In ATOR said about the unpopularity of Sichuan tourists from Russia

In ATOR said about the unpopularity of Sichuan tourists from Russia Moscow. 8 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — the Association of tour operators (ATOR) cited the low probability that Russian tourists were injured in the earthquake in China’s Sichuan province. “About the absence of foreigners among the victims is indirectly evidenced by the fact that the nationality of the victims of tourists in the Chinese press not specified”, — stated in the message. In ATOR noted that the national Park in Sichuan is popular mainly among Chinese domestic tourists, foreigners “there are few in principle”, but Russian tour operators sell tours to other parts of China. Earlier it was reported that an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.1 and 6.2 (some up to 7) occurred in Sichuan province in southwest China on Tuesday. According to the European-Mediterranean seismological center, tremors have been observed in 279 km North of Chengdu, the epicenter was

Media: the number of victims of the earthquake in southwest China has risen to 88 people

Media: the number of victims of the earthquake in southwest China has risen to 88 people BEIJING, 8 Aug. /TASS/. The number of casualties caused by Tuesday’s earthquake in Jiuzhaigou (Sichuan province, southwest China) has increased to 88. As the channel of CCTV, the authorities also confirmed the death of five people. As reported earlier, the rescue service of China give disappointing forecasts regarding the estimated number of victims of the earthquake: in total there could have been killed several hundred people. According to the Chinese seismological center, an earthquake of magnitude 7 occurred on Tuesday in the province of Sichuan (southwest China). The focus lies at a depth of 20 kilometers. The epicenter was located, according to preliminary estimates, in the 280-300 km Northwest of Chengdu (the administrative center of Sichuan).

The Rosselkhoznadzor found the virus of African swine fever in the area made sausages

The Rosselkhoznadzor found the virus of African swine fever in the area made sausages In sausages “Home”, produced in a colony-settlement № 1 Leningrad region, found the virus of African swine fever (ASF). This was reported on the website of the Rosselkhoznadzor Administration for Tver and Pskov regions on Tuesday, August 8. “Currently adopted comprehensive measures to prevent the introduction of the causative agent of ASF in the territory of the Tver region and distribution for the territory of the Pskov region”, — noted in the text. In particular, we are talking about strengthening of control over movement of pigs and products of pig farms. The result of a study conducted by interregional veterinary laboratory confirmed the Federal research centre of Virology and Microbiology. 2 August, the Rosselkhoznadzor has banned the import of live pigs and pork products from Romania over an outbreak of ASF. Under embargo were also raw

In Crimea the newly introduced schedule temporary outages due to the heat

In Crimea the newly introduced schedule temporary outages due to the heat MOSCOW, 8 Aug — RIA Novosti. Schedule temporary outages re-introduced in the Crimea in connection with the anomalous heat, which was projected to last until the end of the week, according to the Ministry of energy on Tuesday. “Eighth of August at 19.47 to prevent exceeding acceptable emergency overflow in the section of “Taman” and “CES of the South — Crimea” on command dispatcher entered the black sea, RDU schedules of temporary disconnection of consumption by the amount of 20.3 MW (4.3 MW at OOO “Sevastopolenergo”, 16 MW at sue “Krymenergo RK”)”, — stated in the message. Thus, according to the Agency, any emergency or planned outages of electrical equipment in the Crimea there. On Monday evening, more than 108 thousand people in the Crimea and Sevastopol, about two hours were left without electricity as a result of

In China after the earthquake hit the hotel with two thousand guests

In China after the earthquake hit the hotel with two thousand guests BEIJING, 8 Aug — RIA Novosti, Anna was Raccogli. The hotel, which were about two thousand people, partially collapsed after the earthquake in China’s Sichuan province, 500 people were evacuated, said local firefighters. The lobby of the hotel “Tiantan” in the area of the national Park Jiuzhaigou collapsed after strong aftershocks. Firefighters and rescue workers took part of the guests to the Parking lot. Access to hotel difficult due to the fact that it is located in a mountainous area, the road leading to the hotel is littered with stones. Earlier, the national Commission of China for the liquidation of consequences of emergency situations said that an earthquake could kill hundreds of people, thousands could suffer. In the seismological Bureau of Sichuan reported that under the rubble in the area of the national Park Jiuzhaigou is about 100

