depot in Abkhazia killed two of the Russians

The explosion at the ammunition depot in Abkhazia killed two of the Russians The explosion occurred yesterday in the village of Primorsk in the Gudauta district. Moscow. August 3. INTERFAX.RU — the explosions at the ammunition depot in Abkhazia killed two tourists from Russia, said on Thursday “Interfax” press Secretary of the Ministry of emergency situations of the Republic of Mizan Lomia. “Three women at the time of the explosions were on horseback in the vicinity of ammunition depot. Two women, presumably a resident of St. Petersburg, died, their bodies rescuers found in the morning. The third woman from Podolsk found alive with a broken arm. The owners of a private hotel where they were staying, confirmed that these three women never came back yesterday to the hotel,” said Lamia. Earlier in the Ministry of health of Abkhazia reported, the total number of victims of the explosion of ammunition depot