During the earthquake in China could have been killed hundreds of people

During the earthquake in China could have been killed hundreds of people MOSCOW, 8 Aug — RIA Novosti. The victims of the earthquake in China could be a few hundred people, and thousands have been affected, damaged more than 20 million homes, according to the national Commission of China for the liquidation of consequences of emergency situations. Earlier it was reported five deaths and 63 injured. “According to preliminary data, the earthquake could seriously damage thousands of homes 24, the victims could be hundreds of people, thousands suffer,” — said in a statement. #UltimaHora | Primer balance del #Terremoto en #China 4 muertos30 heridosdaños materiales estructurales ySegún medios locales — Jhonny Arellano (@JhonnyNicaragua) 8 Aug 2017 During the download an error has occurred. An earthquake of magnitude 6.5 occurred in 21.19 (16.19 GMT) in Jiuzhaigou, Ngawa-Tibetan-Camscom Autonomous district of Sichuan province. Later, the Chinese seismological centre said that the

In the Crimea saved the Ukrainian, three days floating at sea on an inflatable trampoline

In the Crimea saved the Ukrainian, three days floating at sea on an inflatable trampoline SIMFEROPOL, August 8 — RIA Novosti, Maxim Beautiful! The border guards of Crimea saved the citizen of Ukraine, who for three days was in the open sea on an inflatable trampoline, reported the press service of border guard of FSB of the Russian Federation in the Crimea. The detection signal of the person in Karkinitsky Gulf (West of the Peninsula) came to the frontier on August 5, the incident report was circulated on Tuesday. Border patrol boat has reached a predetermined point, where they found a young man on an inflatable trampoline. “After he was taken aboard and given first aid, it turned out that the victim — a citizen of Ukraine Doroshenko, Mikhail Aleksandrovich born in 1998. The man was in moderate condition and was extremely exhausted,” — said the border guard. As told

The interior Ministry fired the organizers of the escort members of the “gang GTA”

The interior Ministry fired the organizers of the escort members of the “gang GTA” After the internal review of the attack of bandits on the convoy, two officers were fired from the internal organs, and several others received disciplinary punishments. 10фотографий10фотографий10фотографий MIA found guilty in the fact that members of the “gang GTA” was able to disarm the convoy in Moscow regional court. According to spokeswoman Irina Volk, disciplined several employees of the Main Department of internal Affairs across Moscow region. For the allowed violations dismissed from service in bodies of internal Affairs, the commander of the Separate company of protection and escort of suspects and accused, as well as Deputy platoon commander of the unit.Irina Volatilely the representative of the Ministry In addition, the warning about incomplete official correspondence received two Deputy commanders and second-in-command of a platoon of the same company and the head of the organization of

A resident of Cologne amputated both legs and an arm after a mosquito bite

A resident of Cologne amputated both legs and an arm after a mosquito bite MOSCOW, 8 Aug — RIA Novosti. Resident of the German city of Cologne amputated both legs and left arm after she was bitten by a mosquito, according to the newspaper Koelner Express. According to the newspaper, 43-year-old woman in March, was taking out the trash when she was bitten by a mosquito. According to the woman, at first she had a lump, then she felt the aching joints, the dizziness started. The woman in the ambulance was taken to the hospital, but after examination, the doctors sent the patient home. Then the woman’s condition has deteriorated significantly, the husband took her back to the hospital. There she went into a coma for a week, the limbs began to turn black. Doctors were forced to amputate the patient both legs and forearm. Doctors suggest that the insect

The speaker will remain under house arrest for another six months

The speaker will remain under house arrest for another six months The court will begin consideration of the case ex-the Minister on the merits on August 16. Moscow. 8 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — the Zamoskvoretsky court of Moscow extended for six months the house arrest of the former Minister of economic development Alexei Ulyukayev, who is accused of receiving a bribe in 2 million dollars, the correspondent of “Interfax”. Thus, the court granted the Prosecutor’s motion, the arrest Ulyukayev extended until 27 January 2018. The court also refused the protection of the speaker in the termination of the case. “During the preliminary hearings lawyers Ulyukayev said the petition for termination of proceedings in connection with the lack of evidence,” the Prosecutor told reporters Tuesday.